Top 100 Communism's Quotes

#1. Its [Communism's] unfortunate association with violence encourages a certain evil tendency in human beings.

Jawaharlal Nehru

Communism's Quotes #370401
#2. The communist regime in the East could stand and grow due to the enthusiastic support from an enormous number of Western intellectuals who felt a kinship and refused to see communism's crimes. When they no longer could do so, they tried to justify them.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Communism's Quotes #598311
#3. The John Birch Society is Communism's greatest ally. With its help we will divide and confuse the American people until they have lost faith in their Government, their nation has ceased to be a major world power, and their country is ripe for revolution.

Nikita Khrushchev

Communism's Quotes #938896
#4. In spite of its glowing talk about the welfare of the masses, Communism's methods and philosophy strip man of his dignity and worth, leaving him as little more than a depersonalized cog in the ever-turning wheel of the state.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Communism's Quotes #1625991
#5. This is Communism's view of war. War is necessary. War is an instrument for achieving a goal.

But unfortunately for Communism, this policy ran up against the American atomic bomb in 1945. Then the Communists changed their tactics and suddenly became advocates of peace at any cost.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Communism's Quotes #17185
#6. I have dedicated my life to fight against the heinous rottenness of modern capitalism because it robs the laborer of this world's goods. But blow for blow I shall strike against Communism, because it robs us of the next world's happiness.

Charles E. Coughlin

Communism's Quotes #964975
#7. My mother had been educated at a convent, and she had been converted to communism by my father during Stalin's most rampant period, at the beginning of the 1930s. So she had two gods, God in heaven and god on earth.

Guillermo Cabrera Infante

Communism's Quotes #1179708
#8. Living someone else's dream is truly a nightmare. None should forfeit their life's aspirations to toil for the goals of another. Unity of purpose is a sentence. Collectivism is a crime; theft of individual worth.

A.E. Samaan

Communism's Quotes #966386
#9. If Communism goes, I've still got the U.S. House of Representatives.

Robert Novak

Communism's Quotes #998272
#10. Despotism, which we regard with abhorrence, is rather too plausible in decaying feudal, agrarian, pastoral societies. That's why we must expect to have many a defeat before we'll have an ultimate victory in this contest with Communism.

Reinhold Niebuhr

Communism's Quotes #1057487
#11. Capitalism works. In the end, socialism imploded on itself. Communism imploded on itself. Ultimately jihadism will implode on itself, if we stay in the fight and stay on offense because failed philosophies don't work, there's no future.

Roger Ailes

Communism's Quotes #1058666
#12. Like most Eastern Europeans, he was not amenable to the socialist ethic so many Israeli leftists still romanticized, despite the proven failure of Communism to solve any of the world's problems and its unenviable success in inventing many new ones.

Naomi Ragen

Communism's Quotes #1103194
#13. Communism is one of the options that can improve people's lives.

Tom Hayden

Communism's Quotes #1106644
#14. (on visiting the USSR after Stalin regime installed)
All right, I can see the broken eggs. Now where's this omelette of yours?

Panait Istrati

Communism's Quotes #1119283
#15. Labour was always aligned with the U.S. during the Cold War, but the ignominious implosion of communism reinforced the belief that no alternative to the prevailing common sense was possible.

Martin Jacques

Communism's Quotes #1144884
#16. Our religious faith gives us the answer to the false beliefs of Communism ... I have the feeling that God has created us and brought us to our present position of power and strength for some great purpose.

Harry S. Truman

Communism's Quotes #1172247
#17. In the US, what passes for Christianity - and it is, to say the least, a highly perverse, possessive individualist and capitalist version of what I would see as Christ's messianic ethical communism, to say the least - is a new civil religion, a civil religion of freedom.

Simon Critchley

Communism's Quotes #745419
#18. Christian love, which applies to all, even to one's enemies, is the worst adversary of Communism.

Nikolai Bukharin

Communism's Quotes #950477
#19. Communism is the friend of the ideologue, and the enemy of mankind.

