Top 100 Caine's Quotes

#1. Benno was the kind of bully who did what the bigger bullies told him to do. He didn't make his own judgments. And he wasn't stupid enough to think he could override Caine's orders. Something

Michael Grant

Caine's Quotes #263007
#2. Seattle? With Caine? In a hotel?
I'd either kill him or screw him again.
"Alexa, the speakerphone is on," Caine's amused voice sounded from my desk.
Oh, balls.

Samantha Young

Caine's Quotes #454629
#3. And now, at last, gaiaphage and Nemesis stood facing each other.
"Why didn't you just ... fade?" Gaia demanded plaintively.
"You hit me," Nemesis said. It was a little boy's voice coming from Caine's mouth. "And that's not okay.

Michael Grant

Caine's Quotes #1428657
#4. Southern gentleman," he said aside to him in Arabic. "Do you wish for me to continue this for you?"
Caine's temper shifted to a low simmer in his chest. "Your way takes too long."
"Ma'aleyk, and your way hurts my ears," he argued.

V.S. Carnes

Caine's Quotes #1667138
#5. I read Michael Caine's biography. It was about him growing up

Frank Lampard

Caine's Quotes #1671040
#6. The machinery joining the vats was a nightmare jumble of pipes and flanges. Since you couldn't really hire a professional plumber to set up your deathtraps, some clever techie on Angus Caine's payroll must have done it himself with whatever parts he had on hand.

Craig Schaefer

Caine's Quotes #1729214
#7. You think that because I want to do what's right, because I want to make things better, I'm weak," Claire said. "Or that I'm stupid. But I'm not. It takes a lot more strength to know how bad the world is and not want to be part of that, give in to it. And I do know, Kim. Believe me.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #4460
#8. I never bring a role home with me. The moment they say, 'It's a wrap,' it's gone completely. I'm a totally ruthless professional, and life is my family, not my work.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #37199
#9. Movie acting is about covering the machinery. Stage acting is about exposing the machinery. In cinema, you should think the actor is playing himself, if he's that good. It looks very easy. It should. But it's not, I assure you.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #43200
#10. Caine usually woke from the recurring dream mid-air, having yet to be dashed upon the rocks, whimpering and panting like a child crying for his mother. Now he lifted his eyes to a dark, empty room in Jizan and the unusual, lingering scent of roses, and wept in his hands for his Father.

V.S. Carnes

Caine's Quotes #43588
#11. Whatever, crazy chick who maybe lives here and maybe also breaks into Michael's house when they're all gone. I'm out. Have a nice delusion. -Shayne

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #46040
#12. You need to return to the truth of God's Word that will last forever, not meditate on circumstance that will fade and change.
It is this truth that enables us to go into the future undaunted.

Christine Caine

Caine's Quotes #48971
#13. It's desperate in life to be beloved of God."
"Depends on the God."
"Does it?"
"Christ, I hope so."
the horse-witch and Caine

Matthew Woodring Stover

Caine's Quotes #52433
#14. Michael!" Oliver's voice came faint through the front door. "Something you should see, my boy! Look out your windows!"
"Trap," Shane said instantly, and reached out to grab Michael's arm as he walked by. "Don't, man."
"What's he going to do? Make faces at me?

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #58763
#15. It's not possible to be close to God without thinking about the lost. They never leave His mind.

Christine Caine

Caine's Quotes #62396
#16. In this whole screwed-up town, you're the only thing that's always been right to me," he whispered. "I love you, Claire." She saw something that might have been just a flash of panic go across his expression, but then he steadied again. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I do. I love you.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #77732
#17. It's a guy thing. We have reactions to women in tight leather with whips. It's sort of involuntary.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #79130
#18. We can only use British actors because everybody's got to talk exactly the same.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #81298
#19. You can't go around ... licking things that come out of a water treatment plant. That's just ... unsanitary.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #82841
#20. Giving up is always easy. It's the peace that follows that sucks.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #85426
#21. So, been attacked by any vampires yet?"
"Not one."
"Zombies? Giant spiders? Water monsters?"
It's been really quiet on the supernatural front"
"Too bad, 'cause I got attacked by a devil dog. It was not awesome.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #86848
#22. You couldn't be romantic if your life depended on it." "You know what's lucky? Most bad guys don't ask you to be romantic on command, so that probably won't matter.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #92939
#23. Screw that, the questionn at hand is what's your major?" Oded said. "Because let me tell you right now, any answer other than World of Warcraft or Advanced Ninja Studies will not be accepted.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #128423
#24. It's only a hunting spider, it won't hurt you." -Myrnin
"So not the point!" -Claire
"Oh, pish. It's just another living creature. Nothing to be frightened of, if handled properly. I think I'll call him Bob. Bob the spider." -Myrnin
"You're insane." -Claire

