Top 20 Catholic Bible Quotes

#1. I was offered the opportunity to narrate the Catholic bible, and it was something I really wanted to be involved with.

John Rhys-Davies

Catholic Bible Quotes #437926
#2. your fear of hearing the word 'no' is the only thing standing between you and greatness.

Richard Fenton

Catholic Bible Quotes #781156
#3. Galileo was challenged because he declared a theory to be a fact and argued with the Church about the genuine meaning of the Bible.

Michael Coren

Catholic Bible Quotes #1839294
#4. I think there's nothing better in the world than a spirited discussion about the Bible and Jesus and God and the Catholic faith, or the Jewish faith, or the Muslim faith - any religion.

Elizabeth Vargas

Catholic Bible Quotes #1742062
#5. If you're looking at the Bible for a guide to living a compassionate, wise and humane life, well, frankly you've got more chance of finding a lap dancing club in Mekka or a virgin in a catholic orphanage.

Pat Condell

Catholic Bible Quotes #1686385
#6. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. -John, Apostle (and brother?) of Jesus, The Bible (RSV, non-Catholic), 3:16

John Apostle

Catholic Bible Quotes #1268525
#7. Daughter, "Daddy, do rice and beans really make you grow big and strong?"
Dad, "Yes."
Daughter,"Are you sure?"
Daughter, "Then why are you so short?

Peter Rogers

Catholic Bible Quotes #1263087
#8. Secular journalists ... tend to accept uncritically the oft - repeated Evangelical Protestant and Conservative Roman Catholic definitions that the Bible is anti - gay. If these people were honest, they would have to admit that the Bible is also pro - slavery and anti - women.

John Shelby Spong

Catholic Bible Quotes #1203898
#9. (The Catholic Church, on the other hand, seized on the big bang model and in 1951 officially pronounced it to be in accordance with the Bible.) There

Stephen Hawking

Catholic Bible Quotes #1131188
#10. At Vatican Council II, one dissenting Roman Catholic theologian declared: "Yes, the Bible says "Be fruitful and multiply," but that was when the population was two per square world.

Israel Shenker

Catholic Bible Quotes #1124631
#11. The real Stephen Colbert is a practicing Catholic. He teaches Sunday school. He can recite chapter and verse of chapter and verse - from both the King James Bible and 'The Lord of the Rings.'

Kevin Bleyer

Catholic Bible Quotes #887629
#12. Love can be put off, never abandoned.

Sextus Propertius

Catholic Bible Quotes #667912
#13. I'm a Catholic, but I used to love going to Vacation Bible School with my fundamentalist friends.

Paul Begala

Catholic Bible Quotes #487069
#14. By the time I went to the Catholic University of America, which was the time the priests were all leaving with the nuns, the more I studied about the Bible and how it came about, the more I lost my faith.

Susan Sarandon

Catholic Bible Quotes #411495
#15. My spiritual life is an interesting thing. It's pretty private. I was raised Catholic in the Baptist Bible belt, so my spirituality was challenged and very much a private thing and it continues to be.

Kelli O'Hara

Catholic Bible Quotes #376314
#16. Many people do not like the idea that time has a beginning, probably because it smacks of divine intervention. (The Catholic Church, on the other hand, seized on the big bang model and in 1951 officially pronounced it to be in accordance with the Bible.

Stephen Hawking

Catholic Bible Quotes #337280
#17. When you leave a man alone with his Bible and the Holy Ghost inspires him, he's going to be a Catholic one way or another, even though he knows nothing about the visible church. His kind of Christianity may not be socially desirable, but will be real in the sight of God.

Flannery O'Connor

Catholic Bible Quotes #328441
#18. Father made a fetish out of performing tasks the correct way. There was an efficiency and economy of his motions that I always found a pleasure to watch and a pain to mimic.

Pat Conroy

Catholic Bible Quotes #248583
#19. Forbidden? Listen, I was a lawyer, and I know the law. I was also a Catholic, and I used to know whole sections of the Bible by heart. What do you mean by 'forbidden'?

Paulo Coelho

Catholic Bible Quotes #110141
#20. I began thinking I would do musical theater because in high school that was really the only sort of curriculum they had as far as getting onstage and doing anything that anybody would see. So that's what I did.

Gretchen Mol

Catholic Bible Quotes #89970

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