S. Thomas Kaza

Communism's Quotes #913294
#20. To complete our account of Marx's main ideas, therefore, we need to ask: what kind of society did Marx hope would take the place of capitalism? This question is easily answered in a single word: communism. It is difficult to answer it more adequately, that is, to say what Marx meant by communism.


Communism's Quotes #909299
#21. I was part of a generation that believed in socialism and finally found that belief corroded and destroyed. That is not renouncing Communism or socialism. It's reaching a certain degree of enlightenment about what the Soviet Union practices.

Howard Fast

Communism's Quotes #904359
#22. Really, the one thing that actually works - you know, state-run communism may not be your cup of tea, but [China's] government works.

Jeffrey R. Immelt

Communism's Quotes #901726
#23. Philosophically, Communism and Anarchism are poles apart. Practically - i.e. in the form of society aimed at - the difference is mainly one of emphasis, but it is quite irreconcilable. The Communist's emphasis is always on centralism and efficiency, the Anarchist's on liberty and equality.

George Orwell

Communism's Quotes #898467
#24. Usury is the cancer of the world, which only the surgeon's knife of fascism can cut out of the life of the nations.

Ezra Pound

Communism's Quotes #818611
#25. After the fall of the Soviet Union, if you start the clock, then 47 journalists, reporters, cameramen, photographers have been killed in Russia since the fall of communism. That makes it the third most deadly country on Earth to practice journalism. That's not a record to be proud of.

Daniel Silva

Communism's Quotes #775637
#26. To congratulate oneself on one's warm commitment to the environment, or to peace, or to the oppressed, and think no more is a profound moral fault.

Robert Conquest

Communism's Quotes #773454
#27. Communism may be over as an economic system, but as a model of state domination, it is very much alive in the People's Republic of China and in Putin's police state.

Michael Ignatieff

Communism's Quotes #750144
#28. Things own you. That's the trouble with capitalism. Things own you. With communism and fascism - ideas own you. One idea and you can't have any other.

Frank Capra

Communism's Quotes #746548
#29. Fascism was the shadow or ugly child of Communism.

Winston S. Churchill

Communism's Quotes #1688086
#30. I have a problem with capitalism, in it's extreme sense. At the same time communism, I have a problem with that, because every man must feel like a lord in his own manor.

Jaz Coleman

Communism's Quotes #1403225
#31. Communism brought out the worst in human nature and crippled people's ability or ambition to participate in a market economy.

Thomas Woods

Communism's Quotes #1676262
#32. The brutality of communism was quickly swept under history's rug, in large part because so many on the left had embraced it as the solution to humankind's problems.

Cal Thomas

Communism's Quotes #1652320
#33. The communism of Karl Marx would probably be actually the best for everybody as a whole. But what he didn't figure into was human nature, and that's what corrupts it.

Jesse Ventura

Communism's Quotes #1651681
#34. Social justice is group psychology, it's group rights, it's collectivisim, and it's a negation of individual responsibility, which is what the Bible teaches. Individual responsibility. And of course, social justice leads very quickly to socialism, and ultimately to communism.

Ted Cruz

Communism's Quotes #1630509
#35. The consumerist cycle both depended on and strengthened capitalism, and thus worked to allay other postwar anxieties about nuclear attack and Communism, both of which had become linked to fears about the power of women's sexuality run amok.

Rebecca Traister

Communism's Quotes #1590860
#36. There's Socialism and Communism and Capitalism and there's Feminism and Hedonism, and there's Catholicism and Bipedalism and Consumerism, but I think Narcissism is the system that means the most to me.

Tony Hoagland

Communism's Quotes #1548448
#37. How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

Ronald Reagan

Communism's Quotes #1534182
#38. Fear! We swim in it. It's our element. Everyone that isn't scared stiff of losing his job is scared stiff of war, or Facism, or Communism, or something.

George Orwell

Communism's Quotes #1513434
#39. A lot more people will want to hear a 5-minute singing cartoon about Communism in China than will want to read that PhD thesis, and that's the power of it even if a lot of details will be missing - that's the reason something like that often has more impact on society.

