Top 87 Bryan Lee O'malley Quotes
#1. Bryan Lee O'Malley has been alive since he was born and will lives until he dies.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#2. I have a lot on my mind and not a lot to do so it's going to come out, all of it, and then, then, it may begin to make a sort of sense
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#3. Doubt yourself all you want, but you have to make choices in life and live with them.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#4. (door slams open at 2:30am)
"Guess who's DRUAAAHUUUNK!" said Wilson.
"I guess Wilson, now get out," moaned Scott
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#5. I'm just confused. Everything's confusing. Everything beautiful is far away, or maybe everything far away is beautiful. It's like how the grass is greener on the other side. Grass just looks nicer from the other side, you know? Grass where you're standing looks like dirt with hair.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#6. When you're alone, you look at yourself more, it is kind of inevitable.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#8. The first Nintendo game I ever got was 'Clash at Demonhead.' I got into anime and manga thanks to that Canadian classic, 'Sailor Moon.'
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#9. Hey, amazon.ca, that's the online bookstore or whatever, right?
-What's the website for that?
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#10. I didn't expect 'Scott Pilgrim' to be successful. I just made this weird comic to entertain my friends.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#11. I've had so many little ideas I've written down here and there. Some ideas I've got reams of notes for.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#12. Each new book that comes out kind of pulls up the old ones a little bit. The new releases are always going to bolster the old releases.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#13. Maybe it's important to open up I people- people who are right there with you, not some thousand miles away in another universe. Or maybe it's something else. Maybe I should just settle for not knowing. Maybe it's just good to know that you're not the only one who doesn't know.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#14. After a long period of not drawing, you have to, like, relearn how to draw. It's not very fun.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#15. I am leaning back and running with it and staring at the stars and I'm eleven, I'm sixteen, I'm eighteen, I'm a newborn I'm everyone everywhere with you without you unbound set free in limbo lost at sea.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#16. I don't tend to cast roles in my head because I spend so much time with these characters and the drawings that they're complete in themselves, you know what I mean?
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#17. Oh, hey, maybe I should have mentioned that my friends are retarded douchebags.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#18. What happened after my best friend left is that I couldn't make friends anymore, or I could make them but I couldn't enjoy them, I couldn't relate to them.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#19. This song is for the guy who keeps yelling from the balcony, and it's called 'we hate you, please die.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#20. I grew up in London, Ontario, and moved to Toronto when I was 22 or 23.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#21. 'Seconds' is all about spaces, and I guess spaces are kind of like people in that they can be haunting and alluring before we even really get to know them, and after prolonged exposure, they can become mundane or oppressive.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#23. I guess I've always been kind of obsessed with food. I always liked drawing food, and I always liked stories - I think I probably just read somewhere that stories are better if someone's eating in them. I don't know where that came from, but it really stuck, and I always try to put food in.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#24. Stephen ... you know how, when a baby is first born, it just cries at the sheer horror of being alive?
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#25. I'm 25 and just trying to understand women. Obviously, that is a process that never ends.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#26. I'm too young to have experienced firsthand the '70s rock, but when I was in high school, me and my friends were super into Neil Young. That was the grunge era, and he was considered cool again.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#28. I just had this feeling that, if I were to get into a fight, somehow I would have the ability to fight back, just based on playing 'Street Fighter' for so many years of my life. It's almost like I actually learned martial arts.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#29. I don't really picture anyone when I'm drawing. They just become their own completed person with googly eyes.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#31. When I was a kid, I desperately wanted more background information on especially cartoonists.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#32. I've always been open to the idea of an adaptation that does its own thing, that freely diverges from the original as long as it's true to the spirit.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#33. Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it. I would punch your life in the face.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#34. Anyway, how are you and Ramona doing?'
Uh ... you know. Pretty good.'
Have you said the L-Word yet?'
The L-Word? You mean? Lesbian?'
Uh ... No. The other L-Word.'
Okay. Uh, It's "love." I wasn't trying to trick you or anything.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#35. I used to be really influenced by Brian Bendis, back in his indie days. But I guess I try to tone that down.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#36. There were times over the years when I wanted to take a break from 'Scott Pilgrim,' or even just stop doing 'Scott Pilgrim,' when I was feeling down or whatever.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#37. Writing music is sort of my hobby, but it's been falling off more and more. Doing comic books takes up my entire life.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#38. 'Seconds' is grounded in the reality of this restaurant environment, and I did do plenty of research, so there's that. It takes place in a town that is like a kinder, gentler fairy tale version of reality. Then it takes off into a story that is very strange, very mental.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#39. She's his kid sister, but ... I guess it's like she got sucked into this alternate dimension when she was little? And this demon guy taught her all this black magic and, like, twisted her soul.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#40. I'm sometimes sort of in touch with the readership, and they seem to have perceptive questions, for the most part.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#42. Scott: I don't think I'm ready to be a grown-up.
