Top 100 Cath Crowley Quotes

#1. I want to sit on the other side of the table from him so he doesn't think I'm interested, but there's no room on the other side so I sit as far away from him as I can and try to have an out-of-body experience.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #591914
#2. They can't see me but I can see them. I don't stand because I've been standing all morning. Plus, this is my small protest against Luke and Rose. I can't serve you if I don't exist. Get lost in that existential dilemma.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #763007
#3. If you don't want a generation of robots, fund the arts!

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #722840
#4. The course made me think a bit, you know. That we're smart enough to get out of here. We're just too stupid to work out a way.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #706684
#5. I look across at the line of the city. The nights are mean in this place, full of smog that eats the stars. 'Who does feel hope around here?

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #703460
#6. You grabbed my arse.'
'You broke my nose.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #689538
#7. She looks at me and at Dave. She looks out the curtain and strums her guitar. "Yeah," she says. "Oh yeah. This I can do.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #683216
#8. You were right. Real is better. The truth is better. It makes you feel kind of stupid, but it's better.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #682919
#9. But I don't believe that the future gives us signs. I think that we look back and read the past with the present in our eyes.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #681988
#10. You can't patch up someone forgetting about you. For the rest of your life you'll always be worrying that they'll forget about you the same way they did before. You'll always know that they'd be a hundred percent fine without you but you wouldn't be a hundred percent fine without them.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #669178
#11. Death is something we shy away from, except in literature or television, when we tend to stare right at it.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #628008
#12. Do many guys ask you out twice?"
"Only the ones with balls.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #609475
#13. And I look at him because he needs to be looked at. He needs to be seen. I hate that he has been on his own for so long painting graffiti moons in the dark keeping quiet about who he really is.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #595380
#14. Sometimes science isn't enough. Sometimes you need the poets.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #772332
#15. You know, Leo's brother's hooking me up with a car when I get my license. I'm making you get in while it's moving.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #586480
#16. Where's the fire, Lucy Dervish?'
In me. Under my skin.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #574084
#17. The ticking inside
On the inside of him there's a wire fence
And past the wire fence is a dog And past the dog are thieves And past the thieves
Is a gang of bad dreams
And past the dreams
If you can get past the dreams Are the things that make him tick Tick, tick, tick
(Page 54).

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #557363
#18. This did not comfort me.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #543048
#19. I've almost seen him. And Poet, she says, and I want tot say, You have seen him and you didn't want him.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #540054
#20. Second hand books have a way of travelling, sure. But what travels forward can come back.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #539553
#21. We watch her walk into the spotlight she's been been hiding from most of her life. Sure, friendship is all about believing in someone so hard they believe it, too. Sure, it's about trust. But if anyone hurts her tonight, it's about ripping them apart with my bare hands and really enjoying it.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #536603
#22. Why do want to find him so bad?' I ask after a while, but she's not listening. I watch her a bit
longer. 'Why do you want to find him so bad?' I ask again.
She blinks and comes out of her dream. She flicks the band on her wrist. 'I just do.' - Ed Skye

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #526281
#23. Kiss someone, then," I say. "Not anyone.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #506411
#24. I am trying to bend the laws of time so I can get here five minutes earlier

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #487215
#25. The falls is the only place that's not quiet here. Dave and Luke don't know it, but sometimes I go there on my own. I go to scream. I go to tell the world to get lost under the run of the water. I stand till I'm drowning in something other than this place.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #478930
#26. I didn't tell her what I'd done; I told her he wasn't who I thought he'd be. Mum stroked my hair and said, Sometimes they aren't. Sometimes they make you vomit.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #872151
#27. There was no skin on my voice and she heard the bones in my words.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #972523
#28. Everything in the world's got a voice; most people don't hear hard enough is all. Sunrise sounds like slow chords dripping from my guitar this morning. Sad chords, in B-flat.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #970533
#29. We've got secrets coming out our arses and you want to take them to a clairvoyant?

