Top 7 Chernabog Quotes

#1. Who's Chernabog?" Grumbled Maybeck.
Philby answered,"Only the most powerful villian Walt Disney ever created.

Ridley Pearson

Chernabog Quotes #276712
#2. Leave history to historians.

Ali Babacan

Chernabog Quotes #96099
#3. Routine is important, i think.a good routine diverts the mind from morbid imaginings.

Grant Morrison

Chernabog Quotes #318020
#4. Your dick is wearing jewelry.

Jay Crownover

Chernabog Quotes #585030
#5. There certainly is such a thing as screen chemistry, although I don't believe you find it frequently.

Olivia De Havilland

Chernabog Quotes #1405830
#6. I was a kid who liked art and theater and dance and music, but if you lived in Harlem, high culture was somewhere else, and it wasn't black.

Samuel R. Delany

Chernabog Quotes #1453426
#7. babe, it must be art


Chernabog Quotes #1681662

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