Top 100 Byrne Quotes
#1. There were a number of people who helped me get there, and the one I always mention is Michael Byrne, the great master swordsman and brilliant stunt double.
Ian McDiarmid
#2. I have been working. I've been blessed to have shared a movie in the north of Chile called 'The 33,' with Gabriel Byrne and Juliette Binoche and Antonio Banderas, which is the beautiful story of the miners (trapped underground for 69 days in 2010). And then, this incredible, epic story came my way.
Cote De Pablo
#3. Byrne's Law: In any electrical circuit, appliances and wiring will burn out to protect fuses.
Robert Byrne
#5. In my home State of Minnesota, I have seen firsthand the importance of Byrne grants to local police in reducing crime and drugs and improving public safety.
Jim Ramstad
#6. Interviewer: If I gave you fifty dollars, right now, what would you do with it?David Byrne: I would get something to eat.
David Byrne
#7. To make a deliberate falsification for personal gain is the last, worst depth to which either scholar or artist can descend in work or life.
(Letter to Muriel St. Clare Byrne, 8 September 1935)
Dorothy L. Sayers
#8. I wouldn't want to compare myself to David Byrne whom I consider a genius, but what I think what we have in common is that he's also a guy who is very interested in the world and who has a lot of passions beyond singing and playing guitar.
Anthony Bourdain
#9. I got into comics on John Byrne's run of the X-Men and the Dark Phoenix Saga. I got in around X-Men 95, right when it turned to the new X-Men. So that whole family, all those characters are kind of my favorite characters, just the X-Men world.
Timothy Miller
#10. 'Damages' was cool. It brought me back to New York for a little while, so that was a lot of fun, and I was obviously very excited about the opportunity to work with Rose Byrne and Glenn Close. I'd been a fan of that show before I started working on it.
Bailey Chase
#11. If she'd ever hoped to impress Amon Byrne with her newly acquired glamour and beauty, that chance was gone forever. He'd seen her in every kind of ugly.
Cinda Williams Chima
#12. I like Dali and Magritte. I also like the Scottish artist John Byrne, another surrealist.
Billy Connolly
#13. Wonder Woman didn't begin in 1941 when William Moulton Marston turned in his first script to Sheldon Mayer. Wonder Woman began on a winter day in 1904 when Margaret Sanger dug Olive Byrne out of a snowbank.
Jill Lepore
#14. Gabriel Byrne is an extraordinary human being. We have two extraordinary kids and we work at it. We were always friends. He stuck by me through very hard times, and I hope he'd say the same about me.
Ellen Barkin
#15. You're a terrible man for the blankets, said Kerrigan.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I love my bed, said Byrne. She was my first friend ... She will house me in my last hour and faithfully hold my cold body when I am dead. She will look bereaved when I am gone.
Flann O'Brien
#16. What happened to me separates me from the normal world in a negative way. Like a handicap or disfiguring deformity, it's too horrible for some people to deal with, and it makes them uncomfortable whenever they're around me. ~Leigh Byrne, Call Me Tuesday
Leigh Byrne
#17. It was a peculiar marriage of interests- Lord Averill and Captain Byrne and Lord Bayar and Han Alister agreeing on anything was as rare as gold in Ragmarket.
Cinda Williams Chima
#18. There wasn't space to mood-up. I think Rose Byrne was just extraordinary. Talk about a character that could be really unsympathetic at times. She just jumped in these scenes that go from anger to hysteria to crying to laughing and back to anger. I just marveled.
Susan Sarandon
#19. Lord help her, she didn't care where
Byrne took her. Let hellfire consume her and the devil steal her soul. Because any hell with Byrne in it
was better than a heaven without him.
Sabrina Jeffries
#20. That's the one for my tombstone ... Here lies David Byrne. Why the big suit?
David Byrne
#21. When things get so absurd and so stupid and so ridiculous that you just can't bear it, you cannot help but turn everything into a joke.
David Byrne
#22. You can change your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience.
Rhonda Byrne
#23. As you get older, you just lose that confidence and narcissism you have in your twenties. You realize you have less time on the planet, and you become cynical and less confident.
Rose Byrne
#24. There are plenty of people who are, I think, completely racist who love hip-hop.
David Byrne
#25. You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create the world around you that you choose.
Rhonda Byrne
#26. I knew I wanted to have a doll of myself on the cover. I thought, I wanna see myself as a Ken doll.
David Byrne
#27. I vow on this holy ground that when this is all over, I'm going to bend you over the first available surface and fuck you sideways. Got it?
Kerrigan Byrne
#28. I've noticed a lot of younger artists have less fear of doing different sorts of things, whether it's various types of music, or gallery artists moving between video and sculpture and drawing.
