Top 100 Baba's Quotes

#1. I promised myself that I would talk to her before the summer was over, but schools reopened, the leaves reddened, yellowed, and fell, the rains of winter swept in and wakened Baba's joints, baby leaves sprouted once more, and I still hadn't had the heart, the dil, to even look her in the eye.

Khaled Hosseini

Baba's Quotes #1259535
#2. Many a treasure besides Ali Baba's is unlocked with a verbal key.

Henry Van Dyke

Baba's Quotes #1669697
#3. I watched Baba's car pull away from the curb, taking with it the person whose first spoken word had been my name.

Khaled Hosseini

Baba's Quotes #1720255
#4. Listening to them, I realized how much of who I was, what I was, had been defined by Baba and the marks he had left on people's lives. My whole life, I had been "Baba's son." Now he was gone. Baba couldn't show me the way anymore; I'd have to find it on my own. The thought of it terrified me.

Khaled Hosseini

Baba's Quotes #1846556
#5. Baba's words and actions have lit the lamp of love in the hearts of devotees and they will always remember him for the good things he has done.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #388006
#6. Concern for one?s own welfare and prosperity should not blind one to one?s social obligations or spiritual destiny?.A society in which the individuals are concerned only about material welfare will not be able to achieve harmony and peace.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #708387
#7. Through endless time God's greatest gift is continuously given in silence. But whenmankind becomes completely deaf to the thunder of His Silence God incarnates as Man.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #1043698
#8. Everyone's God is One.

Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #771384
#9. Education must award self-confidence, the courage to depend on one's own strength.

Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #819482
#10. The world is not a burden; we make it a burden by our desires. When the desires are removed, the world is as light as a feather on an elephant's back.

Baba Hari Dass

Baba's Quotes #827254
#11. Selfless service alone gives the needed strength and courage to awaken the sleeping humanity in one's heart.

Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #835572
#12. The fact is I like Mumbai less and less. My son says, 'Baba, let's go for a drive', and I tell him, 'Where's the fun of a drive in this place?' You get caught in a million traffic jams, and you spend time cooped in your car with all that mad cacophony around you.

Om Puri

Baba's Quotes #849524
#13. Your friends today attach themselves not to you but to your purse or to some advantage they can gain through your father's kindness. When your purse is empty or when your father is no longer in power, they bid you good-bye.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #853279
#14. If you are convinced of God's existence then it rests with you to seek Him, to see Him and to realize Him. Do not search for God outside of you. God can only be found within you, for His only abode is the heart.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #881778
#15. Human values should predominate in men's thoughts. Human life has no meaning without these values.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #926478
#16. India is the second biggest defence procurer in the world after the U.S.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #963840
#17. The end of knowledge is wisdom The end of culture is perfection The end of wisdom is freedom The end of education is character. And character consists of eagerness to renounce one's selfish greed.

Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #260040
#18. We passionately set up a programme that we call the Indian gun programme. I challenged Colonel Bhatia, who heads our defence business, that let's build an Indian gun. There's a belief that Indian companies aren't capable of this, and we want to prove them wrong, as we did in components.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #523193
#19. The finding of God is the coming to one's own self.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #511130
#20. Man's sense of values is so degraded that he does not revere the Geetha, as much as he values and scans the pages of the daily newspaper. This is to be attributed to sheer ignorance and perversity, or pitiable fate.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #506197
#21. I know. I know. But he's always buried in those books or shuffling around the house like he's lost in some dream." "And?" "I wasn't like that." Baba sounded frustrated, almost angry. Rahim Khan laughed. "Children aren't colouring books. You don't get to fill them with your favourite colours.

Khaled Hosseini

Baba's Quotes #446953
#22. Just think you are the greatest. Where's the harm in thinking like that? It is not for pride you do it, but for bringing the best out of you. There is nothing wrong.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #442294
#23. Be discriminating when dispensing charity. In the name of charity or philanthropy, we tend to do injustice to one's country.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #439933
#24. [Cat] found a complete set of the works of Edgar Allan Poe, with little tabs of paper sticking out. The were scrawled over with the witch's comments to herself, "Fun!" "Try this, but with exploding feathers!" and "Gotta love him
deeply sick.

Gregory Maguire

Baba's Quotes #434867
#25. That's exactly what I'll do, I thought to myself. After dinner, I'm going to ask Big
Brother to teach me how to read this map. With Aunt Baba still in Tianjin, there's
obviously nobody looking out for me. I'll just have to find my own way.

Adeline Yen Mah

Baba's Quotes #392801
#26. If my strength is technology, financial structuring is my son's skill.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #381249
#27. The Avatar is a child to the children, a boy to the boys, a man among men, a woman among women, so that the Avatar?s message might reach each heart and receive enthusiastic response as Ananda. It is the compassion of the Avatar that prompts His every action.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #374237
#28. soon after we arrived in the U.S., Baba started grumbling about American flies. He'd sit at the kitchen table with his flyswatter, watch the flies darting from wall to wall, buzzing here, buzzing there, harried and rushed. "In this country, even flies are pressed for time," he'd groan.

