Top 12 Avicollis Pizza Quotes

#1. What does it mean for an actor to make a part his own? It means that he takes on what you had intended and starts to put in his own stuff so that it becomes something that could only happen if he played it.

James L. Brooks

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #39891
#2. So this is what I've decided: In the eyes of many people, I may never live an extraordinary life. But I will love in extraordinary ways. And I hope I choose to always see the best in people" -Emma

Natalie Lloyd

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #175258
#3. We all contain mysteries, especially when seen from the inside.

David Levithan

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #266866
#4. T's not how much you work, but how working so much makes you feel that counts. And how I felt was iserable.

Jonathon Lazear

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #297366
#5. It's hard to feel desire when you don't feel desirable

Christine Feehan

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #1253691
#6. There's hardly anywhere in literature where you don't find a triangle.

Leonard Michaels

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #1318765
#7. I played professional level sports. When you're playing for money, it's a whole other level.

Kurt Russell

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #1414850
#8. It's just fun to go out and compete. It doesn't matter what your record is or what the other team's record is. You're playing in an NFL game, and you are out there competing with great players.

Jamie Martin

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #1473601
#9. Kindness in essence is the sustaining force for the humanity.

Debasish Mridha

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #1619609
#10. Life is an endless process of self-discovery.

John W. Gardner

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #1668741
#11. Right now counts forever.

R.C. Sproul

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #1697826
#12. It is important to the typical 'Star Trek' fan that there is a tomorrow. They pretty much share the 'Star Trek' philosophies about life: the fact that it is wrong to interfere in the evolvement of other peoples, that to be different is not necessarily to be wrong or ugly.

Gene Roddenberry

Avicollis Pizza Quotes #1809527

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