Top 28 Blodget Quotes

#1. Henry Blodget does occasionally have a new idea. If you're making a point about aggregation or the emptiness of modern journalism, he's far from the best target. Try Huffpo - or Gawker writers whose souls have been corroded by irony.

Nick Denton

Blodget Quotes #1251770
#2. Dora was having trouble with her income tax, for she was entangled in that curious enigma which said the business was illegal and then taxed her for it.

John Steinbeck

Blodget Quotes #870721
#3. The tech folks have seen WiFi as the way to untether. And what better reason to untether than entertainment content? So there's nobody better positioned than the in-home Wi-Fi purveyor.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #1839458
#4. Consumption may be regarded as negative production.

Alfred Marshall

Blodget Quotes #1705644
#5. When television came in, everybody thought that was the end of the movie business, which was not and is not.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #1649405
#6. Digital advertising is now larger than TV.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #1557008
#7. People have been predicting the death of television for 20 years now, and so far it's been entirely wrong. But it does seem viewership habits are starting to change.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #1470557
#8. The first reaction is, get defensive. Second reaction is, what are we going to do about it?

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #1298765
#9. People don't have to go to cable news or network news. Live sports is the one of many things that's kind of community television. There are a lot of people who still tune in to "Sunday Night Football" or "Thursday Night Football" the way they did before.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #1278357
#10. [T]here's a difference between confident leadership and empty-headed delusion or cheerleading. And this is a difference that many CEOs miss.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #1253977
#11. I'm not scared of many things in front of the camera. Everywhere else, yes, I'm terrified. But acting is just pretending, and you are exploring feelings in a safe environment.

Julianne Moore

Blodget Quotes #1164106
#12. Some people have made a fortune by being employed. Jerry Bruckheimer does not own his content. Warner Bros. owns his shows. They are on CBS, and he makes a fortune.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #1068096
#13. Inactivity and deprivation of all accustomed stimulus is not rest; it is a preparation for the tomb

Robertson Davies

Blodget Quotes #1055743
#14. I told Jem if he set fire to the Radley house I was going to tell Atticus on him.

Harper Lee

Blodget Quotes #993877
#15. Almost any show that has reviewers behind it, Rotten Tomatoes behind it, will find a way to survive.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #976146
#16. The content defines the platform, so whereas when I was working at ABC from '66 to '76, people said it was the "great wasteland." It was the least-objectionable program that succeeded. It was, if you could get behind "All in the Family," you were successful.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #801362
#17. Pornography works to a degree, high quality works, bad is obvious. Nobody goes for bad. The terrible middle ground is the mediocre. That was kind of the essence, in a way, of broadcast television when there were only three channels.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #562110
#18. It's all about who your team is and who your people are.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #496026
#19. Television is not hurting. Television is in fantastic shape. It's just a golden age for other people.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #430379
#20. It's very hard to be good. It is self-destructive thinking to think that there is too much good.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #361629
#21. Everything I have is a private company. And even though a public company's a great thing, it's great for financing and all of the stuff you need to do. I'm not answering to anybody but my wife and my children and the people who work for me, and my partners.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #335879
#22. I'm no expert in vibrators, but I was surprised to learn that one could fit in that little box.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #300463
#23. I think the water cooler is more important than ever. "Oh, did you hear that 'Inside Amy Schumer' is fabulous?" Where do you find it? It's on Netflix, it's on iTunes, it's on places nobody ever heard of five years ago.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #266053
#24. There's too much bad. The worst is mediocre. Bad is easy. There's high quality, there's pornography, and then there's bad.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #264070
#25. In the era of networks only, I cannot tell you the number of shows that we don't know about that did not survive. They got canceled. But there are a few that survived by accident, because they didn't have anything else to do, and they stayed with it.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #245686
#26. The definition of strong leadership is not about making decisions that are popular. Making popular decisions is easy - you don't need to be a leader to do that. The definition of strong leadership is to make decisions that are unpopular, but are nevertheless sound.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #168090
#27. Television is like the movie business. It's not the least-objectionable program - it's the best program that gets positioned. Same in the movie business. It's not just everything automatically gets done by the "in" crowd.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #126214
#28. Some things go slow, slow, slow, and then - wham! - they're over.

Henry Blodget

Blodget Quotes #118441

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