Top 49 Britt Robertson Quotes

#1. George Clooney is actually a huge prankster. That's sort of his jam. I had no idea.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1181027
#2. The perfect shorts are always important.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #912463
#3. I never had a problem with social situations. A lot of times, when people are in school, they can have a little hesitancy because people are mean sometimes. I never had that problem because I never had that experience. So, I had a pretty easy transition.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #932514
#4. I've gone to prom multiple times, had fights with the principal, a relationship with my teacher. When people ask if I wish I had gone to high school, I tell them that I've acted all of that stuff out, and it just doesn't seem like fun.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #939473
#5. My family is large and in charge! That's my favorite way to describe them.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #949657
#6. Some of the best advice I was ever given was: 'Don't believe your own hype.'

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #962270
#7. I tried to play every sport. I wasn't great at most of them, but at least I tried!

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1003479
#8. I was a super tomboy growing up.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1013925
#9. I was going to start a housekeeping business at one point because I'm really good at cleaning houses.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1035217
#10. I am the oldest of seven. Do my siblings think I'm super cool? I wish they thought I was super cool!

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1036179
#11. Working is the best way to understand and grow, as an actor, in my opinion. That's been my experience.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1069583
#12. I don't like when people put their dishes in the dishwasher without scrubbing them properly because it comes out with those little white dots and then you can't get those out. And you have to rewash them.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1113315
#13. Honestly, I love television. I love the idea of going to work every day and getting to know your crew and having a rapport with your directors and having a family of cast.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1117861
#14. I was home-schooled. My mom wasn't a fan of public school systems.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #860122
#15. I really like Demi Lovato. I think she is really cool, and her laugh is infectious.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1206195
#16. I like down-to-Earth characters, but I also like being able to get outside my box of knowledge.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1425393
#17. I love scary movies, but I'd never really even seen The Vampire Diaries, up until I met [Kevin Williamson].

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1441062
#18. It's important to me to just experience as much as possible and to be able to just work and meet new people and have different experiences and have as much knowledge as I can.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1508308
#19. I have always been interested in art but had no formal training or experience. It's always been just what I liked, my eye for art.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1516690
#20. I think everyone has their own version of romance like and I think everyone has their own romantic side.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1548962
#21. I'm a huge horror fan.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1586712
#22. I'm not even a little bit talented at the red-carpet makeup thing, but recently I did learn how to give myself dramatic-looking eyes and how to contour my cheekbones.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1620481
#23. The song 'Can't Look Back Now' by the Weepies reminds me of the entire 'Life Unexpected' experience.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1717361
#24. For me as an actor, you always sort of want to bring yourself to a character in some way. You want to find a way to approach something in a way that's real and interesting, and also so there's some empathy there.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1760565
#25. I've kissed in the rain so many times. I think one of my first kisses was in the rain. It was in Washington, D.C., with some kid named Dash, in eighth grade. It was in the rain.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #1822435
#26. On the one blind date I went on, I had a backup. If I texted you the code word, you call and say my dogs are sick.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #411211
#27. 'A Walk to Remember' was a huge movie for me. I thought Mandy Moore was the coolest thing that ever happened. And Shane West - man, did I have a crush on him.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #43508
#28. I never talk about auditions. Even if I've got the role, I won't tell people until we're literally filming it.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #50973
#29. I eat like no other; it drives everyone crazy. I eat donuts three times a day, and I probably go through four Mountain Dews a day. I'm on, like, a sugar high at all times, pretty much.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #115000
#30. My grandmother raised me for a good portion of my life. She moved to Los Angeles with me to be an actor, so I've always had a connection with an older generation.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #129445
#31. After 'Life Unexpected' ended, I wanted to do something that was completely different from Lux and that show. I wanted to be able to keep my fans, but not have them confused about who I was or what my character was.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #150643
#32. I like really bad T.V.; it's a problem. Love me some reality.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #219004
#33. I was 14 or 15 when I moved to L.A. permanently, but I had been out for pilot season for a few years before that.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #223294
#34. My best friend and I go to bed at 11 o'clock. We have such old lady schedules. Everyone's always like, 'Let's go out!' And we're always like, 'No, we don't want to.' They call us the grandmas. L.A. can get really old really quickly if you waste your life away in a club all night.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #266843
#35. I like the wild characters. I like the idea of being a character actor without being a character actor.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #270094
#36. As a kid, I would always shop for my back-to-school clothes at department stores. I lived in a small town, and department stores were all we had access to.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #328996
#37. If I can play 15 when I am 25, I can play 35 when I'm 55.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #383944
#38. I am close - too close - with my family.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #41946
#39. I have a lot of girlfriends who are struggling out there to find good men.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #442030
#40. There have been times where I have been playing a 16-year-old, and people have been like, 'She still looks 12.' I'm like, 'I'm 22. What do you mean I don't look 16?' So I'm comfortable just rocking my young body.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #466911
#41. I was 11 and watching soap operas with my mom, and I thought it would be cool to be an actor. I thought soap operas was going to be the dream at the time - it's obviously now not the dream, but I think soap operas are really cool. Maybe I'll go back to that.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #470266
#42. I like to collect aprons from different places I go. I first started when I was in Italy because I thought that would be really appropriate. I got a hand-stitched Italian apron from this woman in Sicily who put my name on it, and it said, 'Sicily, Italy.' So now I get one from everywhere I go.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #508316
#43. I moved to L.A., and I lived in the Oakland Apartments, which is this notorious hub for actor children and their stage moms. For the first few years that I lived there, Hilary Duff and Frankie Muniz frequented the apartments. I was much younger than them at the time.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #539016
#44. You see George Clooney, and you think he's suave and handsome and really charming, but he's such a goofball!

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #676412
#45. If someone was to tell you that you were a witch, I think that it would be somewhat like, "You've got to be kidding me! I'm out of here! You're crazy!"

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #736009
#46. When you're not the lead, you don't have as many restrictions.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #747660
#47. I think it would be amazing to be a character actor and still be a lead now and then in movies.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #789684
#48. I love to continue acting. It's my passion.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #796531
#49. I remember the moment that I realized that I was going to get the opportunity to be in my dream role, and I said, 'I just don't think life gets any better!' You have to take that moment and expand it for as long as possible because it's such a cool feeling.

Britt Robertson

Britt Robertson Quotes #833016

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