Top 42 Best Business Ideas Quotes

#1. We conservatives can win the ideological battles on a level playing field. Our ideas are better. Given fair elections based on contributions from regular voters, instead of $100,000 checks from business-as-usual special interests, we will prevail.

John McCain

Best Business Ideas Quotes #317105
#2. Ultimately, innovation depends on the people with advanced skills who have the ideas, and on the business risk-takers willing to back them.

Anthony Pratt

Best Business Ideas Quotes #278175
#3. I favor free trade in drugs for the same reason the Founding Fathers favored free trade in ideas: in a free society it is none of the government's business what ideas a man puts into his mind; likewise, it should be none of its business what drugs he puts into his body.

Thomas Szasz

Best Business Ideas Quotes #283482
#4. You'd better have the technology knowledge. I really urge you not to think you can start a whole company and business with just ideas on paper, because you'll end up owning so few of those ideas.

Steve Wozniak

Best Business Ideas Quotes #284739
#5. To me, business isn't about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It's about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials.

Richard Branson

Best Business Ideas Quotes #286961
#6. The ugliest spectacle is that of artists selling themselves. Art as a commodity is an ugly idea ... The artist as businessman is uglier than the businessman as artist.

Ad Reinhardt

Best Business Ideas Quotes #291909
#7. The fact that you have started a small business doesn't mean you should be thinking small. Think BIG! Start Small! Expand your territories!

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Best Business Ideas Quotes #298915
#8. The Puritan's idea of hell is a place where everybody has to mind his own business.

Wendell Phillips

Best Business Ideas Quotes #299746
#9. Brew it local; make it global; take it to the very far.

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Best Business Ideas Quotes #308549
#10. I thought not being part of the [Britain] union was a bad idea. We are better together.
It was dangerous for business as there were no [concrete] plans around the currency or the economy.

Michelle Mone

Best Business Ideas Quotes #312046
#11. What I have found is that, in a family business structure, sometimes what is needed is a sense of discipline rather than creativity. You have to take everyone's ideas and make it work. When you are dealing with money, there is a limitation on how creative you can be.

Ashwin Sanghi

Best Business Ideas Quotes #312105
#12. I'd like to be remembered, as a copywriter who had some big ideas. That's what the advertising business is all about. Big ideas

David Ogilvy

Best Business Ideas Quotes #272455
#13. Whenever somebody has an idea for a business and experiences quite a bit of success, you can naturally expect the government to step in and screw it up.

Neal Boortz

Best Business Ideas Quotes #317135
#14. Couture has copied my things for years, in addition to countless other costume designers, claiming theirs were the original ideas. It's all part of the business, unfortunately.

Edith Head

Best Business Ideas Quotes #327116
#15. If I were asked to give the best idea of which I am capable, it would be that we should get out of the junk business and then start laying up treasures in heaven.

Sterling W. Sill

Best Business Ideas Quotes #383801
#16. People aren't the same. Business is, in my opinion, all about the team that fields the best players. It's not about an idea. An idea goes away. Somebody catches up with it. It's not about a widget.

Jack Welch

Best Business Ideas Quotes #413681
#17. My best ideas come in the shower, where I'm showered with water, but also ideas.

Ryan Lilly

Best Business Ideas Quotes #574749
#18. The best way to get a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.

Linus Pauling

Best Business Ideas Quotes #1486704
#19. a great publicity is a high way to remote customers and a universal key to the gate of ignorance

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Best Business Ideas Quotes #1733672
#20. Creative ideas flourish best in a shop which preserves some spirit of fun. Nobody is in business for fun, but that does not mean there cannot be fun in business.

Leo Burnett

Best Business Ideas Quotes #1760780
#21. All good management is the expression of one great idea

Robert Heller

Best Business Ideas Quotes #1879379
#22. My objection to Liberalism is this that it is the introduction into the practical business of life of the highest kind namely, politics of philosophical ideas instead of political principles.

Benjamin Disraeli

Best Business Ideas Quotes #171341
#23. Get five or six of your smartest friends in a room and ask them to rate your idea.

Mark Pincus

Best Business Ideas Quotes #13954
#24. The thing about information is that information is more valuable when people know it. There's an exception for business information and super timely information, but in all other cases, ideas that spread win.

Seth Godin

Best Business Ideas Quotes #22036
#25. Business is the marketplace of ideas.

Mark Cuban

Best Business Ideas Quotes #49226
#26. The more you progress, the more you learn. I try to pay attention to ticket counts, draws, guarantees and bonuses. I look at my deals closely these days and try to come up with other projects and ideas, since this business [comedy] is about creating content.

Hannibal Buress

Best Business Ideas Quotes #53848
#27. SUPPOSE that an investor you admire and trust comes to you with an investment idea. This is a good one, he says enthusiastically. I'm in it, and I think you should be, too.

Warren Buffett

Best Business Ideas Quotes #76818
#28. It is critical to learn how to listen for what is not being said.

Debra Kaye

Best Business Ideas Quotes #96671
#29. Good ideas come from bad ideas, but only if there are enough of them.

Seth Godin

Best Business Ideas Quotes #96750
#30. I don't think there's a shortage of remarkable ideas. I think your business has plenty of great opportunities to do great things. Nope, what's missing isn't the ideas. It's the will to execute them.

Seth Godin

Best Business Ideas Quotes #103731
#31. No party or event is without a reason. This is how we foster new relationships, open doors, and launch new ideas that create business opportunities, investments, and jobs in the U.S. and Spain.

James Costos

Best Business Ideas Quotes #164946
#32. Give up control and give it away ... The more you give your idea away, the more your company is going to be worth.

Seth Godin

Best Business Ideas Quotes #167023
#33. Most executives, many scientists, and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyze data, this will give you new ideas. Unfortunately, this belief is totally wrong. The mind can only see what it is prepared to see.

Edward De Bono

Best Business Ideas Quotes #1034
#34. I really love travelling to places where I get to learn something new about a new group of people or a new place. Learn some history, contemplate some business ideas, and sort of get off the beaten track a little bit.

Leila Janah

Best Business Ideas Quotes #173236
#35. Ronald Reagan came from show business. His idea of how the government should help the homeless was like your agent. "We'll try to get you work. But don't bug us about it."

Bill Maher

Best Business Ideas Quotes #188327
#36. The air is full of ideas. They are knocking you in the head all the time. You only have to know what you want, then forget it, and go about your business. Suddenly, the idea will come through. It was there all the time.

Henry Ford

Best Business Ideas Quotes #189076
#37. Ideas that change business models and who can make money are the most threatening, outside actual religion.

John Day

Best Business Ideas Quotes #203190
#38. Music for me is something I prefer to keep away form the whole business part of my life. I feel like everything I do, in a way, has some sort of business around it. So with my music I can have my privacy. If people don't have to pay for it then I think they can be a little more open to new ideas.

Milla Jovovich

Best Business Ideas Quotes #203673
#39. A business is simply an idea to make other people's lives better.

Richard Branson

Best Business Ideas Quotes #245553
#40. Dress is the great business of all women, and the fixed idea of some.

Alphonse Karr

Best Business Ideas Quotes #253736
#41. Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.

Guy Kawasaki

Best Business Ideas Quotes #261616
#42. Marriages had different meanings back then than they do now, they were used to cement agreements between families, business deals and things like that. The idea of marriages being arranged for love is some sort of modern idea, really.

Jared Harris

Best Business Ideas Quotes #267886

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