David Byrne
#29. Failure in training identifies weaknesses so as to prevent them in the field, because as the common saying goes in the tactical community, "We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training." We live by that code.
Gary J. Byrne
#30. Sometimes I feel that I could stand in the middle of the square and scream and thrash about like a wildling, and no one would notice.
Kerrigan Byrne
#31. It only takes a few minutes in the morning to use gratitude to Have A Magical Day by giving thanks for the events in your day ahead of time, but this one practice alone will change the way your entire day unfolds.
Rhonda Byrne
#32. Whatever circumstances you were born into, whatever family life and education you had or didn't have, you came here to make your dreams come true, and no matter where you are now, you are fully equipped with everything you need to do it!
Rhonda Byrne
#33. In the moment you ask, and believe and know you already have it in the unseen, the entire Universe shifts to bring it into the seen.
Rhonda Byrne
#34. I can't deny that label-support gave me a leg up - though not every successful artist needs it.
David Byrne
#35. Our inability to talk about the past was almost as damaging to our relationship as the past itself.
Leigh Byrne
#37. I don't think people are going to switch over to bikes because it's good for them or because it's politically correct. They're going to do it because it gets them from A to B faster.
David Byrne
#38. Most actors here go to the West Coast; I ended up going to Ireland. My buddies who left drama school, they had this arrogance - 'We don't want to typecast ourselves.' But I said, 'I want to do Irish parts. That's the thing that's gonna give me the leg up.'
Brian F. O'Byrne
#39. Love, because when you love, you are using the greatest power in the Universe.
Rhonda Byrne
#40. Compliment people wherever you go. Praise every single thing you see. Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet.
Rhonda Byrne
#41. Go for the sense of inner joy and peace then all outside things appear.
Rhonda Byrne
#42. The emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the thought so it will take form. - Charless Haanel P.g29
Rhonda Byrne
#43. Where I am now, you're very much at everybody else's mercy. You have no control over your career in a lot of ways. It's just important to know what your own goals are, because that's empowering.
Rose Byrne
#44. Focus on being grateful for what you have already .. enjoy it!! Then release into the universe. The universe will manifest it.
Rhonda Byrne
#45. You must look for the good in people to have more of it appear. As you look only for the good things in a person, you will be amazed at what your new focus reveals.
Rhonda Byrne
#46. My favorite time of day is to get up and eat leftovers from dinner, especially spicy food.
David Byrne
#47. Dissanayake writes that art that engages the mind and hands, that is not just passive connoisseurship, can act as an antidote, for our contentious and alienated relationship to our own societies.
David Byrne
#48. Make your last thoughts before going to sleep good thoughts.
Rhonda Byrne
#49. I have no intention of taking a break
Gay Byrne
#50. Until you walk a mile in another man's moccasins you can't imagine the smell.
Robert Byrne
#51. I try to write about small things. Paper, animals, a house ... love is kind of big. I have written a love song, though. In this film, I sing it to a lamp.
David Byrne
#53. Quantum physics really begins to point to this discovery. It says that you can't have a Universe without mind entering into it, and that the mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived. If
Rhonda Byrne
#54. It surprised him how badly he didn't want anyone else in Hero's room. Even her family. She'd clung to him so ferociously, and he wasn't ready to give that up. So - this was new and dangerous emotional territory.
Kerrigan Byrne
#55. I had one of the best days of my life. I spent the afternoon with my two kids and my ex-wife at Serendipity. Then I came to the theater, and you know, I think I did the play the best I've ever done it.
Gabriel Byrne
#56. My lord, it is Patroclus, he is dead, his armour taken.. Hector is to blame.' There was a chilling silence, then a sudden intake of breath. Then a cry, low rising, increasing, then torn out of him, turned out of the depth of Hades... For Achilles, the only word 'Patroclus.
Byrne Fone
#57. If anything, a lot of electronic music is music that no one listens to at home, hardly. It's really only to be heard when everyone's out enjoying it.
David Byrne
#58. The law of attraction says like attracts like.
Rhonda Byrne
#59. Chicago kept industry, attracted new business, became the center for convention trade and transportation.
Jane Byrne
#60. When you say "I am," the words that follow are summoning creation with a mighty force, because you are declaring it to be fact.
Rhonda Byrne
#61. I'm seventeen. This isn't puppy love any more. The boys are nearly men, when they bite they leave scars.
Tanya Byrne
#63. He radiated a calm focus
like he knew who he was and where he was going. He was a steady mooring in a sea of change. Hr was honest and kept his word, and he was unrelentingly fair. It made people want to follow him.
