Top 20 Celina Quotes

#1. Don't they feed you at Navarre house?"
"They throw out some gruel between the indoctrination sessions and propaganda films. Then we're off marching around the grounds and the recitation of sonnets to Celina's loveliness.

Chloe Neill

Celina Quotes #813452
#2. I stand on the shoulders of countless people, yet there is one extraordinary person who is my life aspiration. That person is my mother, Celina Sotomayor.

Sonia Sotomayor

Celina Quotes #989642
#3. The bride Celina and her groom Omar, with Junior, now Dr. Sotomayor. As my first official act,

Sonia Sotomayor

Celina Quotes #545994
#4. The reason you take antidepressants is to feel calm. And romantic love is not calm - it's elation, it's mood swings, and you're killing all that when you take the drug.

Helen Fisher

Celina Quotes #1662657
#5. If I did not wear torn pants, orthopedic shoes, frantic disheveled hair, that is to say, if I did not tone down my beauty, people would go mad. Married men would run amuck.

Brenda Ueland

Celina Quotes #1429048
#6. You ever be having a really good dream, and then, uh- right in the middle of the dream you wake up, right in the best part of the dream? And there you are, back in your stinkin' life again? Man, that's rough, eh?

Norm MacDonald

Celina Quotes #1167889
#7. After a lustre of the moon, we say
We have not the need of any paradise,
We have not the need of any seducing hymn.

Wallace Stevens

Celina Quotes #926432
#8. My father was, like, the token bad white guy in all the old Jackie Chan/Bruce Lee films.

Celina Jade

Celina Quotes #887408
#9. What would it profit us, after all, even from a purely practical viewpoint, if we stripped life of all poetry, all dreams, all beautiful mysteries, all lies? What is truth, can you tell me that? You see, we only advanced by way of symbols, and we change the symbols as we progress.

Knut Hamsun

Celina Quotes #777029
#10. It's always been a dream for me to play a comic book character.

Celina Jade

Celina Quotes #714540
#11. And if I have always behaved like a pig, the fault lies not with me but with my superiors, who corrected me only on points of detail instead of showing me the essence of the system ...

Samuel Beckett

Celina Quotes #689509
#12. I do explicitly see Jewish people as a people - not either a religion or an ethnicity but a people.

Ken Livingstone

Celina Quotes #419176
#13. could feel the thud of his heartbeat in my ear as it echoed through the bones of his chest. Its quick, steady pounding soothed

Celina Grace

Celina Quotes #401029
#14. I confess I didn't read the 'Green Arrow' comics before coming to play Shado. The comic books are not as easily accessible in Hong Kong as they are in the States. I do enjoy superhero fiction, though.

Celina Jade

Celina Quotes #388340
#15. As a human being, anger is a part of our mind. Irritation also part of our mind. But you can do - anger come, go. Never keep in your sort of - your inner world, then create a lot of suspicion, a lot of distrust, a lot of negative things, more worry.

Dalai Lama

Celina Quotes #366122
#16. What do you do when it rains?"
The captain answered frankly. "I get wet.

Joseph Heller

Celina Quotes #315507
#17. When I first got the audition for Shado, I went online and subscribed to DC Comics and read a bunch on Shado and the Yakuza, just to get to know her character better.

Celina Jade

Celina Quotes #245145
#18. I think there's a part of us that fantasizes about having some sort of super power. If I could have one, it would definitely be teleportation!

Celina Jade

Celina Quotes #232740
#19. Pride would be a lot easier to swallow if it didn't taste so bad.

Brad Moore

Celina Quotes #206507
#20. Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.


Celina Quotes #62282

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