Jeffrey Lewis

Communism's Quotes #1473259
#40. Genuine equality means not treating everyone the same, but attending equally to everyone's different needs.

Terry Eagleton

Communism's Quotes #1467441
#41. Either communism must die or Christianity must die because it's actually a battle between Christ and Anti-Christ.

Billy Graham

Communism's Quotes #1440263
#42. But I,
from poetry's skies,
plunge into communism,
without it
I feel no love.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Communism's Quotes #1183447
#43. Evolution was Vladimir Ilich Lenin's problem. Lenin lead the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and took over Russia. He killed the Zar [ sic ] and his family in cold blood. There would not be communism in Russia today if had not been for Charles Darwin's book on evolution.

Kent Hovind

Communism's Quotes #1396644
#44. The Bible does not say anything about communism, OK? The Bible has a whole lot to say about sex. It has a whole lot to say about homosexuality. And so you can't compare the two and say these are - these are the same. That's just ludicrous. It's just - it's not the same.

Franklin Graham

Communism's Quotes #1393259
#45. It is only when we have renounced our preoccupation with "I," "me," "mine," that we can truly possess the world in which we live. Everything, provided that we regard nothing as property. And not only is everything ours; it is also everybody else's.

Aldous Huxley

Communism's Quotes #1370981
#46. Communism feeds on aggression, hatred, and the imprisonment of men's minds and souls. This shall not take root in the United States.

Emanuel Celler

Communism's Quotes #1344630
#47. The U.S. invaded Vietnam because many in our government - Lyndon Johnson's best and brightest - imagined it could impose a government on that country that would provide a buffer against China and stop the supposedly rolling dominos of Communism.

Jay Parini

Communism's Quotes #1317655
#48. Socialism and communism fall of their own weight because, as Margaret Thatcher said, you run out of other people's money. Because socialized medicine never falls of its own weight because you put people on lists, and they die waiting to get the treatment and care. So you don't go broke.

Louie Gohmert

Communism's Quotes #1302027
#49. Being confident of our own future, we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism which once led us to embrace any dictator who joined us in that fear. I'm glad that that's being changed.

Jimmy Carter

Communism's Quotes #1289394
#50. What, actually, is the difference between communism and fascism? Both are forms of statism, authoritarianism. The only difference between Stalin's communism and Mussolini's fascism is an insignificant detail in organizational structure.

Leonard Read

Communism's Quotes #1243216
#51. Although one of the key justifications for the Vietnam war was to prevent the spread of communism, the U.S. defeat was to produce nothing of the kind: apart from the fact that Cambodia and Laos became embroiled, the effects were essentially confined to Vietnam.

Martin Jacques

Communism's Quotes #1211480
#52. The only interesting thing about religion is how many people it's slaughtered. Communism and Nazism are religions as well, make no mistake about it.

Lemmy Kilmister

Communism's Quotes #1183622
#53. Let's not talk about Communism. Communism was just an idea, just pie in the sky.

Boris Yeltsin

Communism's Quotes #208951
#54. Pretty soon, I'll be decomposing into phosphorous, calcium, and so on. Who else will you find to tell you the truth? All that's left are the archives. Pieces of paper. And the truth is... I worked at an archive myself, I can tell you first hand: paper lies even more than people do.

Svetlana Alexievich

Communism's Quotes #319640
#55. When Chinese people want liberal reforms, they are delivered. When they want more Communism and an epic fight against corruption, like now, China's government immediately reacts. It is powerful and democratic, although a very specific and complex arrangement.

Andre Vltchek

Communism's Quotes #305113
#56. How marvelous it was to stand in a place like the Soviet Union and talk about the coming kingdom and to tell them that Communism will not win. I told them capitalism would not win either; it's the kingdom of God that is going to win.

Billy Graham

Communism's Quotes #304893
#57. I always disagree, however, when people end up saying that we can only combat Communism, Fascism or what not if we develop an equal fanaticism. It appears to me that one defeats the fanatic precisely by not being a fanatic oneself, but on the contrary by using one's intelligence.

