Top 24 Colonial American Sayings
#1. Colonial American and Australian schoolchildren once memorized poems about British skylarks while the blue jays or cockatoos (according to continent) squawked outside, utterly ignored. The dominant culture has a way of becoming more real than the stuff at hand.
Barbara Kingsolver
#2. I never know what you're thinking. "
" Maybe you should stop trying to get into my head. You probably wouldn't like it in there anyways. "
" I think you're wrong.
Meredith Wild
#3. Language itself is so value-laden as to render value-neutrality almost impossible. Growing up in England I was introduced to the American Revolution by a 'footnote' to colonial history about the 'revolt' of the American colonies. Word choice and the organization of material gave the game away.
Arthur F. Holmes
#4. New Englanders began the Revolution not to institute reforms and changes in the order of things, but to save the institutions and customs that already had become old and venerable with them; and were new only to a few stupid Englishmen a hundred and fifty years behind the times.
Edward Pearson Pressey
#5. The present illegitimacy ratio is not only unprecedented in the past two centuries; it is unprecedented, so far as we know, in American history going back to colonial times, and in English history from Tudor times.
Gertrude Himmelfarb
#7. Jean Louise grinned. Her father said it took at least five years to learn law after one left law school: one practiced economy for two years, learned Alabama Pleading for two more, reread the Bible and Shakespeare for the fifth. Then one was fully equipped to hold on under any conditions.
Harper Lee
#8. The blurbs on the flyleaf, written by leading American historians, were fulsome, praising the book for shedding light on a forgotten chapter in colonial history.
Teju Cole
#9. More than half the colonists who came to the North American shores in the colonial period came as servants.
Howard Zinn
#10. Look for echoes. Sometimes the same shape or direction will echo through the picture.
Robert Henri
#11. My name may be Thom Yorke, but only I can call me Thom Yorke.
Thom Yorke
#12. The American order reveals a method that was largely the outcome of material necessity, as exemplified by the Colonial style and the grid.
Stephen Gardiner
#13. Philosophy which asserts that human experience repeats itself is ineffectual.
Jacques Ellul
#14. The problems of tribal conflicts in Kenya are much older, caused by the former colonial power. A former American ambassador there once wrote about how the CIA has contributed to the divisions between Kenyans.
Yoweri Museveni
#15. The stinging insects clung to one another and floated in clumps the size of basketballs, the ants on bottom giving their lives to save those on top. They
Judith Richards
#16. Nations need to constantly reaffirm their historical roots to maintain their political ideals. Motion pictures were one of the media used by nations to accommplish this task. The question one must ask is: Did the colonial films made faithfully represent the period in our nation's history?
John P. Harty Jr.
#17. I'm never going to be a modern gal. I love colonial. I love early American. I love a big rectangular piece of brown furniture on a hardwood floor.
Emily Procter
#18. Our universities are so determined to impose tolerance that they'll expel you for saying what you think and never notice the irony
John Perry Barlow
#19. My great-grandfather fought with the Colonial Army in New England in the American Revolution.
W.E.B. Du Bois
#20. [The Drafters of the Constitution] were intent on avoiding more than 100 years of religious intolerance and persecution in American colonial history and an even longer heritage of church-state problems in Europe.
John M Swomley
#21. No new social class came to power through the door of the American revolution. The men who engineered the revolt were largely members of the colonial ruling class.
Howard Zinn
#22. I'm never quite sure if I'm me when I'm dressed up.
Neil Gaiman
#23. We cannot keep the Good News to ourselves any longer! Time is running out!
Angus Buchan
#24. The willingness to consider possibility requires a tolerance of uncertainty.
Rachel Naomi Remen
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