Top 11 Bolla's Quotes

#1. Separate and together cease to be mutually exclusive and instead become, in psychoanalyst Christopher Bolla's phrase, reciprocally enhancing and mutually informative.

Mark Epstein

Bolla's Quotes #1662396
#2. Somewhere, excitement waited for me like an uncut cake.

Lauren Wolk

Bolla's Quotes #76470
#3. The mosquito is the state bird of New Jersey.

Andy Warhol

Bolla's Quotes #199293
#4. One has to decide to know the nature of the Soul. Will one not have to know that? Nothing is attained by just saying, 'I am the Soul, I am the Soul.' The Soul has to come in to one's experience, until then the worldly problems will not go away, will they?

Dada Bhagwan

Bolla's Quotes #427358
#5. Do not chase happiness. Instead, define success for yourself; then go out and live it. Be unapologetic in your commitment and honorable in your behavior. When you live in this manner, happiness chases you.

Steve Maraboli

Bolla's Quotes #428911
#6. The latest spin on the Marvel comic-book hero delivers the popcorn goods.

Peter Travers

Bolla's Quotes #549342
#7. By the time we made "Abbey Road", John and I were openly critical of each other's music, and I felt John wasn't much interested in performing anything he hadn't written himself.

Paul McCartney

Bolla's Quotes #1039362
#8. A man was taken to the Zoo and shown the giraffe. After gazing at it a little in silence: 'I don't believe it,' he said.

Dorothy L. Sayers

Bolla's Quotes #1066159
#9. The right of conscience and private judgment is unalienable, and it is truly the interest of all mankind to unite themselves into one body for the liberty, free exercise, and unmolested enjoyment of this right.

Ezra Stiles

Bolla's Quotes #1222871
#10. some mistakes were simply too delicious to make just once.

Ashwin Sanghi

Bolla's Quotes #1232371
#11. Z: "You know, this was a hell of a lot easier when you were out cold in the back of that truck."
Phury: "That was you?"
Z:"You think it was Santa Claus or some shit?

J.R. Ward

Bolla's Quotes #1712261

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