Top 6 Cnidos Quotes

#1. The Paphian Queen to Cnidos made repair Across the tide to see her image there: Then looking up and round the prospect wide, When did Praxiteles see me thus? she cried.


Cnidos Quotes #1191497
#2. Accustomed to the veneer of noise, to the shibboleths of promotion, public relations, and market research, society is suspicious of those who value silence.

John Lahr

Cnidos Quotes #7270
#3. You and I must live temptation-aware; to fail to do so is to fail to recognize the fallenness of the world that happens to be the address where we live.

Paul David Tripp

Cnidos Quotes #290133
#4. At the end of every hard day, people find some reason to believe.

Bruce Springsteen

Cnidos Quotes #1181418
#5. The Psalter forms the great epic poem of the creator and covenant God who will at the last visit and redeem his people and, with them, his whole creation.

N. T. Wright

Cnidos Quotes #1771705
#6. I was World Series champion in individual and synchro for the first time which was awesome.

Tom Daley

Cnidos Quotes #1816146

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