Top 34 Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes

#1. Let the beauty of sunrise, keep your heart warm.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #272456
#2. The poet believed that 'Beauty' first entered the world not at its creation, nor with the first garden, the first sunrise, the birth of the first man and woman and their first sexual act. The poet believed that 'Beauty' entered the world the day the first child blushed.

Roman Payne

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1298022
#3. With every sunrise, I wake up with a deep driving desire to enhance the beauty of my life by becoming happy and joyful. I have found that when I am happy, everything around me dances with joy.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #901487
#4. For most people, we often marvel at the beauty of a sunrise or the magnificence of a full moon, but it is impossible to fathom the magnitude of the universe that surrounds us.

Richard H. Baker

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #937561
#5. Saw the sun rise. A lovely apricot sky with flames in it and then solemn pink. Heavens, how beautiful...I feel so full of love to-day after having seen the sun rise.

Katherine Mansfield

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #992621
#6. Ah, love, this is fear. This is fear and syllables
and the beginnings of beauty.

Robert Hass

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #995355
#7. That the sky is brighter than the earth means little unless the earth itself is appreciated and enjoyed. Its beauty loved gives the right to aspire to the radiance of the sunrise and sunset.

Helen Keller

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1060243
#8. I don't want to hear music, I don't want the sunrise to be pink. The world is a liar. Its ugliness is overwhelming; the scraps of beauty make it worse.

Isaac Marion

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1195463
#9. A thing of beauty is a joy till sunrise.

Harvey Fierstein

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1238918
#10. Watching them was like watching the sunset and the sunrise, equally beautiful in different ways.

Shannon A. Thompson

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #863326
#11. You mean, the people are armed?" Prince Bentrik was incredulous.

"Great Satan, aren't yours?" Prince Trask was equally surprised. "Then your democracy's a farce, and the people are only free on sufferance. If their ballots aren't secured by arms, they're worthless.

H. Beam Piper

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1309906
#12. At last came the golden month of the wild folk-- honey-sweet May, when the birds come back, and the flowers come out, and the air is full of the sunrise scents and songs of the dawning year.

Samuel Scoville Jr.

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1655540
#13. If one day someone came up to me and was like, 'Look, you're never going to act again,' I don't know what I would do.

Chris Pratt

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1661477
#14. The thing I knew I needed to let go of most was anger. I would have to take on faith that something else would come in its place.

Rachel Reiland

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1695062
#15. We are all different. God made us that way. Drawing a line in the sand due to that is indeed unfortunate.

Jill Telford

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1711503
#16. Greek was very much a live language, and a language still unconscious of grammar, not, like ours, dominated by definitions and trained upon dictionaries.

Gilbert Murray

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1799667
#17. Beautiful things like nature inspire me. Sunrise is my favorite time of the day. A sky full of stars can be very inspiring. Quiet moments where you're alone with yourself and the beauty, nature, and majesty that God has created. That is pretty inspiring.

Brooke Burns

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1803204
#18. You're the sunrise to my eyes every morning.

Liam Levi

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #1817486
#19. If you write songs you have an idea how they're going to sound.

Fred Frith

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #852972
#20. I still have a young attitude.

Pat Morita

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #825352
#21. I won a grand slam with an Audemars Piguet on my wrist, so I feel it is a great match.

Stanislas Wawrinka

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #796755
#22. She would have pondered over the meaninglessness of silent, austere beauty renewing itself with every sunrise and going ungazed at by half the world.

Harper Lee

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #791363
#23. What swells inside me is a love so boundless, I am the sunrise and sunset. I am Liberty Bell in the Cascades. I am Beihai Lake. I am every beautiful, truly beautiful, thing I've ever seen, captured in my personal Geographia, the atlas of myself.

Justina Chen

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #775557
#24. My mom said there's a sunrise and a sunset every day and you can choose to be there or not. You can put yourself in the way of beauty.

Cheryl Strayed

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #722119
#25. Those who love are clouds floating side by side:
Dewdrops bending blades of grass at sunrise.
Yet love is the rhythm of nature;
Love is oneness with beauty;
Love is the joyful revelation of the way.

Malinda Lo

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #682153
#26. I want to thank everyone and everything,
every sunrise and every sunset,
every abundance and every beauty,
every tragedy and every triumph,
every sadness and every happiness,
every moment and every experience
that we call life deserves my deepest gratitude.

Debasish Mridha

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #497454
#27. There's always a sunrise and always a sunset and it's up to you to choose to be there for it,' said my mother. 'Put yourself in the way of beauty.

Cheryl Strayed

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #470230
#28. They ran to the museums for paintings. I ran to the roof for sunsets

Darnell Lamont Walker

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #434048
#29. I love when the darkness ends, don't you? Maybe that's the whole thing. Maybe I find so much breath taking beauty in the sunrise not so much because of what is starting, but more because of what it signals has ended.

Annie F. Downs

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #402407
#30. Life can be awful. Life can be ugly.
And still there are those who smile at the darkness, anticipating the beauty of an eventual sunrise.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #388124
#31. We need to be reminded sometimes that a sunrise last but a few minutes.
But its beauty can burn in our hearts eternally.

R.A. Salvatore

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #357642
#32. All of us should treasure his (John Dillinger) Oriental wisdom and his preaching of a Zen-like detachment, as exemplified by his constant reminder to clerks, tellers, or others who grew excited by his presence in their banks: 'Just lie down on the floor and keep calm.

Robert Anton Wilson

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #132067
#33. The grand show is eternal
It is always sunrise somewhere

John Muir

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #103749
#34. There's beauty in the silver singing river There's beauty in the sunrise in the sky But none of these and nothing else can match the beauty That I remember in my true love's eyes

Bob Dylan

Beauty Of Sunrise Quotes #14189

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