Top 100 Christian Fiction Quotes

#1. I want to see Christian fiction speak to the hard and real issues that tear people's lives apart.

Francine Rivers

Christian Fiction Quotes #231939
#2. Christian Fiction is like a parable. The story is made up, but the truth is brought to life. Enjoy the story, but savor the truth.

Mary Ann Brantley

Christian Fiction Quotes #323837
#3. Contrary to common belief, Christian fiction did not begin with Catherine Marshall, Janette Oke, or Frank Peretti.

Randy Alcorn

Christian Fiction Quotes #968695
#4. I feel annoyed that in His wisdom, [God] chose to reel me in with middle-brow Christian fiction. It could be worse, I suppose. I could have come to faith while reading Left Behind.

Lauren F. Winner

Christian Fiction Quotes #1054329
#5. It's not just what Christian fiction lacks I appreciate - it's what it offers. The variety is vast: contemporary, historical, suspense, mysteries, adventure, young adult, romance, fantasy, science fiction.

Randy Alcorn

Christian Fiction Quotes #1655271
#6. What are we, Charlie's Angels?

Terri Blackstock

Christian Fiction Quotes #8631
#7. There will be a solidity to their faith which is very dangerous to our designs and difficult to dissolve. There is a luminosity to it. Just one Christian of that type can dispel years worth of diabolical delusion.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #17193
#8. Islamic jihadists making sacrifices tended to create gruesome headlines.--Titus Ray, Chapter 29

Luana Ehrlich

Christian Fiction Quotes #21597
#9. No matter her heartache, she'd begun to embrace whatever was handed to her, shrugging with a broody spirit to enter fully within.

Laura Frantz

Christian Fiction Quotes #27808
#10. Yesterday is gone and you can't change it.
There are no guarantees for tomorrow, so save it.
The best stuff is now, so live today and don't dare waste it.

Michael Neale

Christian Fiction Quotes #29799
#11. The magical gem bracelet, in all of its yellow beauty, was out of its league. My mind and heart couldn't slow down." --- Jennifer Mills

Dianne Bright

Christian Fiction Quotes #45165
#12. Their guilt plus their repentance should have equalled forgiveness. But they don't feel forgiven, so they failed, which makes them feel guilty, which was why they repented in the first place, so they're stuck right where they started: Guilty.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #48049
#13. Tonight let's slay some dragons.

James L. Rubart

Christian Fiction Quotes #58988
#14. You need time for the grief to heal, for the memories to fade in sharpness, time to adjust your expectation for the future. Be gentle with yourself, you'll make it.

Dee Henderson

Christian Fiction Quotes #59472
#15. For some reason, her words snapped the zip-tie that had been holding his secret. She'd just given him permission to be flawed.

Tammy L. Gray

Christian Fiction Quotes #72010
#16. They view repentance as the thing they have to do in order to earn forgiveness, therefore the more difficult they make it, the more credit they tally up.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #93746
#17. Meg," he whispered. "It wouldn't be real love if there weren't the possibility for another response to him. If we couldn't choose not to love him, then our love would be empty. That's why there's evil in this world, because there's free choice in this world. He allows the one to prove the other.

Laura Anderson Kurk

Christian Fiction Quotes #97853
#18. True Prayer is the work of relationship, where He moves them from mere information about Him to a one-on-one experience with Him, so that now when they talk about "knowing God," they mean more than, "I understand what you're saying about God," but also, "It fits my experience of Him.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #105438
#19. There is a mathematics to all his relationships, underlying each and every one. He wants it to all add up in his head and he wants to do the adding. And should someone step outside his ciphers, the circle his mind has drawn, his trust evaporates.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #108784
#20. Most of [her ashes] fell into the river in a long gray curtain. But some was caught by the wind and blown upward toward the blue spring sky where it swirled a moment in the air, before dissolving into sunlight.

Kimberly Cutter

Christian Fiction Quotes #113773
#21. Do you suppose kissing is like riding a bicycle?

Dawn M. Turner

Christian Fiction Quotes #114777
#22. The assumption of no God cannot be proven by science.

Frank Olvera

Christian Fiction Quotes #115197
#23. He'd sacrifice even his sanity for her. If it came down to it, he'd let her break his heart.
Because he loved her.

