Top 11 Being A Homebody Quotes

#1. There was nothing wrong with being a homebody. There was nothing wrong with not wanting - not needing - the constant jostle and noise of a party or bar or... whatever.

Charles De Lint

Being A Homebody Quotes #1118465
#2. I do what I do; I can't control who thinks what.

Lena Headey

Being A Homebody Quotes #322499
#3. I'm a homebody. If I'm not working I'm with my family being a dad.

John C. McGinley

Being A Homebody Quotes #475041
#4. With some we're certain our hearts must've been acquainted long before we have ever met them.

Shakieb Orgunwall

Being A Homebody Quotes #581390
#5. I fear more than that the chemical action which would be set up in my soul by a false homage to a symbol behind which are massed twenty centuries of authority and veneration.

James Joyce

Being A Homebody Quotes #771879
#6. Perhaps what set the saints apart - the holy women and men - was that they held fast to what they had seen, not allowing their realisation to fade and die, but they held on, held on and refused to let go, saw forgetfulness as a tool of the devil and held on. Maybe this was the secret.

John Ajvide Lindqvist

Being A Homebody Quotes #863192
#7. People are building the software and so having the pieces be such that a single person understands all the tradeoffs and everything that's going on in a piece is extremely valuable. It avoids getting into an experimental mode where you're just trying things out. That never works.

Bill Gates

Being A Homebody Quotes #1016131
#8. What bothered me the most was the hesitation in his voice when he said that - like he was running out of time.

Katherine McIntyre

Being A Homebody Quotes #1073494
#9. There's a special joy you get having a show on the air that people are interested in and wanting to know what happens next. You really want to enjoy that while you have it.

Ronald D. Moore

Being A Homebody Quotes #1306758
#10. I had a very ordinary background in Sheffield; I went to a secondary modern, but I saw something on TV in 1968 that inspired me to join an athletics club, and 12 years later, with great coaching and the support of people who loved me a lot, I ended up at an Olympic Games.

Sebastian Coe

Being A Homebody Quotes #1307189
#11. Oh!" cried the young man. "A little deaf child! How sweet! We should adopt her and teach her to write symphonies. She'll be all the rage in town. I'll buy her a powdered wig and a tricorne!

Catherynne M Valente

Being A Homebody Quotes #1484228

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