Top 16 Biologically Important Quotes

#1. I had become monomaniacal about DNA only in 1951 when I had just turned 23 and as a postdoctoral fellow was temporarily in Naples attending a small May meeting on biologically important macromolecules.

James D. Watson

Biologically Important Quotes #776745
#2. How quickly pettiness returns, and that most ignoble form of real estate, the possessive occupation and tyranny over two square inches of human flesh, the wife's cunt.

Leonard Cohen

Biologically Important Quotes #262553
#3. The muscles fought so long
To control against the pull of
One magnet to another magnet

Sara Quin

Biologically Important Quotes #280076
#4. The conduct of our lives is the true reflection of our thoughts. - MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE

Gretchen Rubin

Biologically Important Quotes #346576
#5. We must accept all the implications of our human inheritance, one of the most important of which is the small scope of biologically transmitted behavior, and the enormous role of the cultural process of the transmission of tradition.

Ruth Benedict

Biologically Important Quotes #496977
#6. People are moderately more likely to favor approaches that involve reflection and deliberation.

Cass R. Sunstein

Biologically Important Quotes #629905
#7. And yet I love him. I love him so much and so dearly, that when I sometimes think my life may be but a weary one, I am proud of it and glad of it. I am proud and glad to suffer something for him, even though it is of no service to him, and he will never know of it or care for it.

Charles Dickens

Biologically Important Quotes #686231
#8. I do not dislike him. I consider him, on the contrary, as a very respectable man, who has everybody's good word and nobody's notice ...

Jane Austen

Biologically Important Quotes #742090
#9. Some of the old laws of Israel are clearly savage taboos of a familiar type thinly disguised as commands of the Deity.

James G. Frazer

Biologically Important Quotes #842878
#10. This sort of people are so taken up with their theories about the rights of man that they have totally forgotten his nature.

Edmund Burke

Biologically Important Quotes #1057486
#11. Even if Lucretius was wrong, and the soul is immortal, it is nevertheless steadily changing its interests and its possessions.Our lives are mortal if our soul is not; and the sentiment which reconciled Lucretius to death is as much needed if we are to face many deaths, as if we are to face only one.

George Santayana

Biologically Important Quotes #1106777
#12. Too often, ideas meant to yield a certain practice are instead transported into the academy, as fare for 'enriching' a curriculum and, of course, generating jobs for the growing professoriat.

Murray Bookchin

Biologically Important Quotes #1279024
#13. I think it's a shame when the arts have to suffer because of corporate greed. People will always strive to make film, and the only important thing is that we keep trying to make ourselves heard and keep making our films, no matter what the climate is.

Paddy Considine

Biologically Important Quotes #1443474
#14. Law is any application for the official use of coercion that succeeds.

Bob Black

Biologically Important Quotes #1548844
#15. But Jesus isn't rocking a cardigan, and he doesn't talk softly through his nose. He's a roaring lion.

Jefferson Bethke

Biologically Important Quotes #1562564
#16. Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you.

Steve Maraboli

Biologically Important Quotes #1744552

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