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #967760
#30. No one has anything to get up for. Life's pointless and everyone just gets up anyway. That's how the human race works," she says, and hands me a coffee.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #961374
#31. I can't tell Beth about me being Shadow. She'd get uptight about me doing something she thinks is dangerous."
That's not why you won't tell her. You won't tell her because what's on that wall is what's going on in there." He tapped my head.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #947465
#32. Mum's always hinting I should ask him out, but when a girl finds talking as hard as I do and singing in public even harder, that leaves mime and interpretative dance. Don't get me wrong. I'd be great at both those things, but I don't think Dave's all that into the arts.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #940956
#33. It takes a lot of wanting to get out of a place like this, though. It takes wanting so bad it's all you care about, all you dream about, all you breathe. Some days I think it takes more wanting that I've got.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #936714
#34. Sometimes a memory is a thing that can't be explained using words.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #925551
#35. It's when I'm around some people that my entire vocabulary goes on vacation. Like now, when Dave's walking next to me wearing an old black singlet and board shorts and the tattoo of a bird on his wrist, every single word in my head except "no" and "huh" is lying somewhere on a beack getting a suntan

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #924399
#36. It's not like I don't have words in my head. I'm good with words. I'm great. On my own. In the dark. They come flooding. Sometimes I can't sleep I'm swimming in so many words.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #905347
#37. I think back to the night Leo talked to me from the floor, telling me he didn't like sleeping because that's when he dreamt. Telling me because in the dark it felt like we weren't awake, weren't even real.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #903275
#38. We were the only three people awake in a world half asleep and the air felt heavy with maybe.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #884082
#39. I swim off Dad and Grandpa and the memory of Jeremy's party. I swim off that music they played at Mum's funeral. I swim till the ghosts in me are numb.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #475599
#40. The universe must be having a slow night.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #871464
#41. Now you're dead, and I'm buried.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #870610
#42. To win a little you have to risk something. To win big, you have to risk it all.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #830590
#43. I stopped doubting her predication after she told me I'd be allergic to guava juice, which was something I'd never tried. I drank a liter of it in name of scientific research. Dad called me Big Face for two week.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #826976
#44. You're chattier than you were two years ago. I'm not sure I like it.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #822344
#45. You're funny, which you can't be if you're not smart. Dad says it's harder to make someone laugh than it is to make them smile.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #820222
#46. I like that about art, that what you see is sometimes more about who you are than what's on the wall. I look at this painting and think about how everyone has some secret inside, something sleeping like that yellow bird.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #813765
#47. Well, all girls called Beth are arse grabbers.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #808641
#48. We said it was for art's sake. we said the more people who knew, the more chance the cops'd pick us up. We said it was you and me, no crew.'
Are you I didn'nt say it was to score girls?

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #804197
#49. Open skies painted above painted doorways and painted birds skimming across bricks trying to fly away. Little bird, what are you thinking? You come from a can.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #790864
#50. It's a relief to tell Henry, to let everything out - losing Cal, how I failed, how everything feels ruined now. It's a relief to cry and have Henry tell me this is the correct response and to hold out his sleeve. I

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #788804
#51. Your idea of romance requires a corset and a time machine.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #170411
#52. Did you forget to evolve?

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #234819
#53. They don't wait for something to happen. They wait to happen to something.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #222931
#54. You threw eggs at her head. Odds are she's dumping you anyway.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #212856
#55. You don't have to love someone to have sex with them.'
'I know that,' I say, trying to act like I'm not embarrassed for thinking love and sex are the same thing. I know they're not but I want them to be close enough to at least brush each other as they pass.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #211907
#56. If you treat glass right, it doesn't crack. If you know the properties, you can make things; the color of dusk and night and love. But you can't control people like that and I really, really wish you could. I want the world to be glass.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #210459
#57. This is the problem,' she says.
'With us?'
'With everything. No one's saying what they want.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #206464
#58. It was about friendship, and pink vans, and doing the wrong thing, but still finding redemption in the end.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #203379
#59. I know what irony is.'
'Okay, Alanis.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #196358
#60. I've known Dave so long that I can tell what he's going to do before he does it. I don't want to meet the person who can predict what Luke's about to do; they'd have to be crazier than him.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #195720
#61. Reaming's the only way to get you anywhere.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #194969
#62. You know who Mr. Darcy is?"
"I exist, therefore I know who Mr. Darcy is.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #188371
#63. Art like that doesn't need words. That painting tells you something by pulling you into it and pushing you out and you know what it's saying without words being spoken.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #172707
#64. I'm eclectic,' she said to the HDs once and I could see them trying to work out where she plugged in.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #235230
#65. The past is with me; the present is here. The future is unmapped and changeable. Ours for the imagining: spreading out before us. Sunlight filled, deep blue, and the darkness.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #131274
#66. I made you collapsible. I put you in and raised you with string and made you stay
there with putty.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #130828
#67. The stars are on the inside. They are effing beautiful.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #125382
#68. Kept dreaming of this spot she had on her neck, this tiny country. I wanted to visit, to paint a picture of what I found there, a wall with a road map of her skin.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #119243
#69. Ed? Are you alive?'
'Yes..and that's genuinely surprising
since your bike went over me about
halfway down. You're a very dangerous
girl to date.'
'We're not on a date.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #109037
#70. I don't believe him for a second, but I'm not telling Daisy that Dylan lied because I know what it's like to want a girl that much. To get dragged in the dirt behind her hoping you won't lose your grip.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #92400
#71. I told her yeah, but there was no skin on my voice and she heard the bones in my words like I did. And I knew.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #87374
#72. Some people aren't worth crying for.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #83799
#73. He looks so stupid that it cancels out my
stupid so I give in and ride and he runs
and gets on the bike after only two tries.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #82207
#74. Some of my most beautiful glass pieces have
cracks running through them and I like them anyway because of the colours.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #61798
#75. I spray the sky fast. Eyes ahead and behind. Looking for cops. Looking for anyone I don't want to be here. Paint sails and the things that kick in my head scream from can to brick. See this, see this. See me emptied onto a wall.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #52402
#76. No guts, no glory. - Bert