Khaled Hosseini

Baba's Quotes #345294
#29. It's a divine art to be cheerful.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #1855365
#30. If you strive to find your Self by using your mind, you will strive and strive in vain, because the mind cannot give you the Truth. You are that Self. All else is illusion of the mind's creation.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #1406119
#31. In the U.S., we didn't have scale, and without scale, it's difficult to operate.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #1837365
#32. I had the option of building a career in the U.S. Many of my friends who went at the time did not come back, but for me, building the family business and being with family was worth it. I became a general manager within four months, as I used my education to improve productivity and output.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #1757615
#33. Women are concerned about the purity and welfare of the community. ? While the father's love was related to mundane desires, the mother's love was related to spiritual concerns.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #1723853
#34. When you kill a man, you steal a life," Baba said. "You steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness. Do you see?

Khaled Hosseini

Baba's Quotes #1661435
#35. If the partridge didn't call at the wrong moment, Neither the hunter nor the falcon would know of it. It follows from this point also, That everyone's voice betrays him.

Rahman Baba

Baba's Quotes #1634003
#36. Alas, Abdullah and Pari, Baba Ayub's days of happiness came to an end.

Khaled Hosseini

Baba's Quotes #1628294
#37. Love is the reflection of God's unity in the world of duality. It constitutes the entire significance of creation.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #1595968
#38. The learned man's life itself shines as the message for mankind.

Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #1527198
#39. We can't leave just like that." Cat was appalled. "Where can we find you if we need you again?"
[Baba Yaga] "You can't. Listen, Little Drear, I hate saying good-byes. I have a good strategy for avoiding them."
"What's that?" asked Anton.
"I eat my guests.

Gregory Maguire

Baba's Quotes #1503376
#40. Liam's lips tightened. "She's only a little girl. She doesn't know anything about swords. What if she cuts herself? It's sharp, right?"
"Of course it is sharp, Liam. What would be the point ot having a sword that wasn't?

Deborah Blake

Baba's Quotes #1473624
#41. The objective of education should be impressed on the children's minds. The academic education of today is shallow and useless because it has no value orientation.

Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #1459388
#42. Naughty children have to be protected. Even if it's just from themselves.

Marika McCoola

Baba's Quotes #1091489
#43. Holy crap!" he said. "That's a big dog." "Yes," said Baba. "But a small dragon.

Deborah Blake

Baba's Quotes #1368643
#44. Tapas is not a penance, it's a mental training to develop will power

Baba Hari Dass

Baba's Quotes #1360172
#45. Man's many desires are like the small metal coins he carries about in his pocket. The more he has the more they weight him down.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #1318480

Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #1301620
#47. None but the Creator has knowledge of the future; If anyone says he knows it, do not believe him! - Baba Musafir (d. 1714), a Naqshbandi Sufi saint, speaking about the war of succession among Aurangzeb's sons

Audrey Truschke

Baba's Quotes #1292522
#48. You can't teach a hunter it's wrong to kill.

Baba Hari Dass

Baba's Quotes #1263680
#49. It is when you experience another's suffering as your own that your human values is manifested.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #1208614
#50. he wasn't smart enough to be a gangster or a politician, which is any dacoit's ultimate goal. We

Baba Rampuri

Baba's Quotes #1192126
#51. What do we lose by another's good fortune? Let us celebrate with them, or strive to emulate them. That should be our desire and determination.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #1183174
#52. Truth is man's nature; to be untrue is to be false to one's nature. dharma (Right Action) is the practical application in real life of the ideal of truth. Shanthi (Peace) is the result of Dharma and Preme (Love) is the sffulgence of Shanthi.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #1125497
#53. Love is the strongest medicine. It is more powerful than electricity.

Neem Karoli Baba

Baba's Quotes #32315
#54. I wanted to have a global company, so I chose a global name. Alibaba is easy to spell, and people everywhere associate that with "Open, Sesame," the command that Ali Baba used to open doors to hidden treasures in One Thousand and One Nights.

Jack Ma

Baba's Quotes #54019
#55. Love is nothing if it is not spontaneous. It cannot be a conclusion of reasoning.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #51076
#56. At the Bangalore air show, we got a contract from Boeing for supplying structural components, and we are already supplying jet engine components to Rolls Royce. Both these are titanium-based, not steel components.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #50184
#57. The fundamental human values all emanate from Dharma, based on Truth. If human behaviour has no such basis, it leads to disaster.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #49923
#58. I don't want to be a great leader; I want to be a man who goes around with a little oil can and when he sees a breakdown, offers his help. To me, the man who does that is greater than any holy man in saffron-colored robes. The mechanic with the oil can: that is my ideal in life.

Baba Amte

Baba's Quotes #48658
#59. My construction will cover the entire Universe.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #44838
#60. I am all deities in one. You may endeavour your best for thousands of years and have all mankind with you in your search. But you cannot understand My Reality.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #41677
#61. When you tell the children tales of the Baba Yaga on a cold winter's night, you might remember to mention that whether or not the witch is wicked often depends on who is telling the story.

