Top 9 Blumberg Excelsior Quotes

#1. God will lead us, comfort us, guide us, walk with us, prepare the best for us, and continue filling us with such lavishness that we're not just full but overflowing.

Lysa TerKeurst

Blumberg Excelsior Quotes #265504
#2. The closest thing we have to a "crap detector" is a qualified librarian.

Jim Trelease

Blumberg Excelsior Quotes #265603
#3. War is just a racket ... I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else.

Smedley Butler

Blumberg Excelsior Quotes #374390
#4. Hell existed in the imagination of those who feared it, because of the guilt and shame they carried with them after death.

Andrea Barbosa

Blumberg Excelsior Quotes #1039426
#5. ...reality is always plural and mutable.

Robert Anton Wilson

Blumberg Excelsior Quotes #1357129
#6. Our Life is more Important than our Limitations. Why do we let our Limitations control our Life? -RVM


Blumberg Excelsior Quotes #1428799
#7. When people believe they have a good cause, the violence within them bursts forth unrestrained, as if their good angel has given permission for it to escape.

Fuminori Nakamura

Blumberg Excelsior Quotes #1436875
#8. My wife thinks she's better than me at puzzles. I haven't given in on that one yet.

Bill Gates

Blumberg Excelsior Quotes #1663372
#9. Nature has neither core nor skin: she's both at once outside and in.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Blumberg Excelsior Quotes #1795810

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