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #144159
#25. Crap, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I'm thinking we have about fifteen vampires and no blood," Claire said. "Is that it?"
"No, I was thinking we're out of chips. Of course that's what I was thinking.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #148339
#26. It's not your enemies who are likeliest to hurt you. It is, always, those you trust.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #159820
#27. Really?" Claire said, and couldn't help but smile. "That's what creeps you out. Waxing. You can take on vampires and draug and killers, but you're afraid of a little chest-hair pulling?

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #166452
#28. Survival," I said softly. "It's selfish, and it's dark, and we've always been a species willing to do anything to satisfy our needs. Individuals have morals. Mobs have appetites.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #171459
#29. Let's say that it belong to me as much as it belongs to anyone alive today. If I am, strictly speaking, living. The old word was undead, you know, but aren't all living things undead. I dislike imprecision.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #195277
#30. It's dreadfully unfair to say things like that when this is likely the last time we will speak and we both know you don't mean what you say. It's pure selfishness that you want to keep me here.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #236309
#31. What's burning?"
"Your brain.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #237529
#32. It's wrenching enough to lose the man who is your lover, your companion, your best friend, the father of your children, without losing yourself as well.

Lynn Caine

Caine's Quotes #243842
#33. It's like disco inferno up in here

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #264091
#34. It's part of the marriage vows. Didn't you read the fine print? To have and to harass.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #264749
#35. My vampire boss, who would like to maybe be my boyfriend, just dropped in to tell me he was running away because Morganville's too dangerous.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #279808
#36. Losing one pint of blood's an accident. Losing two is carelessness.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #281493
#37. But just because something's been damaged doesn't mean it's ruined.

Claudia Gray

Caine's Quotes #281897
#38. And that was when she had one single, awful realization. It's not a doll. And against all her best intentions, she began to scream and couldn't stop.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #299755
#39. Yeah. She'd manipulated the second most powerful vampire in town into taking her side against a psycho bitch-queen sorority girl. She'd talked rationally about putting people's brains into computers. This was a normal day. No wonder she was screwed up.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #316755
#40. Tell me he's not talking to Brandon," Claire said.
"Um ... Ok. He's not talking to Brandon."
"You're lying."
"Yeah. He's talking to Brandon. Look, let Shane do his thing, okay? He's not as stupid as he looks, mostly.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #325976
#41. Get me out of this," Caine demanded.
Quinn said, "It's not so easy. You should know: you're the scumbag who invented cementing.

Michael Grant

Caine's Quotes #329403
#42. The second bathroom's downstairs - that's kind of the emergency backup bathroom when Shane's in there moussing his hair for like an hour or something ... "
"Bite me!" Shane yelled from behind the closed door.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #331715
#43. She needs you for more than just protection. It's how it works. You want the strong girl, you understand that she's with you because she wants to be. Not because she has to be. You know that, right?

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #332334
#44. Bathroom, maybe? Which is where I need to go."
"Ooh, me, too," Eve said.
The boys rolled their eyes, like they'd planned it.
"What? It's what girls do. Get over it.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #334835
#45. I almost get killed at most parties. Hence, you can tell that's how much I love them.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #340218
#46. I was born Maurice Joseph Micklewhite. Imagine signing that autograph! You'd get a broken arm. So I changed my name to Michael Caine after Humphrey Bogart's 'The Caine Mutiny,' which was playing in the theater across from the telephone booth where I learned that I'd gotten my first TV job.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #342563
#47. God's image is only fully reflected in both man and woman. When we denigrate a woman, we are in fact diminishing part of the image of God. When we exclude women, we exclude part of God. When we put women down, we tarnish the image of God.