Cinda Williams Chima
#64. Even challenges are beautiful opportunities in disguise.
Rhonda Byrne
#65. For those you work with or interact with regularly .. get a notebook and write down positive aspects of each of those people.
Rhonda Byrne
#66. My opinion is that somebody certainly has the right to do cartoons that make fun of somebody else's religion. But to reprint them just to provoke a fight and just to provoke it like thumbing your nose at someone else and going, What are you gonna do about it?
David Byrne
#67. Occasionally, I hanker for the time when I sold more records, but I don't sit and drool about it. When I do look at early footage of Talking Heads, I realise I was just a wreck.
David Byrne
#68. Comedy has to have momentum in order for it to keep moving along.
Rose Byrne
#69. I've rarely seen video screens used well in a music concert.
David Byrne
#70. Your guardian angel never, ever stops communicating with you.
I feel that at times they should be frustrated with us but they seem to have endless patience and they never ever give up on us.
Lorna Byrne
#71. People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same.
Rhonda Byrne
#72. Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize everything to you and electrically energize yourself to everything you want
Rhonda Byrne
#73. But I am committed to keeping this city a strong and viable center for commerce and industry, for continuing to make it a place of opportunity for its citizens.
Jane Byrne
#74. I think it's really hard to make songs that pursue an agenda. You can kind of do it a little bit through a character, so the character gives voice to something or their story, the story of the character tells you something, but, for me anyway, it's really hard to write directly about politics.
David Byrne
#75. Every single day, no matter who you meet in the day - friends, family, work colleagues, strangers - give joy to them. Give a smile or a compliment or kind words or kind actions, but give joy! Do your best to make sure that every single person you meet has a better day because they saw you.
Rhonda Byrne
#76. What is that song that Willie Nelson sang? 'Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few.' I think of that. No big deal. I've reached a stage in my life where I am content.
Gabriel Byrne
#77. When you are in joy you are in love with the world & the Universe is in love with you.
Rhonda Byrne
#78. You are the masterpiece
of your own life.
You are the Michelangelo
of your own life.
The David you are sculpturing
is you
(Dr. Joe Vitale)
Rhonda Byrne
#79. Yeah, anybody can go in with two turntables and a microphone or a home studio sampler and a little cassette deck or whatever and make records in their bedrooms.
David Byrne
#80. The making of music is profoundly affected by the market.
David Byrne
#81. I'm afraid that reason will triumph and that the world will become a place where anyone who doesn't fit that will become unnecessary.
David Byrne
#82. Making a film is an incredibly technical undertaking.
Rose Byrne
#83. In a certain way, it's the sound of the words, the inflection and the way the song is sung and the way it fits the melody and the way the syllables are on the tongue that has as much of the meaning as the actual, literal words.
David Byrne
#84. no one has ever gone to war over music.
David Byrne
#86. The force of love will change your life so fast that you will scarcely believe it!
Rhonda Byrne
#87. I've noticed that when I am selling a lot of records, certain things become easier. I'm not talking about getting a table in a restaurant.
David Byrne
#88. I feel not unlike a small boy, waking from a bad dream to find reality not much of an improvement.
John Byrne
#89. Blackwell had become that jaguar she'd evoked the first time she'd laid eyes on him. His shoulders rolled and bunched just so he settled in for a feast.
Kerrigan Byrne
#90. Life is not about negative circumstances that happen to you, it's about what you do with the golden opportunities hidden within!
Rhonda Byrne
#91. You will attract everything you require - money, people, connections.. PAY ATTENTION to what's being set in front of you.
Rhonda Byrne
#92. Viking women were able to rule kingdoms, divorce husbands, own land; and Vikings were very progressive in terms of the rights of women.
Gabriel Byrne
#93. Where music is heard can determine the sort of music created by the artists who perform there.
David Byrne
#94. Music was an experience, intimately married to your life. You could pay to hear music, but after you did, it was over, gone - a memory.
David Byrne
#95. I think sometimes I get carried away, like I'm speaking to an imaginary audience rather than just trying to figure something out for myself. Ideally, I try to balance that - that I'm asking these questions of myself, how does this work, why does this happen, what's going on here.
David Byrne
#96. The truth is that the universe has been answering you all of your life, but you cannot receive the answers unless you are awake.
Rhonda Byrne
#97. Do creative, social, and civic attitudes change depending on where we live? Yes, I think so.
David Byrne
#98. When you need money, it is a powerful feeling within you, and so of course through the law of attraction you will continue to attract needing money.
Rhonda Byrne
#99. That's the thing about pictures: they seduce you.
David Byrne
#100. Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally.
Rhonda Byrne
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