George Orwell

Communism's Quotes #299836
#58. I gather they are even vaguely pacifist, not on moral grounds but from an ingrained habit of belittling anything that concerns the great mass of their fellow men and from a dash of purely fashionable and literary communism.

C.S. Lewis

Communism's Quotes #289546
#59. I consider Ronald Reagan one of the greatest U.S. presidents since the World War II because of his staunch resistance to Communism and his efforts to defend human rights,

Yelena Bonner

Communism's Quotes #277635
#60. For God's sake, even her parents no longer read Dostoyevsky--haven't they suffered enough, they would say; after thirty years of communism, didn't they DESERVE Danielle Steele?

Irina Reyn

Communism's Quotes #274322
#61. You Bet Your Life's sponsor, Chrysler, was convinced only a Commie would dare promote racial equality.

Kliph Nesteroff

Communism's Quotes #264384
#62. The red I wear is Indiana's red, not Moscow's red. Indiana was here long before communism.

Bobby Knight

Communism's Quotes #260499
#63. You can't get good chinese takeout in China and cuban cigars are rationed in Cuba. That's all you need to know about communism.

P. J. O'Rourke

Communism's Quotes #228856
#64. If you have total government it makes little difference whether you call it Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Caesarism or Pharaohism. It's all pretty much the same from the standpoint of the people who must live and suffer under it.

Gary Allen

Communism's Quotes #218103
#65. The difference between Nazism and Communism is just the size of the leader's moustache.

Adriano Bulla

Communism's Quotes #371129
#66. The real issue behind these people who are gun grabbers, the truth is - based on fact - the reason why is, they want control. They want control of the people. That's what socialism is and communism.

Luke Scott

Communism's Quotes #196351
#67. Socialism always produces evil results, no matter one's intentions.

Dave Champion

Communism's Quotes #191381
#68. It's not your enemies who condemn you to solitude, it's your friends

Milan Kundera

Communism's Quotes #146254
#69. From the point of view of the Chinese Communist Party, the greatest casualties of the Cultural Revolution were the Party's prestige and its ability to govern. Pg. 539

Nien Cheng

Communism's Quotes #123113
#70. A child who does not think about what happens around him and is content with living without wondering whether he lives honestly is like a man who lives from a scoundrel's work and is on the road to being a scoundrel.

Jose Marti

Communism's Quotes #120907
#71. It's changed dramatically in our lifetimes. Communism is gone, so now the global war is framed in religious terms. Fundamentalist religion is rampant on all sides of this war. It casts a very dark shadow over non-fundamentalist religion.

Zachary Lazar

Communism's Quotes #103531
#72. The vitriol and viciousness is the inevitable result of a government increasingly deciding the vital aspects of people's lives.

A.E. Samaan

Communism's Quotes #97333
#73. Here's your first problem," he said, pointing at a sentence. "'Religion is the opium of the people.' Well, I don't know about people, but I think you'll find that the opium of pirates is actual opium.

Gideon Defoe

Communism's Quotes #44132
#74. It's not communism, it's shouldn't be that everybody gets a try no matter how good or bad they are. It's our profession and our art, so we should eventually strive to be working with the best people.

Amy Poehler

Communism's Quotes #43149
#75. One hundred nations in the UN have not agreed with us on just about everything that's come before them, where we're involved, and it didn't upset my breakfast at all.

Ronald Reagan

Communism's Quotes #37047
#76. If you read the literature of Soviet Communism, you see a dogma that's chilling. On the other hand, if you read the literature of anti-communism, it's every bit as dogmatic.

Bill Ayers

Communism's Quotes #31691
#77. It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights - the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery - hay and a barn for human cattle.

Alexis De Tocqueville

Communism's Quotes #580875
#78. I do not accept being a prisoner of fear. Of Communism, of fascism. That, one can bear. But of one's fear. No. Never.

Adam Michnik

Communism's Quotes #723924
#79. There's a growing consensus that the best way to defeat communism in Cuba is to get its citizens hooked on American goods.