Becky Wade

Christian Fiction Quotes #135929
#24. I say "illusion" of choice because, in many cases, the nature of their choices hardly reaches the level of will, but of merely perfunctory activity. For the most part, their desires are not too strong, they are too weak, apathetic and easily placated. They often can be tempted into doing Nothing.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #141548
#25. I've seen a disobedient client simply turn his attention toward The Adversary and ask "Are You still there?" and suddenly all was made well between them.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #154728
#26. Love has a heavy load of possibilities. You can't have it without some measure of pain. They go together with an inseparable bond in this world. But it's worth it. I promise you, the treasure is worth the pain.

Miranda Shisler

Christian Fiction Quotes #157960
#27. ...this place, this life, the one we were building together, even with all its cracks and bumps and imperfections, this life was the one I needed, the one I wanted, and that best of all, it was home.

Kimberly Stuart

Christian Fiction Quotes #162805
#28. They think that if they were allowed to do anything they desired, they would be satisfied and the more desires the better. But all desires divorced from The Desire eventually collapse in on themselves.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #170968
#29. When we decided to move West, I worried about how to defend my family and my stock from Indians, but I never worried about inheriting one!"
--from Prairie Grace when Georgia's father Thomas realizes gravely ill Gray Wolf has been left at their doorstep

Marilyn Bay Wentz

Christian Fiction Quotes #172267
#30. Mankind has a mandate to care for the earth and all that is within it, especially the animals, and an animal should never be placed in a position where he needs to be concerned about such things. But this is not that time.

Tara Pollard

Christian Fiction Quotes #191795
#31. Courtesy, not control, that was His means. Just as He requested the stars to sing and they leapt into bright being, so request was to be their rule over bird and beast, seas and trees, mountains and moons and all the dancing distances between the heavenlies filled with the unending song of Creation.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #210181
#32. I wanted to be free to write the way I wanted to write, and my impression of Christian publishing, at least in fiction, was that there wasn't room for what I wanted to write.

Sara Zarr

Christian Fiction Quotes #222352
#33. I've never minded finding out what others thought I didn't know. Titus Ray, Chapter 3

Luana Ehrlich

Christian Fiction Quotes #222452
#34. I don't want God's forgiveness. And He's not getting mine.
~Harry Silver

Janet Sketchley

Christian Fiction Quotes #222880
#35. Nothing can happen to me that hasn't gone through His hand first. If He wants to deliver me, He will. If He doesn't, He has a good reason for it.

Dalaina May

Christian Fiction Quotes #232690
#36. With addiction, a client's fears can be ripened into some very pleasing fruit: Irritability, suspiciousness, isolation, paranoia, and finally on to that grand banana - the fear of Fear itself.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #237135
#37. But now, here were the British among us, upon our soil where the sun rises over one lake and sets upon another.

Dee Farrell

Christian Fiction Quotes #238194
#38. Properly understood, Imagination and Prayer are directly proportional - the more they pray beyond their bounds, they expand their vision beyond their resources, their experiences, their expectations.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #239667
#39. Man determines to dictate your turn, but God determines your time. It was Saul's turn, but it was David's time. Don't wait for your turn, wait for your time.

Lee M. Sapp

Christian Fiction Quotes #241826
#40. -Those who never face oppositions always stop at propositions.
-Those who never confront obstacles live with delays and postponements

Ikechukwu Joseph

Christian Fiction Quotes #244845
#41. If they ever envision Goodness as a thing that exists outside them, some real thing they've been called to participate in by their actions, well then, we're headed right back toward The Virtues.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #249128
#42. The first sight I beheld when I first awakened was a pair of eyes filled with pure adoration and a joyful grin that shone more brightly than the afternoon sun. Though he hadn't spoken a single word, I knew exactly who he was. He was my creator ... my Lord ... my God.

Kristen Reed

Christian Fiction Quotes #259651
#43. They prefer a God of an altogether softer flavor. Nothing too extreme. Complaisance, not magnanimity. They do not think upon the "God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God." They prefer to think in terms of "God liking them." That's the God they've conjured for themselves.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #279842
#44. I looked up at the wall. My bachelor's degree had been in History. Films like Back to the Future and Quantum Leap had been some of my favorite programs. Could time travel really be possible? This seemed too unreal.

Anna M. Aquino

Christian Fiction Quotes #287867
#45. He has to find his own way home. Faith is a journey. It doesn't have a stop and start date. It grows with time. Sometimes it falters and stumbles, but every misstep can be used to shape us."~Asher Powell

Tammy L. Gray

Christian Fiction Quotes #288899
#46. Now they feel not only known and still loved, but also loved because they are known.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #294739
#47. Just because someone is on your path, it doesn't mean that they're on your journey.

