Top 27 Connections Between People Quotes

#1. The connections between people and land are dangerously oversimplified and mainly technological.

Wendell Berry

Connections Between People Quotes #161426
#2. The divides are not Islam and western society, the divide is between people who have different values. We must promote connections between people who want to contribute to human values. People who share that commitment can collaborate across cultural divides.

Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im

Connections Between People Quotes #1523584
#3. Seizing new ground, making connections between people or ideas, working without a map - these are works of art, and if you do them, you are an artist, regardless of whether you wear a smock, use a computer, or work with others all day long.

Seth Godin

Connections Between People Quotes #1754471
#4. Connections between people were temporary. Selfish. Opportunistic. Designed to perpetuate the species. "Love"
romantic love, anyway
was a fantasy people indulged in because otherwise, life was just too boring to tolerate.

Wendy Wunder

Connections Between People Quotes #1826460
#5. I have a lot of problems understanding connections between people and how to negotiate that. It makes everything hard offstage.

Adam Duritz

Connections Between People Quotes #74341
#6. Creativity is simply the human brain forming new connections between ideas, and we all are engaged in this process every day. The common idea that there are some people who are creative and some who are not is a myth. On some level, we are all artists. We are all creators.

Michael Gungor

Connections Between People Quotes #1874923
#7. What stuns me most about contemporary politics is not even that the system has been so badly corrupted by money. It is that so few people get the connection between their lives and what the bozos do in Washington and our state capitols.

Molly Ivins

Connections Between People Quotes #1848997
#8. The Google self and the Facebook self, in other words, are pretty different people. There's a big difference between "you are what you click" and "you are what you share.

Eli Pariser

Connections Between People Quotes #1726985
#9. I just like to talk to people. I don't know how to bridge the gap between getting to know someone and then schmoozing and sort of working contacts and business connections.

Michael Rady

Connections Between People Quotes #1698515
#10. Because it's one of these sort of connections between nodes- every pair of people adds communication overhead.

Sam Altman

Connections Between People Quotes #1651455
#11. Geniuses are people who notice things and connections between things which others haven't noticed. Genius must be a surprise.

Christopher Ricks

Connections Between People Quotes #1568627
#12. Human After All was the music we wanted to make at the time we did it. We have always strongly felt there was a logical connection between our three albums, and it 's great to see that people seem to realize that when they listen now to the live show.

Thomas Bangalter

Connections Between People Quotes #1566915
#13. Anger, if used properly, might be for a cause, like helping feed children or stopping abuse somewhere. When we understand that every quality has importance and value, then we open up to this. Shining a light on these shadow qualities gives it balance.

Debbie Ford

Connections Between People Quotes #1403053
#14. If we are crazy, then it is because we refuse to be crazy in the same way that the world has gone crazy.

Peter Maurin

Connections Between People Quotes #1379622
#15. I don't know that we really think any thoughts; we think connections between thoughts. That's where the mind moves, that's what's new, and the thoughts themselves have probably been there in my head or lots of other people's heads for a long time.

Anne Carson

Connections Between People Quotes #1131952
#16. From antiquity, people have recognized the connection between naming and power.

Casey Miller

Connections Between People Quotes #1077360
#17. Community is a place where the connections felt in our hearts make themselves known in the bonds between people, and where the tuggings and pullings of those bonds keep opening our hearts.

Parker J. Palmer

Connections Between People Quotes #1045526
#18. True patriotism sometimes requires of men to act exactly contrary, at one period, to that which it does at another, and the motive which impels them the desire to do right is precisely the same.

Robert E.Lee

Connections Between People Quotes #799312
#19. It [moviemaking] is like a dream. When you're dreaming, you make some very strange connections between some random stuff and random people.

Quentin Dupieux

Connections Between People Quotes #719869
#20. People like my films. They understand me through my films; it's like a connection that has been established between all my work and myself and the audience and the viewer.

Agnes Varda

Connections Between People Quotes #607933
#21. My wants are simple: a job that I like and a guy whom I love.

Emily Giffin

Connections Between People Quotes #599751
#22. In a film, if you can capture what's going on underneath, you can begin to make a connection between the character and the people watching it.

Annette Bening

Connections Between People Quotes #421355
#23. 'Monday Night Football' is a competitor to 'Monday Night Raw.'

Stephanie McMahon

Connections Between People Quotes #360945
#24. It must be hell when we kill something , we must be the worst way to die

Maggie Stiefvater

Connections Between People Quotes #327768
#25. Some people hear the voice of God in their dreams or through prayer or meditation. For me, God is truly in the details - the details found in the connections between the living things on the planet all working together to maintain the atmosphere and the soil.

Timothy Goodwin

Connections Between People Quotes #215976
#26. Often people fail to start or complete a task because they don't see any connection between what they're doing and what they really want to accomplish in life.

John C. Maxwell

Connections Between People Quotes #96774
#27. Reality was a bitch, but it cleaned away the fog so you could see the bullshit.

Erosa Knowles

Connections Between People Quotes #78958

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