Top 29 Conversation Piece Quotes

#1. You're fighting the urge to look down and check, aren't you?" I say in the dark. My dick stirs, like he knows he's about to become a conversation piece and wants to look his best.

Kristen Callihan

Conversation Piece Quotes #559563
#2. The jail was Maycomb's only conversation piece: its detractors said it looked like a Victorian privy; its supporters said it gave the town a good solid respectable look, and no stranger would ever suspect that it was full of niggers. As

Harper Lee

Conversation Piece Quotes #668732
#3. That's the moment when Tuesday, after all his caution, stopped being just my service dog, and my emotional support, and my conversation piece. That's when he became my friend.

Luis Carlos Montalvan

Conversation Piece Quotes #878188
#4. I just use my muscles as a conversation piece, like someone walking a cheetah down 42nd Street.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Conversation Piece Quotes #1325043
#5. Like a genial hotelier, Rolex has introduced me to some of the nicest people. I ask about their Rolex and they ask about mine. It's as marvelous a conversation piece as it is a timepiece.

Maurice Chevalier

Conversation Piece Quotes #1334937
#6. Say this for big league baseball - it is beyond any question the greatest conversation piece ever invented in America.

Bruce Catton

Conversation Piece Quotes #1481839
#7. I can wear a hat or take it off, but either way it's a conversation piece.

Hedda Hopper

Conversation Piece Quotes #103216
#8. Bob exploded. 'There is no such thing as a casual conversation with my mother. Every single word will be twisted recognition until before you know it you're playing Russian roulette in a wind tunnel with a psychotic dwarf, having wagered your birthright for a piece of cheese ...

Meg Rosoff

Conversation Piece Quotes #1299008
#9. When you're making something big, whether it's long-form fiction or a big piece of software, whatever that is, you're having a very intimate and extended conversation with the work materials themselves.

David Wroblewski

Conversation Piece Quotes #1791110
#10. Believing that Edward's men were at a safe distance in Worcester, Simon's men were unprepared for attack. They did not realize that Edward and Gloucester had spies among them, including a female transvestite called Margoth.

Dan Jones

Conversation Piece Quotes #1341887
#11. My pop always said poverty fucks with you... makes you think you can do things you really can't and start selling your soul for things that are priceless.

J.J. McAvoy

Conversation Piece Quotes #1376363
#12. For example, the Kilometer 4 site - named for a station on a local railroad line - contained

Jerry D Moore

Conversation Piece Quotes #1550908
#13. Bandage any part of your body
If people ask about it, make a story and tell
If people do not ask about it,
draw their attention to it and tell
If people forget about it, remind
them of it and keep telling.
Do not talk about anything else

Yoko Ono

Conversation Piece Quotes #1552790
#14. South Africa was to evolve into the most pernicious example of the criminal practise of colonial and white minority domination.

Thabo Mbeki

Conversation Piece Quotes #1689606
#15. The good life is the best preparation for bad times.

Neal A. Maxwell

Conversation Piece Quotes #1724242
#16. People have curiosity, they have intelligence, they have interest in understanding their peers. But producers and directors of cinema have decided that the seats in the theaters have been made to transform people's minds to lazy minds.

Abbas Kiarostami

Conversation Piece Quotes #1761945
#17. But a piece of paper can be a powerful presence. I have always had enormous respect for the written word and invariably find a letter more revealing than a face-to-face conversation. In a strange way I suspect I will get to know you better at a distance than I would if you had stayed at home ...

Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey

Conversation Piece Quotes #1762674
#18. I can't stand every boring, worthless piece of conversation I overhear because they make me wish I could be a part of them, be some nobody girl with nothing to say.

Courtney Summers

Conversation Piece Quotes #1781905
#19. Can all this just be an accident? Or could there be some alien intelligence behind it?

Gene Roddenberry

Conversation Piece Quotes #1088635
#20. In any conversation, it's often something that seems quite insignificant at the time that gives you the piece of information you're looking for.

Jeffrey Archer

Conversation Piece Quotes #1002431
#21. If it's not clear enough in the piece, I love it when people things to me they know and I'm interested in but don't yet know. It's when they explain things to me I know and they don't that the conversation goes awry.

Rebecca Solnit

Conversation Piece Quotes #879384
#22. I spend so much time hating (my body) but it never says a bad word about me

Tim Minchin

Conversation Piece Quotes #636035
#23. If you keep in mind that love and love alone is the reason for living, it will calm your heart and free you from your worries.

Harold Klemp

Conversation Piece Quotes #600039
#24. Movies are in a much longer production conversation before an actor is even involved. I always thought of actors as the last piece of the puzzle - so you're a tool.

Elizabeth Olsen

Conversation Piece Quotes #583353
#25. If expectations of lifetime earnings drop, then so will spending.

Amity Shlaes

Conversation Piece Quotes #576441
#26. The Walt Disney Animation studio is the studio that Walt Disney started himself in 1923, and it's never stopped and never closed its doors and never stopped making animation, and it keeps going as kind of the heart and soul of the company.

John Lasseter

Conversation Piece Quotes #455022
#27. Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.

Ansel Adams

Conversation Piece Quotes #158998
#28. You must take responsibility for removing I can't from your vocabulary.

Jack Canfield

Conversation Piece Quotes #105282
#29. That pistol I gave you is a piece of crap. You can't hit anything with it, not at that distance."
Staring at her with tears in his blinking eyes, he says, "I did."
Conversation between Alis K and Willy
The Informer

Steen Langstrup

Conversation Piece Quotes #71721

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