Kim: I don't think you are either, buddy. But hey, you'll get it. It just takes practice.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#43. I'll love you forever. And I have dipping sauce for you! I'll be your dipping sauce bitch!
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#44. I feel like im in this river just getting swept along ... And if I hold on to anyone, if I'm holding on for dear life, I'm not getting anywhere. I'm stuck.
... I never wanted to get stuck
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#45. Okay, this might sound vague, but do you know this one girl with hair like this?
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#46. I just don't think I can write someone drastically younger than me.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#48. 'Seconds' is very much about reaching out for the next thing after you've figured out the first thing.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#49. Listen to this, okay? Just listen. You hear that? That's market bacon hitting the pan. Today a child is born unto us, and his name will be bacon.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#50. I really like the look of old '70s and '80s Japanese comics, so I think that style is something I will continue to draw.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#51. She's their secret weapon! They call her Trasha, and she's eight years old. I hear they discovered her at the Pacific Mall arcade, playing Drum-Mania. She has so much A.D.D., it's not even funny.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#52. All my stupid little thoughts beget stupid little thoughts, rampantly speculating every possible outcome of every possible situation until they're all done to death and none of them could ever be true.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#53. And sometimes I try to stop speculating the future out of existence, and other times I just lean back and run with it because maybe it's for the best.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#54. Can we go out sometime? Or, I mean, I mean ... Can we maybe just hang out? Can we get to know each other? You're new in town, right? I've lived here forever
I mean
I mean ... there are ... reasons ... for you to hang out with me?
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#55. Kim: "What, a coffee? Hollie, I have some bad news. I hate you, okay?"
Hollie: "You hate everyone, Kim."
Kim: "You're one of everyone.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#56. I just have this thing in my head that I want to do serious stories that are still just way too cute and drawn in a really cute, appealing, rounded, childish way, and it's like, I don't know if it makes sense - but it's just something I'm really strongly compelled to do.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#57. We are Sex Bob-Omb and we are here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff!
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#58. We have a mutual friend, see, and she- Ah, screw it. This is Gideon. When would it be convenient for you to die?
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#59. Tell it to the cleaning lady on Monday. Because you'll be dust on Monday. Because I'll be pulverizing you sometime over the weekend. And the cleaning lady ... cleans up ... dust. She dusts. And she has weekends off, so ... Monday. Right?
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#60. You suck, surprising no one!!!! If bad was a boot, you'd fit it!!!! You're a stupid poo-poo head! I had sexual relations with your mother! Your mother was not that good in bed! You, sir, are a wretched soul! I am rubber, you are glue!
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#61. Adult life is terrible, Hazel. Never grow up.
Everything's complicated, and there are too many rules ...
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#64. Kim: Hey ... There's a guy over there with a samurai sword.
Scott: Really? Like a katana or a wakizashi or both?
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#65. In my teens and university and stuff, video games became more realistic, or they started to.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#66. There are things we can't change, and we just have to accept that. And maybe that's some kind of grace
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#67. I don't really have a metaphor for how I write, but it kinda feels like chipping away at a big dark object that I can't really see.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#68. Are we letting her drink beer again?"
"Hell yes we are, and it's hilarious.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#69. For Hollywood to make 'Spider-Man,' only to redo the movie a couple years later, just boggles the mind. To recast 'The Incredible Hulk' for a third time? I don't get it.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#70. My readership seems to be the sensitive people, for the most part. Then there are the occasional fans who are like, "Ah, video games!"
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#71. I don't want to spend my entire life drawing talking heads. It seems like a waste of everyone's time.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#72. I remember talking to someone who is vegan. At the time, I would hear a lot of outrageous claims from vegans about the good that being a vegan can do for you, for your health and whatnot. I remember someone once told me vegans don't sweat, so I started my mind going.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#73. I think it's natural as you get to the end of your twenties to start thinking about what you could have done differently - whether they went well or whether they went terribly.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#74. The places I've been, or passed through, or seen at a distance, have had as much an impact on my life as the people I've known.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#76. I've certainly played games that provoked a real emotional response or serious thought processes.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#77. I always like to write where I'm at in real life into whatever I'm working on.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#78. You stole him with your advanced American slut technology! You're not nice!
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#79. I do get the sense sometimes that if I draw things too nice, maybe I won't be indie-rock enough anymore.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#81. 'Monkey Island 2' was a huge game for me. It kind of taught me all about comedy.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#82. I don't think anyone ever sets out to make a crappy movie, but there are a lot of forces working against those people who are trying to make something decent. There are a lot of fine lines to walk and small battles to fight.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#83. Tumblr culture and the whole reappropriation-without-context thing are a double-edged sword in that they both raise awareness of my work and also kind of devalue it at the same time.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#85. I need some kind of ... like ... last minute, poorly-set-up deus ex machina!!
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#86. When you do your first book, you're just like, "This is my work." And it's just this whole other world that you throw yourself into.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
#87. I'm always exploring other people: trying to figure out myself, trying to figure out everyone.
Bryan Lee O'Malley
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