Top 100 Braun Quotes

#1. I was a Knicks fan of the Kenny Sears-Carl Braun-Jim Baechtold vintage. I was even their ball boy when I was a teenager.

Marv Albert

Braun Quotes #4804
#2. Hitler always styled himself as a man who renounced all personal happiness in the service of his people. There is no conclusive evidence of this, but I believe that behind the smokescreen of discretion, Hitler had a very normal love life with Eva Braun.

Volker Ullrich

Braun Quotes #135747
#3. I'd take Bieber to the woodshed and spank him. His manager Scooter Braun is scared sh-tless. I don't know what Bieber's problem is. His career is over in three years anyway.

Peter Mensch

Braun Quotes #141116
#4. If we had had the right technology back then, you would have seen Eva Braun on the Donahue show and Adolf Hitler on Meet the Press.

Dale E. Turner

Braun Quotes #386298
#5. The beauty of recording in L.A. is that most of the musicians that are on the record live here, so it was easy to get world class artists like Rick Braun to swing by and play a little trumpet, Everette Harp on sax, guitarist Paul Jackson.

Jeffrey Osborne

Braun Quotes #603232
#6. Right then," Campbell began, his tone so civil it was offensive. "May I have your name for the record, Miss ... ?"
"Eliza Braun," Eliza sneered. "Here, I'll spell it for you

Tee Morris

Braun Quotes #756903
#7. The feminist women's organization NOW has endorsed Carol Moseley-Braun for president. Once again NOW has shown it is so far behind the times it should change its name to THEN.

Lyn Nofziger

Braun Quotes #947176
#8. Jay Z is building a range of businesses just on the strength of his brand. Lady Gaga has formed really interesting partnerships. Justin Bieber and his manager Scooter Braun are investing in a number of different companies and also promoting them in many ways.

Anita Elberse

Braun Quotes #1052928
#9. The only thing that can stop you is you ... Stay focused and never mind any of the crap anybody says. That's not you, that's them. That's the negative place they want to live in. You choose to live in a positive place. - Scooter Braun

Justin Bieber

Braun Quotes #1207124
#10. Whether the Eisenhower administration has underestimated the American people's interest in space exploration or Truman never full appreciated MacArthur, the Soviet Union's Sputnik program has created a public spectacle that even Disney and von Braun might envy.

Ken Hollings

Braun Quotes #1299580
#11. The Ono-Sendai; next year's most expensive Hosaka computer; a Sony monitor; a dozen disks of corporate-grade ice; a Braun coffeemaker.

William Gibson

Braun Quotes #1368025
#12. My name is Gerhard Braun, and I am God.

Ted Dekker

Braun Quotes #1392265
#13. The previous day she had been on a conference call with a younger Urban Outfitters marketing team member (the chain now sells more vinyl and turntables than anyone else in America), who asked Braun what the little lines on the records meant. "I had to tell her those are the songs," she said.

David Sax

Braun Quotes #1785696
#14. I want to rebuild America.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #5823
#15. Considering the greater amounts of energy which can be collected and stored in suitable experimental form in capacitors, one could expect to deliver radiated energy for some time from them.

Karl Ferdinand Braun

Braun Quotes #12912
#16. If we continue at this leisurly pace, we will have to pass Russian customs when we land on the moon.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #19027
#17. I know mine own!

A.R. Braun

Braun Quotes #27883
#18. Your life should be a story you are excited to tell.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #45903
#19. People who really appreciated animals always asked their names.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #57734
#20. I really think that's the key, part of the spiritual renewal that America needs to have, the notion that we really can have confidence in a better tomorrow.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #70020
#21. Crash programs fail because they are based on the theory that, with nine women pregnant, you can get a baby a month.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #70633
#22. The reason that minorities and women don't have a better shot at getting elected to the Senate or to statewide office is because the campaign finance rules are so skewed as to make it very difficult for non-traditional candidates to raise the money necessary to get elected.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #74581
#23. There's nothing that can replace quality programs in a non-profit.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #78722
#24. Bush is giving the rich a tax cut instead of putting that cut in the pockets of working people.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #86426
#25. I was always small. I was a leadoff hitter growing up, until I was 13 or 14 years old and had a little growth spurt and started hitting home runs.

Ryan Braun

Braun Quotes #95349
#26. Home is where i hang my toothbrush and where the cats have their commode

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #97890
#27. I'm a little less naive when it comes to relationships.

Nicholas Braun

Braun Quotes #98385
#28. People just want to hear some common sense ... and I bring to bear the experience in local government and state government and national government - I was the first woman in history on the Senate Finance Committee - not to mention the diplomatic international experience.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #98550
#29. New Zealand, by the way, where I was ambassador, has had two women prime ministers - one from either party.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #100266
#30. So I think that if we want to have a Congress, if we want to have government that looks like America, if we want to have government that is truly a representative Democracy, then we need to clearly address how we get our campaign laws out of the way of Democracy.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #107298
#31. Everything science has taught me strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death. I believe in an immortal soul. Science has proved that nothing disintegrates into nothingness. Life and soul, therefore, cannot disintegrate into nothingness, and so are immortal.

