Top 30 Bourdieu's Quotes

#1. You don't have to subject yourself to the sweep and rigor of Bourdieu's book 'Distinction' to feel how thoroughly a lower-calorie version of its ideas has been absorbed into the cultural bloodstream.

Garth Risk Hallberg

Bourdieu's Quotes #1876982
#2. In the case of sociology however, we are always walking on hot coals, and the things we discuss are alive, they're not dead and buried

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #809924
#3. If the sociologist has a role, it is probably more to furnish weapons than to give lessons.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1866556
#4. We need some heterodoxy in social science in order for them to avoid death by suffocation under dogmatism.

Bourdieu, Pierre

Bourdieu's Quotes #1839314
#5. As Pierre Bourdieu was later to point out in describing a similar economy of trust in contemporary Algeria: it's quite possible to turn honor into money, almost impossible to convert money into honor.

David Graeber

Bourdieu's Quotes #1836813
#6. In stamping photography with the patent of realism, society does nothing but confirm itself in the tautological certainty that an image of reality that conforms to its own representation of objectivity is truly objective.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1831370
#7. Male domination is so rooted in our collective unconscious that we no longer even see it.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1738227
#8. I think if I hadn't become a sociologist, I would have become very anti-intellectual.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1732573
#9. Television enjoys a de facto monopoly on what goes into the heads of a significant part of the population and what they think.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1600256
#10. The mind is a metaphor of the world of objects.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1595048
#11. The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is hidden.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1506041
#12. Only in imaginary experience (in the folk tale, for example), which neutralizes the sense of social realities, does the social world take the form of a universe of possibles equally possible for any possible subject.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1501638
#13. The most successful ideological effects are those which have no need for words, and ask no more than complicitous silence.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1173450
#14. Unless saved by exceptional talent, he necessarily pays a price for clarity.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #1160434
#15. The essentially contradictory phrase 'legitimate autodidacticism' is intended to indicate the difference in kind between the highly valued 'extra-curricular' culture of the holder of academic qualifications and the illegitimate extra-curricular culture of the autodidact.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #971610
#16. The difficulty, in sociology, is to manage to think in a completely astonished and disconcerted way about things you thought you had always understood.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #865806
#17. The point of my work is to show that culture and education aren't simply hobbies or minor influences.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #763878
#18. Symbolic violence is violence wielded with tacit complicity between its victims and its agents, insofar as both remain unconscious of submitting to or wielding it.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #752452
#19. The anxious positioning Bourdieu had noted could be felt in a tweeted "humblebrag," an attempt to claim cultural capital without looking as if one were doing so.

Tom Vanderbilt

Bourdieu's Quotes #749752
#20. Pierre Bourdieu once noted that, if the academic field is a game in which scholars strive for dominance, then you know you have won when other scholars start wondering how to make an adjective out of your name


Bourdieu's Quotes #748738
#21. Photography itself is most frequently nothing but the reproduction of the image that a group produces of its own integration.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #704408
#22. The radical questionnings announced by philosophy are in fact circumscribed by the interests linked to membership in the philosophical field, that is, to the very existence of this field and the corresponding censorships.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #641312
#23. Femininity is imposed for the most part through an unremitting discipline that concerns every part of the body and is continuously recalled through the constraints of clothing or hairstyle.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #556108
#24. Every established order tends to produce the naturalization of its own arbitrariness.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #390473
#25. I have analyzed the peculiarity of cultural capital, which we should in fact call informational capital to give the notion its full generality, and which itself exists in three forms, embodied, objectified, or institutionalized.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #367198
#26. Taste classifies, and it classifies the classifier

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #308950
#27. I often say that sociology is a martial art, a means of self-defense. Basically, you use it to defend yourself, without having the right to use it for unfair attacks.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #181536
#28. Practice has a logic which is not that of the logician.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #35648
#29. The field as a whole is defined as a system of deviations on different levels and nothing, either in the institutions or in the agents, the acts or discourses they produce, has meaning except relationally, by virtue of the interplay of oppositions and distinctions.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #11575
#30. Algeria is what allowed me to accept myself.

Pierre Bourdieu

Bourdieu's Quotes #4152

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