Top 43 Bryan Fuller Quotes

#1. There's usually a few people who are like, "Say ... what would that look like on our channel?" Interest can be expressed without directly expressing interest.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1624817
#2. Upfronts are all about ad sales.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1158411
#3. I got into writing to become a 'Star Trek' writer. I was a rabid fan. I had shelves and shelves and shelves of action figures in my bedroom that scared away more dates than I care to admit to.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1235222
#4. If you're just grinding up hamburger at McDonald's, I see that as a bit of an affront to living things. You're not really honoring the life.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1252638
#5. I love that India has declared dolphins non-human people with all laws that apply to human. I'm fascinated with the alien-ness of that.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1312858
#6. One of the things that I always think about is the emotional sophistication of animals and how much we're learning about the emotional sophistication of animals. If you're eating a pig, you're essentially eating the equivalent of a four-year-old human being.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1319332
#7. If you are going to be serving a living thing, you have to honor that living thing with some kind of care and thought and preparation to rationalize the taking of that life in some way. Where if you're just grinding up hamburger at McDonald's, I see that as a bit of an affront to living things.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1354968
#8. Dr. Lecter would have more sustenance on the spacecraft from Alien because there are more people to eat. I think he'd get hungry after a while in the Overlook - I can't imagine him eating canned food.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1534145
#9. If you see the blood, then there's an easy association of the violence. The violence that happens when there isn't blood is actually much more subversive and unsettling.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1546457
#10. I love horror, fantasy and sci-fi. Those are my genres of love and devotion.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1582867
#11. If you're trying to make a recipe that you're not even going to bother tasting, you're doing something wrong.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1613620
#12. When you are developing something, you have to look at it individually. You can't compare and contrast it to the projects around it, because that way madness lies.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1118145
#13. I do love animals so much, and have a great respect for them emotionally and intellectually, because they are so different from human beings.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1634710
#14. It would be pathological narcissism to assume that that person had to live how I live.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1672340
#15. With land-roaming animals, I've just read so much about the sophistication of their emotional lives and their intelligence and the way they process information that betrays a greater intelligence.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1705002
#16. The more real the murder is, the less interested I am in seeing it. It's hard enough to watch the news.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1720609
#17. I was such a huge fan of 'The X-Files.'

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1744858
#18. I only eat meat if I go to a nice restaurant and there is an exceptional dish, or if I'm at somebody's home for a dinner, I'll eat whatever is in front of me. Otherwise, I don't eat anything that walks around and has a face.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1745288
#19. If I go to your home, and you're cooking me a meal, I will eat whatever you put in front of me.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1778101
#20. It's very interesting to blur the line between eating human beings and eating animals, because I do think people should think more about what they put in their bodies, whether it is nutritionally or philosophically.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1811271
#21. You can't measure a dog's intelligence by giving him a verbal test 'cause it's not on their scale, but that doesn't mean they're not intelligent creatures.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1816353
#22. I'm incredibly proud of 'Hannibal' and the cast - I feel like we're doing really good television.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1875318
#23. Looking back, it's funny how the lighter family-friendly version of these classic Universal movie monsters that were satirized in The Munsters seduced me like a gateway drug into the genre.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #664155
#24. I went to school to be a psychiatrist. That's where I was going until I had a teacher-student conference with one of my teachers and there were film school pamphlets, and he said, "You don't belong here. Get out. Go to film school."

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #126140
#25. I like working, and my brain sort of keeps going whether I like it or not.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #145380
#26. Anything that happens on any show is a plot contrivance because that's just storytelling.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #182428
#27. Food is art, I believe. If you are going to be serving a living thing, you have to honor that living thing with some kind of care and thought and preparation to rationalize the taking of that life in some way.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #207361
#28. What was always interesting about Thomas Harris' books is they were a wonderful hybridization of a crime thriller and a horror movie.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #311195
#29. A poor white woman from the South is different than a poor black woman from the South, and has a completely different experience.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #568957
#30. For me, nudity and strong language have never been huge loadbearing elements of how I like to tell a story. Graphic images certainly are.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #577578
#31. International broadcasters are often dependent on an American home broadcasting network, so it changes the game entirely.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #588357
#32. Race totally matters. Race totally changes your point of view. It's a different experience.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #610873
#33. I think accessibility is what often denies horror its deserved attention. So it all depends on the execution and whether mainstream audiences can accept it.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #640057
#34. When I'm at home and I'm preparing my own food, it's all gluten-free, or fish and it's healthy, but when I go to someone else's house, I'll eat what they put in front of me because I don't want to be an asshole.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #78344
#35. I felt, selfishly, that if there was going to be a TV show about 'Hannibal Lecter' whether I was going to be involved or not, I'd rather be involved. I wanted to make sure it was something I wanted to watch.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #685405
#36. If somebody is mean or rude, I just, I don't engage - just block and say, 'Well, that's not very polite.'

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #849904
#37. As an animal lover and as a sometime-meat-eater, I've read so much about the emotional sophistication of pigs and cows and sheep that I do think twice when I do still eat them on occasion.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #861515
#38. I love actors, and I love the casting process. It's funny, like, some writers don't like actors because, I think, they are the faces of the show, and so you feel sort of secondary, but I love actors because they elevate the material; they make it better.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #949642
#39. Horror films have always been quite operatic for me. I always sort of scratch my head at people's offense to them? If you don't get them, and you don't like them, then don't watch them.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #953003
#40. I read 'Red Dragon' back in high school. I love Thomas Harris' approach to the crime thriller that crossed over into horror in a way that nobody really tapped into.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #953640
#41. I think one of the things that was a huge surprise to everyone with 'Silence of the Lambs' was that that was an Oscar-winning horror movie. It struck such a nerve with audiences that it was a very particular, special experience.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #991939
#42. I, as the writer, can be very clear that I am writing a work of heightened fiction, as opposed to documenting horrible things that happen every day in the world. Which I have no interest in doing.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1010674
#43. People who have passion for horror stories, their appreciation/my appreciation is looking at it as opera.

Bryan Fuller

Bryan Fuller Quotes #1065738

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