Timothy Noah

Communism's Quotes #682895
#80. Primitive, simplistic anti-Communism is all too often used as a common denominator for diverse efforts to perpetuate one's own power in a democratic system, convert opinions into dogma, and kill off all opposition, even silent.

Eugen Kogon

Communism's Quotes #658489
#81. [ ] manic sex isn't really intercourse. It's dicourse, just another way to ease the insatiable need for contact and communication. In place of words, I simply spoke with my skin.

Terri Cheney

Communism's Quotes #652504
#82. We've seen it over and over throughout history, it isn't a conspiracy theory anymore that the truly great ones get taken out. That's a trend, but when will people realize that after new world order, worldwide communism will take place.

Auliq Ice

Communism's Quotes #645623
#83. Today's Communism can survive only if it abandons the myth of an infallible party, if it continues to think, and if it becomes democratic.

Friedrich Durrenmatt

Communism's Quotes #633239
#84. The difficulty, then, is when you create a church, an institution, and you create a dogma. When you create an ideology, that's the danger. Communism, too, is a beautiful idea, but millions of people died when communism became an ideology.

Michael Haneke

Communism's Quotes #627863
#85. For Europe, the fall of Communism has to be taken into account, and the fact that in the fight against Communism the recovery of Europe's Christian roots was the driving force.

Rocco Buttiglione

Communism's Quotes #622641
#86. It is one of history's ironies that Communism, advertised as a classless society, tended to breed a privileged class of feudal proportions.

Henry Kissinger

Communism's Quotes #618736
#87. Communism is Christianity castrated by Ockham's Razor.

Israel Shamir

Communism's Quotes #595734
#88. The terrible thing is that one cannot be a Communist and not let oneself in for the shameful act of recantation. One cannot be a Communist and preserve an iota of one's personal integrity.

Milovan Djilas

Communism's Quotes #591465
#89. We are compelled to choose," he sometimes complained, "between the savagery of Communism and the vulgarism of America.

Pearl S. Buck

Communism's Quotes #742521
#90. It's not man's job to think about whether God exists or not, especially when you know that right in front of your eyes one person is stepping on another's neck.

Eka Kurniawan

Communism's Quotes #550089
#91. You know the old joke: with communism the future is certain, it's just the past that keeps changing?

Patrick McGuinness

Communism's Quotes #522219
#92. Religion in this country is worse than communism. Say the wrong thing, think the wrong thing and, look
there's the Stasi knocking at your door.

A. Manette Ansay

Communism's Quotes #500236
#93. For now, we live in the mall, but I think it's closing soon.

Grafton Tanner

Communism's Quotes #495172
#94. A lot of my father's generation were thinking about communism and had deep liberal and progressive connections. He never admitted whether he was a card-carrying communist party member but I think its possible.

Anne Waldman

Communism's Quotes #489752
#95. The establishment people tell us that if the workers wanted to share the profits, it was called communism. When management wants to share profits, it's called a bonus.

Phil Donahue

Communism's Quotes #444490
#96. Their latest label for religious people is "American Taliban." The left loves it. It's meant to denigrate Christians as potential threats to world peace (although the greatest threats of the last century, Nazism and communism, were both secular).

Ben Shapiro

Communism's Quotes #442005
#97. There's a little rack along the front of the counter bearing religious tracts, free for the taking, donation requested. Several slots on the rack are occupied by the Reverend Wayne's famous bestseller. How America Was Saved from Communism: ELVIS SHOT JFK.

Neal Stephenson

Communism's Quotes #440622
#98. Whenever the communists are under fire, it [the term "red-baiter"] has served to divert attention from the subject matter to futile discussion of personal motives, the critic's private life and other deliberate tricks of befuddlement.

Eugene Lyons

Communism's Quotes #431614
#99. The sun is pure communism everywhere but in cities, where it's private property.

Malcolm De Chazal

Communism's Quotes #427228
#100. Caesar was Rome's escape from communism. I expect no Caesar; I find on our map no Rubicon. But then I expect to see communistic madness rebuked and ended.

Roswell Dwight Hitchcock

Communism's Quotes #417700

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