Top 6 Bezanson General Store Quotes

#1. The longer-term the option, the sillier the results generated by the Black-Scholes option pricing model, and the greater the opportunity for people who didn't use it.

Michael Lewis

Bezanson General Store Quotes #148831
#2. Life's too short to worry about injecting botulism into your face to get rid of a tiny line because you've laughed too much. To me, that's a bit warped.

Ashley Jensen

Bezanson General Store Quotes #1021170
#3. To be a woman in your forties, I think it's a fantastic decade.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Bezanson General Store Quotes #1059805
#4. I love grocery shopping when I'm home. That's what makes me feel totally normal. I love both the idea of home as in being with my family and friends, and also the idea of exploration. I think those two are probably my great interests.

Yo-Yo Ma

Bezanson General Store Quotes #1203526
#5. Um, Sparrow ... did I really hear you say dagnabbit?

Willow Aster

Bezanson General Store Quotes #1337336
#6. The unhappy of all men is he who believes himself to be so.

David Hume

Bezanson General Store Quotes #1819114

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