Christine Caine

Caine's Quotes #360419
#48. Michael ... Michael got bitten. And now he's a vampire. But he doesn't remember becoming one, and that's a big problem. So if you see him, don't, you know, hug. He bites. He doesn't mean it, though.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #367589
#49. I get maudlin. Some people drink; some get depressed; some run around having sex with anyone with a pulse. Me, I get philosophical. It's healthier.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #370628
#50. It's impossible to get to the end if you quit in the middle.

Christine Caine

Caine's Quotes #380213
#51. The service passed in a blur of words she wasn't sure she got right, and then the cool touch of the ring sliding onto her fingers, and then the warm pressure of Shane's lips on hers.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #383023
#52. You're sure he's not a vampire?' Claire said.'I've seen movies. They're sneaky.' She was kidding. Eve didn't smile.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #386764
#53. That's it? That's your big goodbye?" Eve asked.
Claire looked at Eve mystified. "I think I need guy CliffNotes."
"Guys aren't deep enough to need CliffNotes."
"What were you waiting for, flowery poetry?" Shane snorted. "I hugged. I'm done.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #423479
#54. Go to hell and take that with you! She shouted it right in Amelie's face. Eve
was an exotic blaze of color against Amelie's white fury.
And then she slapped the Founder in the face.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #425947
#55. Comedy is underrepresented in every actor's life, because it's so bloody difficult to write.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #429727
#56. karma's a bitch, and so am I

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #430261
#57. Presenting the Oscars was the most nerve-racking job I have ever done in show business. It's very much a live show: they have comedy writers waiting in the wings, and as you come off between presentations, they hand you an appropriate gag to tell.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #433515
#58. Shane held the jewelry at arm's length, dangling it like a dead rat. No way in hell am I caught dead or alive wearing that.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #439475
#59. Hell's put in a skating rink," Shane said. "This is actually edible, Eve.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #441064
#60. Not only is acting more than a part-time job, it's more than a full-time job. It's a full-time obsession.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #441881
#61. Monica's eyes were fierce and fiery, but she didn't move, and after a second she turned and ran up the steps to the second floor, where her formally dressed friends were huddled like the cast of Survivor: Abercrombie & Fitch Island.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #452916
#62. He gave me his word. That means something to a man like Donovan Caine.
Yeah, it means you'll realize he's an exceptionally good liar when you're clutching your intestines and choking on your own blood on his living room floor.

Jennifer Estep

Caine's Quotes #464571
#63. I'm hoping there's an afterlife. As you get older, you hope even more fervently.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #465515
#64. I won't stay," I warned him. "I won't try to fight for you anymore. This is it. If you walk away it's not for me. I won't ever think that. I will always, always blame you for this. For ruining us.

Samantha Young

Caine's Quotes #478111
#65. But if these past years in Morganville have taught me anything, it's that sometimes you have to just ... jump. It's not safe. It's never safe. But sometimes you have to live dangerously.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #482050
#66. When you sleep later than a vampire, Claire thought, that's probably taking it a little too far.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #482630
#67. He had on a funny T-shirt, as usual. Today's featured acartoon figure running from a giant T. rex, and it read EXERCISE: SOME MOTIVATIONREQUIRED.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #483976
#68. What did I do?" he said. "Cake! It's cake! Delicious cake!

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #484096
#69. Hollywood is a cross between a health farm, a recreation center and an insane asylum. It's a company town, and I happen to like the company!

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #487691
#70. Oliver ... well. Who knew if Oliver's problem was the disease or just a bad attitude?

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #493706
#71. Just because he's a spider doesn't mean he deserves any less concern!

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #503335
#72. Why are we doing this?" Caine asked him. "You know damned well why we're doing this. Because it's a fight. It may be THE fight. I may be the final fight. And what else are we good at, you and me? What are we going to do if we ever get out there anyway?

Michael Grant

Caine's Quotes #510133
#73. Caine might have smiled at her, had his heart not been breaking to smithereens inside of him.

