Top 6 Chabad Calendar Quotes

#1. But that isn't why. The why is that none of it matters. Not school, not cheerleading, not boyfriends or friends or parties or creative writing programs or ... " She waves her arms at the world. "It's all just time filler until we die.

Jennifer Niven

Chabad Calendar Quotes #870941
#2. My insides were chaotic with panic and grief, but that didn't matter - only the outside mattered right now. Putting on a good show was something I knew I had to master.

Stephenie Meyer

Chabad Calendar Quotes #881138
#3. I was a very fearful little kid, and I would always see the worst in everything. The glass was half-empty. I would see people kissing, and I would think one was trying to bite the other.

Daniel Clowes

Chabad Calendar Quotes #1173841
#4. I like silly stuff, too. I like the 'Twilight' series. That was fun.

Mitt Romney

Chabad Calendar Quotes #1340909
#5. A series of moans came from the Wookiee. Then he turned - and sat down. In the copilot's seat. Rey felt herself tearing up. You're serious, aren't you?

Alan Dean Foster

Chabad Calendar Quotes #1604786
#6. I don't make decisions for money or popularity. I do things because they're right for me, and they're interesting and challenging.

Clare Balding

Chabad Calendar Quotes #1784610

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