Top 13 Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes

#1. As a musician, basically the masses never thought I was a musician.

Kip Winger

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #155673
#2. You're a force to be reckoned with. You're so damn smart.And you have a power inside of you that's unstoppable. You have been put on this earth for a reason. And I do believe you've found it.

Debra Anastasia

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #192283
#3. They were an unworthy means to a worthy end.

C.D. Reiss

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #547977
#4. How strange to read of a place in a book, and then stand on it, listen to the birds sing, and spit on the cobbles if you want.

Barbara Kingsolver

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #659643
#5. I thought it was terrible. I don't know who to believe. Williams was very loyal and honest. Nobody could ever say different. Sometimes, that got him into a lot of trouble. But after he died and they cut his head off, that made me sick.

Curt Gowdy

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #677425
#6. Such was the hidden power of nature, capable of producing extreme beauty and cruelty at the same time.

Kenneth Eade

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #711894
#7. For a long time he watched her. When she was lost to sight, he was almost a little moved. But that's life, thought death.

Wolf Erlbruch

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #716925
#8. I might do a fitness video. Actually, more of a fatness video.

Sanjeev Bhaskar

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #854470
#9. When the lives of the unborn are snuffed out, they often feel pain, pain that is long and agonizing.

Ronald Reagan

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #1138304
#10. Experience shows that Being is the essential, basic nature of the mind; but, since It commonly remains in tune with the senses projecting outwards toward the manifested realms of creation, the mind misses or fails to appreciate its own essential nature, just as the eyes are unable to see themselves.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #1193099
#11. Ad astra per aspera. Translated: "to the stars through difficulties".

John James Ingalls

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #1258045
#12. The tough player is the one who is difficult to play against and easy to play with

Jay Bilas

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #1428330
#13. You mustn't hurt him. Let him go

Johanna Spyri

Behrooz Vosooghi Quotes #1543812

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