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #314100
#77. He's one of the good guys,' she always said.'Just sometimes he's working undercover

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #461131
#78. I asked him what it was like to have a dad. He said he didn't think it mattered who you had as long as you had somebody good.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #460278
#79. He smells the same - peppermint and cedar and a hint of old books.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #429415
#80. Mum says when wanting collides with getting, that's the moment of truth. I want to collide. I want to run right into Shadow and let the force spill our thoughts so we can pick each other up and pass each other back like piles of shiny stones.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #426787
#81. I love lying here with you, under the books.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #415667
#82. words do matter. They're not pointless. If they were pointless then they couldn't start revolutions and they wouldn't change history and they wouldn't be the things that you think about every night before you go to sleep. If they were just words we wouldn't listen to songs,

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #413207
#83. Her eyes always bothered me when we were kids. They still do. They make mine ache trying to see where they end.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #397856
#84. The music kicks in and maybe the bad times kick out and maybe the world's a little better for them than it was before.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #375346
#85. Everything is what it is. I just wish it were something else.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #370811
#86. Love's like an egg. Break it, and you might still have almost every bit of yolk and white, but there's no way you're getting that back in the shell. And even if you could, there'd be still all the cracks.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #364587
#87. Being different is the only way to live

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #364547
#88. Serial killer aren't creative."
"Watch a little Dexter and get back to me on that.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #320146
#89. I never fell in love with her so I guess the part of the brain that controls love doesn't respond to being called a dick.'
'For your sake, I'm hoping no part of your brain responds to being called a dick.'
'Fair point.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #28012
#90. These must be the most depressing words in the history of love. I tried really hard to love you.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #313647
#91. People keep calling it an accident. That snake bit me on purpose. I've named it Sneaky. Sneaky had it all planned. I saw its face.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #309672
#92. Luce,' she says, 'I don't want my diary entry tomorrow to be: Stayed out all night. Went to prison. I have this urge to go home and watch TV with my parents and be completely boring.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #303538
#93. If Dave Robbie's a song, he's written in major chords.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #296446
#94. Ed gives him a dirty look. Leo grins. Dylan twitches. It feels like something's going on, I think loudly, and I know that Jazz hears my thought because she gives me her serious look and blows a chewing-gum bubble in my direction.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #284466
#95. It's a different kind of missing. You're trying to remember, and he's trying to forget.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #276756
#96. I come out of the bathroom and the first thing I see is Ed. Okay, it was a long shot, but I was half hoping he would cease to exist while we were gone.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #253822
#97. Asking's the easy bit. Then there's everything that comes after.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #251562
#98. I think she likes post-apocalyptic fiction so much because she's genuinely happy at the thought that the world might end.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #248678
#99. My dad was a magician too. Got in his car and disappeared.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #240821
#100. Were you in love with Emma?" I ask.
"I was hard-core obsessed," he says without thinking about it. "Not in love."
"What's the difference?"
He's about to throw a stone at ta yard light but stops. "Prison," he says, and puts the stone in his pocket.

Cath Crowley

Cath Crowley Quotes #239873

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