Werner Von Braun

Braun Quotes #107482
#32. I believe that the time has arrived for medical investigation of the problems of manned rocket flight, for it will not be the engineering problems but rather the limits of the human frame that will make the final decision as to whether manned space flight will eventually become a reality.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #110381
#33. We should remember that science exists only because there are people, and its concepts exist only in the minds of men. Behind these concepts lies the reality which is being revealed to us, but only by the grace of God.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #140958
#34. Basic research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I am doing.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #143613
#35. Everybody knows what the moon is, everybody knows what this decade is, and everybody can tell a live astronaut who returned from the moon from one who didn't

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #155454
#36. Cats don't fight for their rights; they take them for granted. They have a right to be fed, watered, stroked on demand and supplied with a lap and a clean commode

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #177568
#37. The cats were relaxing in a patch of sunlight on the rug without a thought in their sleek brown heads. What matter to them that it was Sunday-or even Thursday? Every day was Today in their scheme of things, and there was no such thing as Yesterday or Tomorrow.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #181421
#38. Science does not have a moral dimension. It is like a knife. If you give it to a surgeon or a murderer, each will use it differently.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #201208
#39. Access to high quality video content
essentially TV programming
has never been better than today

Lloyd Braun

Braun Quotes #212766
#40. I sat with him for three hours and we did not exchange a single word. At the end he handed me, as he had done before, an envelope with money in it. It would have been much nicer if he had enclosed a greeting or a loving word. I would have been so pleased if he had.

Eva Braun

Braun Quotes #216013
#41. It will free man from the remaining chains, the chains of gravity which still tie him to this planet.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #219024
#42. When it comes to fundraising for a social enterprise, if you are pursuing your true passion, you'll learn to become great at your craft because you'll care so much about perfecting the skills necessary to make that dream a reality.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #223776
#43. Cats have a contempt of speech. Why should they talk when they can communicate without words?

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #225016
#44. The more you talk to cats ... the smarter they become. An occasional 'nice kitty' will have no measurable effect; intelligent conversation is required.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #243051
#45. Beware of the clever ones; the dumb ones are safer.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #249298
#46. I have one promise I can make you, Kate." He reached for her hair, coiled some of it around his hand, and used it to pull her toward him.
"What's that?" she whispered breathlessly. Not so cocky now.
"You're going to enjoy this.

Jackie Braun

Braun Quotes #257778
#47. When you have a celebrity who is willing to shine his personal spotlight on the non-profit and can also speak articulately about the mission, that's really the best of both worlds.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #266495
#48. Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #268360
#49. You should never do something kind in hopes of recognition. Do it because its right. Do it because it makes you feel good.

Scooter Braun

Braun Quotes #276652
#50. The way to test a man's sincerity is to serve him a bad cup of coffee. If he doesn't comment, he is not to be trusted.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #279965
#51. I think the legacy of the civil rights movement is that now whites are more open to being represented by people of color or people who are women or, again, non-traditional candidates.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #280838
#52. Maybe it was our shared trauma, or maybe it was a combination of things, but I felt warmth emenate from my heart and spread throughout my chest.

Theresa Braun

Braun Quotes #290508
#53. If you've never been cussed out by a Siamese, you don't know what profanity is all about!

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #293437
#54. I think anybody who's been a part of a kid's life, you hope that when they go out into the world, that they surround themselves with the right people and don't find themselves in trouble.

Scooter Braun

Braun Quotes #299435
#55. I live life and try and smile as much as possible. Family and friends are everything." - "That was my first real lesson. At the end of the day, you could be a hell of a marketer, but you're only as good as what you're marketing.

Scooter Braun

Braun Quotes #301801
#56. When your faith is tested you simply have to believe that there will be light ahead and continue moving forward.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #302173
#57. We must invest in infrastructure development and rebuilding communities to create jobs.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #303480
#58. Most ventures fail in the early stages because people stop trying after they're told no too many times.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #304159
#59. I'll just let my work speak for itself, as every artist should.

Ryan Braun

Braun Quotes #309092
#60. Why doesn't that Devil take me with him? It would be much better with him than it is here.

Eva Braun

Braun Quotes #309905
#61. We have the ability to provide quality education to every child on earth right now.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #312550
#62. In future utopia will need to hurry to keep up with reality.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #320966
#63. The biggest difference between the person who lives his or her dreams and the person who aspires is the decision to convert that first spark of motivation into immediate action.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #325895
#64. My hand is clutching Sebastian's, although I'm not sure he's even aware of it after all we've been through.

Theresa Braun

Braun Quotes #330727
#65. True love of others, according to Jesus, flows out of a love of God. The service of our lives flow out of the loving relationship we have with God. Too often we desire our service to create a loving relationship with God. Yet God does not seek after us because of any good deeds we have done.

