Top 12 Chomps Quotes

#1. But reality, as they say, bites. Chomps, even. Chews, mashes and swallows. And then spits out the bones at the end. The

Cecily Anne Paterson

Chomps Quotes #69508
#2. Eat your food slowly and chew each bite completely (20-30 chomps is ideal) to facilitate proper digestion.

Mark Sisson

Chomps Quotes #990619
#3. Outside the door, a teller with a blue rosette chomps on an apple and asks for my number. She smiles a thank you and reveals a ghastly, gaping tunnel of masticated apple, edge with violent mauve lipstick seemingly applied by Bette Davis in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane.

Maddie Grigg

Chomps Quotes #1001713
#4. Did you ever get the feeling that everything was too perfect? Like the moment was so good that something had to be wrong? Kind of like the way a fish sees that bright, shiny lure just before it chomps down and gets hauled out of water to become someone's lunch.

Neal Shusterman

Chomps Quotes #1770997
#5. the end of your praying is not to inform God, as though he knew not your wants already; but rather to inform yourselves, to

Albert C. Outler

Chomps Quotes #44050
#6. But a soldier ought not to dwell too long on such matters. His life is full of hardship and he must take his pleasure where he can. Though he may take time to reflect upon the cruelties that he sees, place him among his comrades and it is almost impossible for his spirits not to rise. Strange

Susanna Clarke

Chomps Quotes #233413
#7. Why did a demon who possessed the savage strength of a werewolf also need such compelling beauty?
It was one of those philosophical questions that had no answer.
Like why Firefly had been canceled after just one season.

Alexandra Ivy

Chomps Quotes #333780
#8. I'm glad you asked me that. This gives me the perfect opportunity to talk about the problems with this Congress ...

Dan Quayle

Chomps Quotes #378340
#9. I hardly ever missed school, and I always got my work in on time. I was a good student and always got top grades.

Tamsin Egerton

Chomps Quotes #854905
#10. If you take racism away from certain people - I mean vitriolic racism as well as the sort of social racist - if you take that away, they may have to face something really terrible - misery, self-misery, and deep pain about who they are.

Toni Morrison

Chomps Quotes #960660
#11. empathy is more powerful than sympathy

Angie Thomas

Chomps Quotes #1248428
#12. Personally I think we're over-specialized. Why it's getting so we have experts who concentrate only on the lower section of a specimen's left ear.

Martin Berkeley

Chomps Quotes #1586140

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