Top 33 Can't Catch Feelings Quotes

#1. The sudden silence is horrifying, and it seems to catch my mother off guard. A tiny whimper escapes her, the sound amplified in the stillness. Surely, my father hears her now; surely he and I can't go on pretending she isn't crying.

Margaret Peterson Haddix

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1526023
#2. Our gazes locked, so much passing between us. In those moments, I wasn't in a tent with him, on the run from those who regarded us as villains. There was no murderer to catch, no Strigoi trauma to overcome. There was just him and me and the feelings that had burned between us for so long.

Richelle Mead

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1138592
#3. Be genuine and authentic, so when a guy starts to catch feelings, it's with the real you and not someone you are pretending to be.

Sheri Gaskins

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1251512
#4. Sometimes the point isn't to end up with something worth showing the world. Sometimes it's just rehearsal.

Jennifer Weiner

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1322538
#5. Literature is not a subject of study, but an object of study.

Northrop Frye

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1406634
#6. The great achievements of the past were the adventures of the past. Only the adventurous can understand the greatness of the past.

Alfred North Whitehead

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1452454
#7. Know and watch your heart. It's pure but emotions come to colour it. So let your mind be like a tightly woven net to catch emotions and feelings that come, and investigate them before you react.

Ajahn Chah

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1461531
#8. True courage is the willingness to fully experience whatever you are feeling at the moment. You can attempt to run from your emotions, but eventually they will catch up with you. They will chase you, haunt you, until finally you give up the chase.

Brandon Bays

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1484905
#9. I'm feeling alright, I am pretty happy with it. I was trying to catch her, around 37k my calf started to cramp on me a little so I had to make sure to run smart so I didn't completely cramp up. When the Aussie caught me I figured my medal contention might be up but I ended up catching 4th.

Lanni Marchant

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1497335
#10. An attitude's growth never stops.

John C. Maxwell

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1115464
#11. Prayer will promote our personal holiness as nothing else, except the study of the Word of God.

R.A. Torrey

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1665439
#12. Bodies can catch feelings as easily as catch fire: affect leaps from one body to another, evoking tenderness, inciting shame, igniting rage, exciting fear-in short, communicable affect can inflame nerves and muscles in a conflagration of every conceivable kind of passion

Melissa Gregg

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1678006
#13. Burns notes the catch-22 nature of depression: The worse we feel, the more distorted our thoughts become, and this thinking plunges us even lower into black feelings about ourselves. Nearly

Tom Butler-Bowdon

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1681830
#14. The box we stored God i kept getting smaller ... until only a speck of god still exists, maybe only an atom.
Maybe an atom is all we need.

Julianna Baggott

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1728397
#15. We can't get them to come to their senses until we get their names."
"I doubt it will be that simple."
"Oh, because I thought tracking down the names of six anonymous girls when we have no idea where they're from would be a piece of cake.

Kiersten White

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1759660
#16. Try to catch a trout and experience the glorious feeling of letting it go and seeing it swimming away.

Billy Connolly

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1840234
#17. When you catch on to your awakening, the world does not change. You just see it differently, that's all. You acquire a feeling of immortality. A feeling of divine bliss, so to speak, when things no longer have the power to affect you.

Robert Adams

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1865439
#18. There is a future, and I can't wait to get to it

Marilyn Monroe

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #11101
#19. Fake it until you make it! When you're feeling bad, get dressed up - soon your inside will catch up with your outside

Denise Austin

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1086764
#20. You see 'awesome' and I see 'lost.' It's very easy to lose touch with reality when you've got that many people thinking you are more than you really are.

Brian Bosworth

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #1003650
#21. Writing feels safer somehow. I can catch myself before I say the wrong thing.

Hillary Frank

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #983043
#22. Chance favors the prepared mind.

Richard Preston

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #804799
#23. I'm telling you, go hook up. It isn't like you'll ever see him again. Fun Florida Fling. Ha-ha, the three Fs!" I want to laugh, but I shake my head. "No way. That's all I need. To have sex, get pregnant or get an STD, or worse, catch feelings for the dude. He's obviously a player.

Toni Aleo

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #715896
#24. I am always, always watching you. And I'll be waiting here for your feelings to catch up on my own.

Shungiku Nakamura

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #688420
#25. Reason fourteen." I press my forehead against hers, locking her in my gaze. "You are so beautiful. Inside and out. I don't just need you. I crave you. Everything about you. You are the only person I've felt this way about. You're my best friend.

Becca Ann

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #621309
#26. Don't run from your feelings; sooner or later, they'll catch up and throw you down.

Evinda Lepins

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #580271
#27. A hospital alone shows what war is.

Erich Maria Remarque

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #534066
#28. His feelings for Adam were an oil spill; he'd let them overflow and now there wasn't a damn place in the ocean that wouldn't catch fire if he dropped a match.

Maggie Stiefvater

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #500209
#29. You can't kick me down, I'm already on the ground. No, you can't, but you couldn't catch me anyhow.Blue skies, but the sun isn't comming out, no. Today, it is like I'm under a heavy cloud.
Avril Lavigne (Runaway)

Avril Lavigne

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #478675
#30. No, she thought, you are not going to catch me so cheaply; I do not understand words and will not accept them in trade for my feelings; this man is a parrot.

Shirley Jackson

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #407568
#31. Movies are always in a state of locomotion. You start with a general idea of how it should feel and then you find you've got a runaway train. You have to race to catch up: the movie is telling you what it wants to become, and when that happens there's no greater feeling.

Steven Spielberg

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #403474
#32. Germany is in terrible condition this year. This is particularly true of the working masses, who are so undernourished that tuberculosis is having a rich harvest, particularly of adolescent children.

Agnes Smedley

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #256958
#33. I focus for periods of time on creative work and I'm very insular during those times - not a lot of socializing. I play when I want. That means I can take off on a retreat, catch a matinee, make friends. My core desired feelings are my time management system.

Danielle LaPorte

Can't Catch Feelings Quotes #164560

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