Tyler Braun

Braun Quotes #331513
#66. There are those who would keep us slipping back into the darkness of division, into the snake pit of racial hatred, of racial antagonism and of support for symbols of the struggle to keep African-Americans in bondage.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #333195
#67. Tourists see, and travelers seek.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #361862
#68. I would never do it because if I took steroids, I would hit 60 or 70 home runs.

Ryan Braun

Braun Quotes #369129
#69. True self-discovery begins where your comfort zone ends.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #378092
#70. The notion that we won the war against Iraq is like saying we won a war against Arizona. I mean, the fact of the matter is it's not that big of a country. Nobody, I don't think, had any notion that we would do anything but win it.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #378918
#71. I always think better when I am being shot at.

Philippa Ballantine

Braun Quotes #380898
#72. Amanda choked on a sob. She looked like she didn't know what to do. For the first time, Stacey realized this woman was a human being, and sometimes she felt lost.

A.R. Braun

Braun Quotes #383961
#73. Man is not made for space. But with the help of biologists and medical doctors, he can be prepared and accommodated.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #391602
#74. I realize now that I have made some mistakes. I am willing to accept the consequences of those actions.

Ryan Braun

Braun Quotes #396114
#75. At dinner time he would sit in a corner, concentrating; and suddenly they would say, 'Time to feed the cat,' as if it were their idea.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #399786
#76. I understood that I might fail, but I wouldn't let it happen because I changed my compass along the way.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #429056
#77. I know mine own!"--Walter Emmett Velvet, the Antichrist

A.R. Braun

Braun Quotes #439081
#78. Your twenties are the time to both accept and fight your way into the person you're destined to become.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #439116
#79. All one can really leave one's children is what's inside their heads. Education, in other words, and not earthly possessions, is the ultimate legacy, the only thing that cannot be taken away.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #441150
#80. Small birds throw seeds out of the feeder; large birds pick them up off the ground, but the squirrels try to muscle in.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #442384
#81. If I lose, I'm going to retire from politics, practice law, and wear bright leather pants.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #451171
#82. I'm pretty far from the character I play, so it's fun to mess around and be a 15-year-old again.

Nicholas Braun

Braun Quotes #453652
#83. There is only one thing I want. I would like to be seriously ill, and to hear nothing more about him for at least a week. Why doesn't something happen to me? Why do I have to go through all this? If only I had never set eyes on him!

Eva Braun

Braun Quotes #462090
#84. If I had a dog I would not feel so lonely, but I suppose that is asking for too much.

Eva Braun

Braun Quotes #489221
#85. I don't look at money as success. I look at it as an avenue to freedom.

Scooter Braun

Braun Quotes #490683
#86. Speak the language of the person you want to become.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #492867
#87. I'm beginning to be skeptical of my own skepticism.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #493410
#88. The best computer is a man, and it's the only one that can be mass-produced by unskilled labor.

Wernher Von Braun

Braun Quotes #494308
#89. You can't force people to see truth. Arguing with them will only draw their attention away from it.

John Braun Jr.

Braun Quotes #498719
#90. The most abundant resources that we possess amongst the 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States are passion and knowledge, yet our most scarce resource is collaboration.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #523764
#91. No one had ever accused Koko of being naughty. Perverse, perhaps, or arrogant, or despotic. But naughtiness was beneath his dignity.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #530587
#92. Wanting Kate was one thing. Sex was simple. Or it could be. But liking her?
Enjoying spending time with her? Allowing her into his private life, as Brody had tonight, albeit at his sisters' invitation? It would lead to nothing but trouble.

Jackie Braun

Braun Quotes #536168
#93. The fans appreciate the success the young guys are having now because they know the game is clean, that they've finally got rid of all the performance-enhancing drug issues.

Ryan Braun

Braun Quotes #541027
#94. We all have those things that even in the midst of stress and disarray, they energize us and give us renewed strength and purpose. These are our passions.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #548710
#95. I think Americans want to believe in this country again.

Carol Moseley Braun

Braun Quotes #569565
#96. Just because you know doesn't mean they know.

Scooter Braun

Braun Quotes #569980
#97. Every Dog Has A Day But A Cat Has 365

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #575880
#98. Certain element - a few crazies - that don't have anything to do. They shot out two streetlights on Goodwinter Boulevard last night. When I was a kid we smashed pumpkins and strung trees with toilet paper on Halloween, but this new generation does it all year round.

Lilian Jackson Braun

Braun Quotes #581289
#99. Feeling young and old at the same time is the present."

From FIFTY IS THE NEW FIFTY: 10 Life Lessons for Women in Second Adulthood

Suzanne Braun Levine

Braun Quotes #582623
#100. Most of all, I'll remind them each morning that we make a choice to bring positivity or negativity into the world, and that within every single person where lies an extraordinary story waiting to unfold.

Adam Braun

Braun Quotes #595633

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