Top 42 Bangalter Quotes

#1. My favorite film score is the one Thomas Bangalter created for 'Irreversible.' The soundtrack absolutely defines the daymare-into-nightmare feeling you get from the film.

Richard Phillips

Bangalter Quotes #1306388
#2. The concept of the robot encapsulates both aspects of technology. On one hand it's cool, it's fun, it's healthy, it's sexy, it's stylish. On the other hand it's terrifying, it's alienating, it's addictive, and it's scary. That has been the subject of much science-fiction literature.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1357521
#3. Technology is fascinating.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1182034
#4. The spirit of house music, electronic music, in the beginning was to break the rules, to do things in many different ways.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1185105
#5. Skrillex has been successful because he has a recognizable sound: You hear a dubstep song: even if it's not him, you think it's him.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1195841
#6. Music was a vector that we wanted to build a universe around.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1208200
#7. Usually, the 24-hour, high-maintenance celebrity lifestyle can disconnect people from reality.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1311294
#8. Technology is an interesting subject, people thinking: how much good, and how much bad, does it inherently carry?

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1315904
#9. Artists are overcompensating with this aggressive, energetic, hyperstimulating music - it's like someone shaking you. But it can't move people on an emotional level.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1322655
#10. A cello was there 400 years ago and will still be here in 400 years.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1352504
#11. When you look at C-3PO and Darth Vader and then look at the actors behind them, you can't really make the connection. It kills the magic.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1354709
#12. The thousands of clips on internet are better to us than any DVD that could have been released.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1110239
#13. Usually, a band 20 years into its existence doesn't put out its best records.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1383529
#14. Technology has made music accessible in a philosophically interesting way, which is great. But on the other hand, when everybody has the ability to make magic, it's like there's no more magic - if the audience can just do it themselves, why are they going to bother?

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1396200
#15. We're genuinely happy if some musicians of this younger generation are influenced by our music, as we were ourselves influenced 10 years ago by older musicians.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1425962
#16. The late '70's and early '80s is the zenith of a certain craftsmanship in sound recording.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1534285
#17. Human After All was the music we wanted to make at the time we did it. We have always strongly felt there was a logical connection between our three albums, and it 's great to see that people seem to realize that when they listen now to the live show.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1566915
#18. We like the idea that the things we do seem to come out of nowhere.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1573709
#19. The show, like everything we have done and still do, is just one more experiment.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1586836
#20. The only secret to being in control is to have it in the beginning. Retaining control is still hard, but obtaining control is virtually impossible.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1660368
#21. We have always been thinking about different ways to perform electronic music, i.e. music made with machines.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1684385
#22. Computers were never designed in the first place to become musical instruments. Within a computer, everything is sterile - there's no sound, there's no air. It's totally code. Like with computer-generated effects in movies, you can create wonders. But it's really hard to create emotion.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1849302
#23. Daft Punk would not exist if there was no technology.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #402565
#24. In 'Scream 2', they have this discussion about how sequels always suck.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #56996
#25. There's a confusion sometimes with the laptop being the current tools and where electronic music initially comes from.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #108073
#26. There have been movies like 'Paranormal Activity' or 'Blair Witch Project' in Hollywood that showed you could do movies with little or no money. It doesn't prevent them from creating larger than life spectacles as well.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #139154
#27. In the history of pop music, a lot of great records cost an enormous amount of money. There used to be a time where people that had means to experiment would do it, you know?

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #147056
#28. Electronic music has definitely taken over America. There is more and more interaction with hip hop.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #152373
#29. 'SNL' is this part of American culture with a certain timelessness to it.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #216657
#30. Everyone making electronic music has the same tool kits and templates. You listen, and you feel like it can be done on an iPad. If everybody knows all the tricks, it's no more magic.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #237250
#31. It's a very subjective, personal, instinctive approach as musicians of saying, 'We don't want to replace what's around; we just want to widen the possibilities.'

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #300358
#32. It's nice to be able to forget.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #331071
#33. Hip-hop has always been exciting and interesting to us.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1063642
#34. I remember when I was a kid, I would watch 'Superman', and I was super into the feeling of knowing that Clark Kent is Superman and no one knows.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #451243
#35. There's something in human performance that is very smooth and very fluid, and at the same time it can be very precise, and that can take a lot of time, trial and error.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #652233
#36. Electronic music right now is in its comfort zone, and it's not moving one inch,

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #755966
#37. We come from a generation that wanted to make electronic music accepted, at a time [when] it was not.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #790332
#38. Initially, electronic music was anti-establishment, as punk rock and rock n' roll were. The music was shut down; the police were against the parties.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #831039
#39. There was a naive quality in 1982 around technology and the start of video games. And that's like the start of electronic music - there was this statement and, ideologically, these things to fight for.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #884460
#40. I think 'Tron' is a good example of minimalism.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #933301
#41. Music was segregated in the '80s, and then in the '90s the boundaries started to break down, and rock kids got into electronic music. But then you got this reverse snobbery where people would only listen to electronic music and not rock.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1029674
#42. Synths are a very low level of artificial intelligence. Whereas you have a Stradivarius that will live for a thousand years.

Thomas Bangalter

Bangalter Quotes #1037506

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