Deborah Blake

Baba's Quotes #39680
#62. You have it in your power to make your days on Earth a path of flowers, instead of a path of thorns.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #38418
#63. If somebody told me you'd be a one and a half billion dollar company and be the largest in the world, I wouldn't have believed it myself.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #33720
#64. All spiritual practice must be directed to the removal of the husk and the revelation of the kernel.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #32593
#65. I love everybody. Each one plays the role they have to play ...

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #57726
#66. It is essential to practice spiritual disciplines along with academic studies.

Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #31592
#67. Can you become a man without becoming your father?

Hisham Matar

Baba's Quotes #31554
#68. All is divine, all is God, and unity is divinity.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #26927
#69. The Avatar appears to be human and we are misled into thinking of him in these terms but the Avatar himself warns us against this error.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #21959
#70. Love God and find him within - the only treasure worth finding.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #20886
#71. A pure woman is better than a hundred yogis. Women are more open to love God.

Neem Karoli Baba

Baba's Quotes #18872
#72. Being a good example is the best form of service.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #18683

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #17411
#74. Whatever creature comes to you, human or otherwise, treat it with consideration.

Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #9341
#75. One of the most difficult things to learn is to render service without bossing, without making a fuss about it, and without any consciousness of high and low. In the world of spirituality, humility counts at least as much as utility.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #8996
#76. To love God in the most practical way is to love our fellow beings. If we feel for others in the same way as we feel for our own dear ones, we love God.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #2710
#77. Never put anyone out of your heart ...

Neem Karoli Baba

Baba's Quotes #90136
#78. It's better to see God in everything than to try to figure it out.

Neem Karoli Baba

Baba's Quotes #215120
#79. Hounds and hearthstones, girl, haven't you ever heard a story about Koschei? He's only got the one. Act one, Scene one: pretty girl. Act one, Scene two: pretty girl gone!

Catherynne M Valente

Baba's Quotes #147766
#80. No bird casts the seed on land to grow food for itself, nor do beasts plough and enclose fields claiming - this is mine, this is for my children and children's children -.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #121536
#81. In business, you try to minimise risk.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #112246
#82. We are a heterogeneous society. We have to accept that. Growth has to be such that the most backward sections also benefit from it. Otherwise, it will be a very imbalanced growth.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #111949
#83. Everyone has Love towards some thing or other, and that Love is a spark of the Divine; everyone has ultimately to base his life on some one Truth; that Truth is God.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #107334
#84. You're the Baba Yaga?" He gazed at her in disbelief. "But the Baba Yaga is an ugly old crone, and you're, you're... not!

Deborah Blake

Baba's Quotes #106673
#85. See the Divine in everyone. Eschew hatred and ill will. After years of devotion, many still lack a broad outlook and an all-encompassing love.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #106280
#86. How can anyone be called human, if being born a human being and growing in a human society, he does not recognise human values? You must see that you don't harm any living being. He alone is a redeemed being who causes no pain to others and avoids pain to himself.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #105997
#87. So far, the general perception, including the perception in India, was that we are not capable of using high technology. They simply refused to believe an Indian can do it! I somehow was not ready to accept that this is not possible.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #98627
#88. External silence helps to achieve inner silence.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #95377
#89. Joke I read somewhere: They say that God is the innermost dweller of all. Well I hope He likes enchiladas - cause that's what He's getting! Love delights and glorifies in giving, not receiving.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #252983
#90. The only ache people have nowadays is ache in the stomach due to over eating and lack of exercise!

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #88943
#91. Whoever works for God, his work will be done by itself.

Neem Karoli Baba

Baba's Quotes #88016
#92. All religions are the same. They all lead to God. God is everybody ... The same blood flows through us all, the arms, the legs, the heart, all are the same. See no difference.
See all the same.

Neem Karoli Baba

Baba's Quotes #85669
#93. Feelings and emotions are only the creation of mind and energy. Love is the creation of the soul.

Meher Baba

Baba's Quotes #84298
#94. Practice the vocabulary of love - unlearn the language of hate and contempt.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #80367
#95. I am a very hands-on person, and I like to be involved in driving my business.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #79581
#96. The Lord is the refuge of all who seek refuge, the saviour of all who have to be saved. He is the Embodiment of Being-Awareness-Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda). He is now at Puttaparthi as the Effulgent Emperor over the region of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #76043
#97. It is a fact that plants also have life like animals. But animals are endowed with mind, and nervous systems too while the plants do not possess the same.

Sathya Sai Baba

Baba's Quotes #67152
#98. If a pickpocket meets a Holy Man, he will see only His pockets.

Baba Hari Dass

Baba's Quotes #63669
#99. It's the adventure, the adrenaline-flowing, risk-taking in outdoor activities that attracts me.

Baba Kalyani

Baba's Quotes #61513
#100. One day I was driving down the farm track in the pickup,with two of the little boys, aged about four or five, sitting beside me. One of them turned to me conversationally and said, "Baba, don't worry. When you get old one day you'll be sitting here where we are, and we'll be driving you around!

Angus Buchan

Baba's Quotes #61330

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