Top 9 Civil Peace Short Story Quotes

#1. I don't relate to what's left of the music business. There doesn't seem to be any point to it anymore. The business that I grew up in and loved, we made records a different way - there were record companies, there were stores where you could buy albums.

Don McLean

Civil Peace Short Story Quotes #13195
#2. If passion drives you,
let mathematical functioning
hold the reins.

As an eye is meant to see things,
a soul is here for its own joy.

Memorize the formulas and
apply them to life.
Passion is energy.

Anisa Claire West

Civil Peace Short Story Quotes #159940
#3. Fate intervened. Some of us, that day, she led inexorably through the gates of death. Some of us, innocent and unsuspecting, took, unwillingly, that one last step to oblivion. Some of us took very little sugar.

Shirley Jackson

Civil Peace Short Story Quotes #217308
#4. It may sound funny, but I got a thrill when I was pulled into a crowd once. It was like 'How am I going to get out of this?!

Nick Carter

Civil Peace Short Story Quotes #323763
#5. Ask me to marry you."

"Will you marry me?"


John Fowles

Civil Peace Short Story Quotes #327501
#6. Beyond the walls of intelligence, life is defined


Civil Peace Short Story Quotes #652490
#7. A follower of the Way (Tao) loses something each day. Loss after loss until arriving at Non Action (Wu Wei).


Civil Peace Short Story Quotes #737109
#8. In the same way that I had to follow an Italian manager here, I can imagine that it was not easy for an Italian manager to follow me at Porto.

Jose Mourinho

Civil Peace Short Story Quotes #1272614
#9. Each time you look at a tangerine, you can see deeply into it. You can see everything in the universe in one tangerine. When you peel it and smell it, it's wonderful. You can take your time eating a tangerine and be very happy.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Civil Peace Short Story Quotes #1455176

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