Top 33 Burden Blessing Quotes

#1. It is his absence that is part of me and has been for years. This is who I am, perhaps who we all are, keepers of the absent and the dead. It is the blessing and burden of being alive.

Camilla Gibb

Burden Blessing Quotes #1451125
#2. Every burden is a blessing.

Walt Kelly

Burden Blessing Quotes #1133131
#3. Every technology is both a burden and a blessing; not either-or, but this-and-that.

Neil Postman

Burden Blessing Quotes #1158236
#4. You care because God gave you this unusual blessing: a burden to make a difference.

Craig Groeschel

Burden Blessing Quotes #1200599
#5. Our toil is sweet with thankfulness, Our burden is our boon; The curse of earth's gray morning is The blessing of its noon.

John Greenleaf Whittier

Burden Blessing Quotes #1243773
#6. To relinquish one of his/her unknown burden is both a blessing and a reward

Bernard Ball

Burden Blessing Quotes #1366739
#7. Buried under the biggest burden is a good place to find an even bigger blessing.

Janette Oke

Burden Blessing Quotes #1400567
#8. Having lived in Utah all of my life, I can tell that in many ways I know of no place more lonely, no place more unfamiliar. When I talk about how it is both a blessing and a burden to have those kinds of roots, it can be terribly isolating, because when you are so familiar, you know the shadow.

Terry Tempest Williams

Burden Blessing Quotes #1443357
#9. When I find a man who is not willing to pay his share of the burden of the government which protects him, I find a man who is unworthy to enjoy the blessings of a government like ours.

William Jennings Bryan

Burden Blessing Quotes #1444897
#10. Was memory always as much of a burden as it could sometimes be a blessing.

Mary Balogh

Burden Blessing Quotes #1071208
#11. Before every action ask yourself. Will this bring more monkeys on my back. Will the result of my action be a blessing or a heavy burden?

Alfred Armand Montapert

Burden Blessing Quotes #1479514
#12. I spent my whole life wantin' to take care of children. You a blessing, not a burden." She looked at me hard. "Don't you go forgettin' that." She patted my shoulder and left me alone. As I fell asleep, it come to me that that was the first time anybody had ever told me I was a blessing.

Susan Crandall

Burden Blessing Quotes #1521603
#13. Is there a God or not?" "Is God good or not?" "Does he love me or not?" "Is God all powerful or not?" "Am I a blessing or a burden?" "Am I alone or is he with me?" And all of these questions were rooted in this one: "Do I have a heavenly Father or am I an orphan?

Lacey Sturm

Burden Blessing Quotes #1563796
#14. I still believe in love. I always will. It's my blessing and my burden.

Walter Kirn

Burden Blessing Quotes #1599594
#15. America, our endless blessings bestow an enduring burden. But as Americans, we welcome our responsibility to lead.

Barack Obama

Burden Blessing Quotes #1671742
#16. Life is not meant to be a burden. Life is not a problem to be solved. It is a blessing to be celebrated.

Joan D. Chittister

Burden Blessing Quotes #1811494
#17. It is a blessing as well as a burden to love so much that you can hurt so badly when love is gone.

Deborah Harkness

Burden Blessing Quotes #1825555
#18. Why is an artist an artist? Artists simply do feel and see things in a different way to other people. In a way it's a blessing, but it can also be a terrible curse. There's a great deal of satisfaction to be earned from it but often it's also a terrible burden.

Roger Waters

Burden Blessing Quotes #273403
#19. Karma is an energy debt which you owe or an energy credit which is owed you. Both involve compound interest that is added to the equation making it either a burden or a blessing.

Paul Russo

Burden Blessing Quotes #1056984
#20. If Christianity is dull and boring, if it is a burden and not a blessing, then most likely we are involved in a project, not a Person - a system not a Savior, rules rather than a relationship.

Joseph Stowell

Burden Blessing Quotes #1045964
#21. Prayer is the burden of revival; repentance is the breakthrough of revival; evangelism is the blessing of revival; holiness is the bounty of revival.

Steve Camp

Burden Blessing Quotes #1024792
#22. We have to be ready for the blessings God tosses at us. In order to catch your blessing, you have to let go of your burden.

Raylene Roybal

Burden Blessing Quotes #1023238
#23. How you deal with money reflects how you deal with power. Is it an affliction or a blessing? A game or a burden?

Anthony Robbins

Burden Blessing Quotes #980834
#24. It's easy to count your problems. Going forward, every time you mention a problem, also mention a blessing in your life. Just doing that will add light to your troubles and hopefully make them less of a burden.

David Mezzapelle

Burden Blessing Quotes #930309
#25. Prayer is, paradoxically, both a gift and a conquest, a grace and a duty. Does that not mean, is it not a special case of the truth, that all duty is a gift, every call on us a blessing, and that the task we often find a burden is really a boon?

Peter Forsyth

Burden Blessing Quotes #874724
#26. When God comes in His fullness, then our ministry will become easy, it will be a blessing and a pleasure, not a load and a burden.

Sunday Adelaja

Burden Blessing Quotes #755438
#27. Matthew feels deeply. It is a blessing as well as a burden to love to love so much that you can hurt badly when love is gone.

Deborah Harkness

Burden Blessing Quotes #626923
#28. Death either destroys or unhusks us. If it means liberation, better things await us when our burden s gone: if destruction, nothing at all awaits us; blessings and curses are abolished.

Seneca The Younger

Burden Blessing Quotes #543008
#29. If your friend has displeased you, you shall not sit down to consider it, for he has already lost all memory of the passage, and has doubled his power to serve you, and, ere you can rise up again, will burden you with blessings.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Burden Blessing Quotes #447701
#30. Talk about your blessings more than you talk about your burdens.

Tim Tebow

Burden Blessing Quotes #341221
#31. If you start to see God's blessing as your own achievement, then you should know that you
are placing on yourself a burden that is beyond your power to carry.

Sunday Adelaja

Burden Blessing Quotes #336399
#32. Pray not while you can work. Hope is the least of what life can afford you, never the best. Hope is a plague, never a blessing, especially when the answer is sought not from us but from others. It is unqualified burden to expect something from nothing.

Dew Platt

Burden Blessing Quotes #282643
#33. No one else can make you happy, and putting that expectation on the other will doom both of you. You don't look at someone and say, "You can make my life better." You look at someone and say, " I can make your life better." Be a blessing, not a burden.

Penelope Douglas

Burden Blessing Quotes #275704

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