Lee M. Sapp

Christian Fiction Quotes #320622
#48. We all just want a life that matters!!

Dianna Donnely

Christian Fiction Quotes #330657
#49. God didn't give Moses ten fortune cookies in a to-go box. God didn't lead the Israelites through the wilderness with a neon all-you-can-eat sign. And God doesn't speak to people in bathrooms, public or otherwise.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #349900
#50. Lucretia Jane Price. A sweet name for a sweet lady that smelled of roses, spoke with a sweet drawl, and was surely made of all the sweet country things a man who hadn't eaten a good meal in a long time could imagine
molasses, sweet peas, sweet corn, freshly churned butter.

Linda Leigh Hargrove

Christian Fiction Quotes #353960
#51. When everything all in a moment comes together, surprisingly perfect, it doesn't prove there's a loving God; but if there is, isn't it perfect when all in a moment, God proves how surprisingly He loves?

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #357797
#52. I've got a lot of homework to do, and none of it has anything to do with school.

Travis Thrasher

Christian Fiction Quotes #368924
#53. It is when the individual's faith is weak, not strong, that he will be afraid of an honest fictional representation of life; and when there is a tendency to compartmentalize the spiritual and make it resident in a certain type of life only, the supernatural is apt gradually to be lost.

Flannery O'Connor

Christian Fiction Quotes #370349
#54. St John from the book of The Revelation
"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark.

Joseph M. Chiron

Christian Fiction Quotes #381823
#55. Denial makes it easier to keep an addiction progressing smoothly along and, being a lie, it's just better form.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #393746
#56. The eye is to light as the soul is to God.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #408609
#57. Their eyes locked. Again, heat rose to Livy's cheeks. He needed to stop looking at her that way. She never should have noticed the captivating hue of his sky-blue eyes. When was the last time a man flustered her like this. Maybe never.

Teresa Tysinger

Christian Fiction Quotes #408735
#58. And so, wish becomes pang; the crave, an ache; pleasure, pain. Losing all its pleasure, anticipation cuts the opposite direction and becomes merely a constant, painful reminder of what they've lost, forever.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #411921
#59. Joy is that paradox where a man so trusts, is so enraptured, as to be caught up and lost in the other, while at the same time, being utterly known by the other, thus utterly himself.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #412385
#60. Sometimes all you could do for the suffering was to make sure they knew someone was suffering right there with them. Someone who had also felt stricken, and smitten, and afflicted.

Beth Moore

Christian Fiction Quotes #414138
#61. Make them imagine repentance more like an appearance in court before a cranky old judge, less like a child knocking on his father's study door to have a chat.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #427335
#62. They weren't people that liked change. They were the kind of people that would have tied change to a chair with dental floss if they could in order to avoid it. They were the type of people who desired to live in their virtual bubbles and grew to resent anyone that challenged that world.

Anna M. Aquino

Christian Fiction Quotes #452793
#63. It's neither and it's both. That's the perfect kind of art. Labels only detract from the artist's intention.

Ted Dekker

Christian Fiction Quotes #453812
#64. She'd only gotten what she deserved.
No penance could wash away her sins.
Not really.

Denise Hunter

Christian Fiction Quotes #455017
#65. They really do occupy a scrumptious little dark corner of my heart!

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #456742
#66. To successfully tell the story, we had to be willing to let people see us as we really were; with all our weaknesses, fears, and imperfections. There are important lessons we learned from the experience that we would not have adequately relayed to the reader if we had been less bold." ~ Duane

Duane & Selena Pannell

Christian Fiction Quotes #459978
#67. I wish I could have healed your misery, quenched your sorrow.

Ana Chapman

Christian Fiction Quotes #464138
#68. As a rule, Americans are big on that word "choice" and some souls can be captured simply by dangling before the creature a continual, lifelong supply of things from which to choose.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #468562
#69. We've spent centuries moving them away from that word virtue and especially The Virtues and that's precisely how we did it - by making it lower case.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #478518
#70. In a good play, everyone is in the right.

Christian Friedrich Hebbel

Christian Fiction Quotes #484744
#71. He could look into your eyes and without saying a word assure you that you were the most fascinating woman in the world and call you beautiful in six languages.

Becky Wade

Christian Fiction Quotes #487960
#72. Brandon tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Unbelievable. He had his name. God had given it. Just like Reece said he would.

James L. Rubart

Christian Fiction Quotes #499092
#73. The two stared together into a future that held as much pain as promise, as much sorrow as sunshine...