V.S. Carnes

Caine's Quotes #511035
#74. As she turned to concentrate on the portal, Eve tugged on Claire's shirt. "What?"
"Ask him where he got the boots."
"You ask." Personally, Claire wanted the vampire bunny slippers.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #511708
#75. When things seem calmest, that is the time you should fear the most, it's when you have the most to lose.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #518239
#76. Remind me to thank God I don't have a sister."
Caine eyed him critically. He was a filthy heap of blood and soot and sand stuck to the gun oil on his face. "Yeah," without much enthusiasm. "I'll thank Him for ya.

V.S. Carnes

Caine's Quotes #519496
#77. I'm sorry for hurting you. I know I did. I'm most likely dead now, and I guess if there's any kind of fairness in the afterlife I'm probably in hell getting roasted. But if that's where I am, I want you to know, I still love you. Always did. Love, Caine

Michael Grant

Caine's Quotes #521070
#78. Promise me, Amelie, that you'll crucify me with silver before you allow me to fall in love."
"I hardly think there's any chance of that," Amelie said. "I doubt you have the capacity.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #537224
#79. By now, she was far from the scorch of these sands. After the ransom deal, she would be safely married in England. To Ashton. And Caine, who had hurt her far more than anything Abdullah had planned for her with that long, curved dagger, deserved no better than this torment of knowing it.

V.S. Carnes

Caine's Quotes #557520
#80. One should never create tension between one's footwear.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #563585
#81. I love you completely, don't you see? I even want the worst of you because it it's still a part of you.

Claudia Gray

Caine's Quotes #565807
#82. Hello, Darkness," Caine said.
Gaia's face fell. Her bloody, feral grin faded to be replaced by lips drawn right with fear. Her killer blue eyes widened as she looked at Caine who was no longer Caine.
"Nemesis," Gaia said.

Michael Grant

Caine's Quotes #572238
#83. Caine was a murderer. A liar. A cad. A skulker in shadows and a heartless wretch. What sort of woman or God would love someone like him?

V.S. Carnes

Caine's Quotes #572301
#84. In any group of people, no matter how hard-assed they might appear, there's always a geek.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #575863
#85. They were literally inches from being buried alive in this place, millions of miles from home or any sort of civilization, where they would never be found or mourned ... and Caine continued to smile.
Sweet heavens, he was completely out of his mind!

V.S. Carnes

Caine's Quotes #595399
#86. The door banged open, and Eve rushed out, flushed and mussed and still buttoning her shirt. 'It's not what you think,' she said. 'It was just - oh, okay, whatever, it was exactly what you think. Now, what?

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #599238
#87. I think that's my new band name," Shane said. "Asshat and Nerd Girlfriend. It's got a ring to it.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #611587
#88. Hannah: What's your plan?
Claire: Go get him
Hannah: Honey, that is not a plan. That's what we in the military call an objective.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #616762
#89. Shane dragged Eve's suitcase into the room and dumped it on the floor beside her bed. Hey, Dark Princess? Here's your crap. Also, bite me.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #617869
#90. She's nice when it suits her. That doesn't mean she's nice.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #621079
#91. I don't know that it's particularly good for my writing process, but I have gotten some very valuable writing ideas and advice through Twitter and Facebook and other social network sites.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #636696
#92. Right. That's the end of the line for you tonight. You're going home, I'm seeing you safe inside, and I'm going home to hide in a closet until this blows over. I suggest you do the same.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #641047
#93. Oh
who's the Queen?"
"Her, of course. The White Queen. You're just like Alice, you know. Down the rabbit hole with the Mad Hatter.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #643343
#94. What you know about Vampires could fit into a mosquito's ass." Eve said. Irritated. "All you know is what you grew up seeing on T.V. You ever actually meet one?

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #643627
#95. People talk about nature as a mother, but to me she's always been Medea, ready and willing to slaughter her children.

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #653449
#96. What it is is that comedy is underrepresented in every actor's life, because it's so bloody difficult to write. Anyone can write; and then you leave it to special effects to make it look good. But comedy, you've got to do some writing.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #653919
#97. Obsession is a young man's game, and my only excuse is that I never grew old.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #660213
#98. Mirnin: Where's Shreve?

Rachel Caine

Caine's Quotes #665971
#99. I've been on movies where I literally couldn't hear what the other actor was saying. It's very awkward.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #670708
#100. It's vital to have your own space so you aren't constantly in each other's pockets.

Michael Caine

Caine's Quotes #684127

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