Top 17 Cannon Fodder Quotes

#1. "Are you sure about that?" Corey muttered once the were gone. "Chloe is nice enough, but that Derek? Real charmer. If anyone busts through that door, he's liable to throw us to them as cannon fodder."
I wasn't sure I disagreed.

Kelley Armstrong

Cannon Fodder Quotes #561551
#2. You are being used as cannon fodder for U.S. imperialism.

Jane Fonda

Cannon Fodder Quotes #657273
#3. If we care about the children, the grandchildren, the future generations, we need to make sure that they do not become the cannon fodder of the future.

Helen Thomas

Cannon Fodder Quotes #710181
#4. You need at this time especially to know that you are fit for something better than slavery and cannon fodder.

Eugene V. Debs

Cannon Fodder Quotes #1126225
#5. Novelists are evil psychopomps, basically. We treat a few characters as real, but the rest of them are cannon fodder.

Scott Westerfeld

Cannon Fodder Quotes #94353
#6. I just close my eyes no matter where I am, and just be still.

Tim McGraw

Cannon Fodder Quotes #1742882
#7. I didn't act in college, per se, because I didn't want an acting degree. I don't know what you do with that degree. When I was 16, I saw 'Usual Suspects,' and I wanted to be a director as well. So I thought I should go to school for directing and producing, something I knew nothing about.

Mehcad Brooks

Cannon Fodder Quotes #1654011
#8. It is almost as if the human brain were specifically designed to misunderstand Darwinism, and to find it hard to believe

Richard Dawkins

Cannon Fodder Quotes #1300644
#9. I just like to do work that inspires me, and I don't pay any attention to whether it's a high- or low-budget movie.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Cannon Fodder Quotes #1289397
#10. I reject the peak oil theory insofar as it refers to technological limits on human ingenuity.

Robert P. Murphy

Cannon Fodder Quotes #1179182
#11. A friend hipped me to hypoglycemia, which an article I read calls 'a disease for a nation of sugar junkies.' Who knows how many people in this country have it?

Phoebe Snow

Cannon Fodder Quotes #919750
#12. I have a lot of disrespect for people who cheat. I feel like if you're in a position in a relationship where you want to see other people, and the opportunity to cheat comes up, don't.

Avan Jogia

Cannon Fodder Quotes #695114
#13. Truth is pure awareness.


Cannon Fodder Quotes #652080
#14. I asked the Mesquite coach who he thought the best team in Mesquite is. He said they were about even.

James Wright

Cannon Fodder Quotes #639785
#15. The site still radiated a powerful aura that whispered of past glories too ancient for me to comprehend.

Jim Al-Khalili

Cannon Fodder Quotes #497115
#16. You can act as nice as you can 100% of the time, and it will still not make everybody say nice things about you.

Sean Young

Cannon Fodder Quotes #480589
#17. Olive Wellwood had the feeling writers often have when told perfect tales for fictions, that there was too much fact, too little space for the necessary insertion of inventions, which would here appear to be lies.

A.S. Byatt

Cannon Fodder Quotes #319102

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