Ana Chapman

Christian Fiction Quotes #515053
#74. Oh you're one of those people are you? The people who ask God for something and when they get it, they tell God to forget about answering that particular prayer because it's just happened. That's one of my pet hates, I'm sorry.

Elizabeth Newton

Christian Fiction Quotes #516360
#75. Though the heart may be cracked wide, pain can still seep in.

Rachelle Rea Cobb

Christian Fiction Quotes #520955
#76. While Kalila didn't quite know what she wanted, she knew what she didn't want. She didn't want to live a charade. She didn't want a marriage of convenience where you were together but alone.

Christian F. Burton

Christian Fiction Quotes #524233
#77. No earthly act escapes its eternal echoes, echoes more substantial than the acts themselves.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #526624
#78. Thank you for reminding me that the future is in God's hands.'" "'You're welcome. And remember, wherever you go, in body and mind, you simply need to call out to God and He is there

Tricia Goyer

Christian Fiction Quotes #537516
#79. Let the lady lead!

Regena Bryant

Christian Fiction Quotes #543655
#80. And I'm glad to see that all three clients are male. Not that the females can't be corrupted, I've just always found the males more amenable to temptation. The males have always had all the power, so that does much to explain it. As they say: Easy pickings.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #544773
#81. I would be taught to take pride in my work, pride in my appearance and pride in my stride. No longer would I have to worry about going to hell. All I would have to worry about was how I looked.

Mary MacDowell

Christian Fiction Quotes #558092
#82. Funny how often something she'd been so certain she needed turned out not to be a need at all, but a want
when the real 'need' was something else entirely. Something that could only be gained by giving, not by getting.

Tamera Alexander

Christian Fiction Quotes #583718
#83. Max is short for General Maximus Decimus Meridius.

James L. Rubart

Christian Fiction Quotes #586211
#84. Somebody'd better pray for him, don't you think? He IS a lost soul.
~Pastor John Linton

Janet Sketchley

Christian Fiction Quotes #597615
#85. Our days and years are strung upon
The thread that runs so true.
The game of life is played and
Lost to love.
-Nancy Janes
Nancy Janes

Nancy Janes

Christian Fiction Quotes #603661
#86. She wouldn't pay attention to how wonderful he smelled. Or how gorgeous those blue eyes were when they sparkled with happiness. Nope. She wouldn't think about it. Not one little bit.

Dawn M. Turner

Christian Fiction Quotes #608180
#87. Why couldn't she have given him a sultry laugh as she'd seen women do in movies instead of giggling like some enchanted, mindless school girl?

Dawn M. Turner

Christian Fiction Quotes #626037
#88. the drama below and the drama above could easily collide at any moment

Ana Chapman

Christian Fiction Quotes #632515
#89. I've never met anyone as kind as you are, except me Mum, o' course." --Benjamin Trimmel to Lady Alexandra.

Lisa M. Prysock

Christian Fiction Quotes #634933
#90. To those of you who are enslaved by your past, may my story set you free. For youth is innocent and its beauty is to always be cherished.

Nancy B. Brewer

Christian Fiction Quotes #637083
#91. Sometimes going back to the beginning is the only way.

Rachel Hauck

Christian Fiction Quotes #646389
#92. In the darkest of nights, there is only one thing on your mind--should I be required to stand before the Almighty, will I find myself in His favor?

Rachel Hauck

Christian Fiction Quotes #649910
#93. Besides, these box-checking Christians having such a majority is largely in our favor. Their ubiquity is inversely proportional to their efficacy.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #671945
#94. Selling a new lie is easy, but not so with un-teaching an old truth.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #682862
#95. Enjoy today because it won't come back.

Mindy Starns Clark

Christian Fiction Quotes #693182
#96. Perhaps great fiction is in reality, deep hidden truths.

S.G. Savage

Christian Fiction Quotes #700653
#97. Faith is an act whereby they learn their God.

Geoffrey Wood

Christian Fiction Quotes #717215
#98. You have always known they exist. Everyone feels their presence. Few know the truth. The world of Real Immortals is about to be revealed!

John T. Montgomery

Christian Fiction Quotes #719709
#99. But he'd seen elite warriors go down in flames enough times to struggle with the sovereignty of God yet yield to it

Ronie Kendig

Christian Fiction Quotes #721905
#100. I figured I got the prettiest, sweetest, smartest wife ever to be," he said softly.

Jan Holly

Christian Fiction Quotes #737313

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