Top 16 Censored Books Quotes

#1. And thus much concerning Pliable.

John Bunyan

Censored Books Quotes #45836
#2. Like everybody, I've had a lot of pain in my life and I'm a work in progress. You must have a true desire to see the world from a different point of view, and that comes with growing up.

Walton Goggins

Censored Books Quotes #97729
#3. In books I found explicitly, flamboyantly, everything censored in life.

Lynne Sharon Schwartz

Censored Books Quotes #107070
#4. But Tom was not thinking about magic or struggle or the rest of his journey.

He was enjoying the game and the bright sun, and his heart was a child's heart.

But then, all grownup's hearts are children's hearts inside, if you can only find the catch that opens them.

Mike Carey

Censored Books Quotes #469380
#5. Why was the world so obsessed with sameness?

Tara Kelly

Censored Books Quotes #537353
#6. I had fallen in love with a perfect lie.

R.K. Lilley

Censored Books Quotes #569944
#7. I know actors who court personal publicity because they believe no publicity is bad publicity.

Kevin Whately

Censored Books Quotes #598556
#8. If in other lands the press and books and literature of all kinds are censored, we must redouble our efforts here to keep them free

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Censored Books Quotes #787082
#9. Food is celebratory. People who don't cook don't know how much fun they're missing.

Leo Buscaglia

Censored Books Quotes #820837
#10. Calling a book "Young Adult" is just a fancy way of saying the book is censored.

Oliver Markus

Censored Books Quotes #899328
#11. I write because I want more than one life; I insist on a wider selection. It's greed, plain and simple. When my characters join the circus, I'm joining the circus. Although I'm happily married, I spent a great deal of time mentally living with incompatible husbands.

Anne Tyler

Censored Books Quotes #1030882
#12. The master says it's a glorious thing to die for the Faith and Dad says it's a glorious thing to die for Ireland and I wonder if there's anyone in the world who would like us to live.

Frank McCourt

Censored Books Quotes #1213961
#13. Young minds - young brains - need stories and ideas like the ones in those [censored and banned] books in order to grow. They need ideas that you disagree with. They need ideas that I disagree with. Or they'll never be able to figure out what ideas they believe in.

Lev Grossman

Censored Books Quotes #1292368
#14. I think that children's books should be censored not for references to sex but for references to diseases. I mean, who didn't think after reading 'Madeline' that they were going to get appendicitis?

Roz Chast

Censored Books Quotes #1370075
#15. The cinema began as an invention for entertaining the illiterate masses. Fifty years on, it's much the same.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Censored Books Quotes #1470479
#16. Believing that the soldiers of the apartheid government really did use rubber bullets and carried batons only for decoration is seriously misguided, though understandable considering that newspapers were strictly censored, while history books abounded with Blatant Boer Bias.

Sumayya Lee

Censored Books Quotes #1508868

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