Top 10 Blenkinsop's Quotes

#1. The only thing that really annoys me is when all of a sudden you hear yourself on the radio advertising Smith's tyre shop or Blenkinsop's jam. They simply can't do that. And in Australia, occasionally I have to take action.

Richie Benaud

Blenkinsop's Quotes #378634
#2. For every person seeking greatness, there are hundreds more charged with safeguarding mediocrity. If you want to be wealthy, stop taking financial advice from broke people.

Randy Gage

Blenkinsop's Quotes #79049
#3. The vampire was a complete change from the usual romantic characters I was playing, but it was a success.

Bela Lugosi

Blenkinsop's Quotes #116024
#4. Later.
It is done. My will is made, and all complete. Mina if she survive is my sole heir. If it should not be so, then the others who have been so good to us shall have remainder.

Bram Stoker

Blenkinsop's Quotes #485403
#5. The rest of the day, you're gonna know I did.

Linda Robertson

Blenkinsop's Quotes #549685
#6. To most of us the future seems unsure. But then it always has been; and we who have seen great changes must have great hopes.

John Masefield

Blenkinsop's Quotes #964484
#7. Belief is both a marvelous and a terrible thing. Belief makes things real.

H.J. Blenkinsop

Blenkinsop's Quotes #1042078
#8. I got a little studio in Chicago and practiced. I realized I had to earn some money. So I went to work for an advertising agency where my job was mostly drawing insects for a company that sold an insecticide spray.

Claes Oldenburg

Blenkinsop's Quotes #1322009
#9. Blenkinsop sighed. As usual, those of you who can think of better ways to win the war are invited to write directly to Mr. Winston Churchill, number 10 Downing Street, London South-West-One. Now, are there any questions, as opposed to stupid criticisms?

Ken Follett

Blenkinsop's Quotes #1372846
#10. I think for a lot of amateurs, their alignment is always out.

Karrie Webb

Blenkinsop's Quotes #1694786

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