Top 19 Campsite Quotes

#1. It was a girl playing a harp, like in an orchestra. It was in this tree at our campsite. And since it was breezy weather that weekend, the girl's arms were almost always turning.

Paul Fleischman

Campsite Quotes #627326
#2. As they made their way from the small marina across the campsite and through the town gate to the bakery, an orc came toward them carrying an armful of baguettes. It was accompanied by an elf dressed up as Legolas, its eyes glued to its iPhone.

Nina George

Campsite Quotes #915820
#3. Self-pity is the campsite of self-defeat; it is a dark refuge for those parts of us that would rather wallow in what cannot be than dare to explore what is possible.

Guy Finley

Campsite Quotes #1147809
#4. Every city began as a campsite - pg. 25

Chris Ware

Campsite Quotes #1683071
#5. This planet below you is our campsite, and you know of no other campground.

Kalpana Chawla

Campsite Quotes #606477
#6. He was neither good looking nor ugly, and while he would not have turned a young girl's head, someone older might have been struck by his face and the evidence of passion which had left its traces. ~p17

Nicholas Shakespeare

Campsite Quotes #1744638
#7. I imagine we're safe, happy, and truly in love. And I imagine that I can tell her without shame and stigma attached to my words. I imagine it because I don't know if I'll survive long enough to be able to live it.

Lynnette Brisia

Campsite Quotes #1739826
#8. The junior high schools and high schools of America have forgotten to teach one of the most important courses of all. Investing.

Peter Lynch

Campsite Quotes #1616611
#9. All philosophers can do is to abstain from helping the aggressors and to enjoin social scientists to tell the truth instead of joining the choir of liars and hypocrites.

Mario Bunge

Campsite Quotes #1611477
#10. We go to school to learn what books to read for the rest of our lives.

Robert Frost

Campsite Quotes #1562688
#11. In Sternin's judgment, all of this analysis was "TBU" - true but useless.

Chip Heath

Campsite Quotes #1346844
#12. I really need a gin and tonic.

Camilla, Duchess Of Cornwall

Campsite Quotes #1228201
#13. You don't look gay," Joey said suspiciously.
Will blinked. Well, that was new. "Maybe I'm just really, really happy inside," Will responded with a bright smile.

Amy Lane

Campsite Quotes #1172588
#14. The years are too short, the days are too long.

Joseph Heller

Campsite Quotes #1160522
#15. Keep Calm and Go Fuck Yourself.

Penelope Ward

Campsite Quotes #910383
#16. To lead means to direct and to exact, and no man dares do either - he might be unpopular. What authority we are given now is a trinity: the grin, the generality, and God (the Word).

Marya Mannes

Campsite Quotes #826293
#17. What the heck are those?" I said without even thinking. "Ethan Wate, you watch your mouth, or I'll have ta wash it out with soap. You know better than ta use pro-fanity," Aunt Grace said. Which, as far as she was concerned, included words like panties, naked, and bladder.

Kami Garcia

Campsite Quotes #287334
#18. Life is education.
Education is a lifetime knowledge.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Campsite Quotes #198656
#19. At a given moment a child becomes interested in a piece of work, showing it by the expression of his face, by his intense attention, by his perseverance in the same exercise. That child has set foot upon the road leading to discipline.

Maria Montessori

Campsite Quotes #139763

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