Top 95 Autumn Love Quotes

#1. Only in Heaven will everything be as beautiful as spring, as pleasant as autumn, and as full of love as summer.

Pio Of Pietrelcina

Autumn Love Quotes #996559
#2. Erupting like fiery autumn leaves between silks
as skin meets skin
flames that lick everything
and consume all there is.

Sreesha Divakaran

Autumn Love Quotes #1265832
#3. I love you back - in a big and epic way.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #1245956
#4. But a haiku by Buson came into his mind: 'I try to forget this senile love; a chilly autumn shower.' The gloom only grew denser.

Yasunari Kawabata

Autumn Love Quotes #1243155
#5. They do not need the sun. Who needs the sun when the eyes glow? Darkness. A woolen fog has wrapped the earth, has dropped a heavy curtain. From far away, from beyond the curtain, comes the sound of drops falling on stone. Far, far away - the autumn, people, tomorrow. ("The North")

Yevgeny Zamyatin

Autumn Love Quotes #1239123
#6. I love food and am very good at improvising when preparing it - it's a really creative experience for me.

Autumn Reeser

Autumn Love Quotes #1214269
#7. Finny never tells anyone how he is feeling; you just have to know him well enough to understand when he is sad or scared. Today his expression does not tell me how he feels about me being over here. Either he couldn't care less, or he could be annoyed.

Laura Nowlin

Autumn Love Quotes #1201947
#8. If the question is: what's more mortifying than professing your love to a boy and having him turn and walk away from you? The answer is: professing your love to a boy, while standing in front of your friends, parents and a hundred strangers, and having him turn and walk away from you.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #1188151
#9. Cut out the love of self, like an autumn lotus with thy hand!

Gautama Buddha

Autumn Love Quotes #1180301
#10. It was now the stormy equinoctial weather that sounds the wild dirge of autumn, and marches the winter in. I love, and always did, that grand undefinable music, threatening and bewailing, with its strange soul of liberty and desolation.

J. Sheridan Le Fanu

Autumn Love Quotes #1137493
#11. When I was little, I was a voracious reader, and that really led me to acting as well. I loved being transported into someone else's life, and that's what reading provided me. I also really love to entertain people.

Autumn Reeser

Autumn Love Quotes #1130356
#12. I married my love in the springtime, / but by summer he'd locked me away. / He'd murdered me dead by the autumn, / and by winter I was naught but decay

Emily Carroll

Autumn Love Quotes #1097297
#13. My first love is reading. My second love is pizza.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #1337693
#14. Autumn is the time when love matures in gentleness.

Kristian Goldmund Aumann

Autumn Love Quotes #996116
#15. It was lemon verbena day, so the house was filled with a sweet-tart scent that conjured images of picnic blankets and white clouds shaped like true-love hearts.

Sarah Addison Allen

Autumn Love Quotes #976282
#16. I love being a mom - I really do! I didn't realize how much I would love it!

Autumn Reeser

Autumn Love Quotes #970436
#17. The Autumn seems to cry for thee,Best lover of the Autumn-days!

Sarah Chauncey Woolsey

Autumn Love Quotes #935026
#18. It's September 21st, a day I love for the balance it carries with it.

Pam Houston

Autumn Love Quotes #897529
#19. I love to write and to get to know the people who are listening.

Emilie Autumn

Autumn Love Quotes #897314
#20. I put quite a few trees in last autumn. A lot of silver birch and a couple of native trees - just generally doing gardening, putting plants in and hedges in. It takes quite a lot of time and I love it.

Sean Bean

Autumn Love Quotes #873306
#21. And it's impossible to say and even harder to feel.

Laura Nowlin

Autumn Love Quotes #800077
#22. Mrs. Jo did not mean the measles, but that more serious malady called love, which is apt to ravage communities, spring and autumn, when winter gayety and summer idleness produce whole bouquets of engagements, and set young people to pairing off like the birds.

Louisa May Alcott

Autumn Love Quotes #776156
#23. I love the autumn for its sense of melancholy seems to strike my need for sadness. There is poetry in the dying of the year and mystery as well.

Kyffin Williams

Autumn Love Quotes #725692
#24. Autumn is here
and I am in love.
My heart has taken residence in my mind.
I pick the crisp ochre leaves
and put them in my pocket.
I am in love.

Kamand Kojouri

Autumn Love Quotes #722749
#25. I love autumn despite the drench weather. I think it symbolises the end of misery and the beginning of glee. It gives hopes that sooner or later, flowers will bloom again, green buds will sprout from trees, and that which is dead will come back alive.

Aishah Madadiy

Autumn Love Quotes #1616878
#26. When we make love, it's going to be making love. I want more than just your amazing body, Autumn. I want all of you." She felt him swallow against the top of her head. "I don't know who broke your heart, but I'm going to earn your trust. And we will make love.

Evelyn Adams

Autumn Love Quotes #1878465
#27. I will come during the spring with blooms of mystic ecstasy.
I will vanish in the song of autumn with the falling colors and beauty.

Debasish Mridha

Autumn Love Quotes #1876101
#28. As we open our energy channels, we can cease the process of searching for love and begin the process of becoming an actual channel for love, allowing the force that drives the growth of flowers, summer rain, autumn wind, and winter snow to flow through us at the cellular level.

Catherine Carrigan

Autumn Love Quotes #1804758
#29. A strip of water's spread in the setting sun, Half the river's emerald, half is red. I love the third night of the ninth month, The dew is like a pearl; the moon like a bow.

Bai Juyi

Autumn Love Quotes #1804107
#30. I would love to do more films. I really like the whole process of doing that. I like how close you become to everybody.

Autumn Reeser

Autumn Love Quotes #1793046
#31. I love autumn. It's so much richer than spring.

Agatha Christie

Autumn Love Quotes #1792277
#32. Give me a land of boughs in leaf
A land of trees that stand;
Where trees are fallen there is grief;
I love no leafless land.

A.E. Housman

Autumn Love Quotes #1737901
#33. you make autumn mist
taste like champagne

and turn winter rain
into the elixir of life itself.

Sanober Khan

Autumn Love Quotes #1701114
#34. The outside world might have finally turned into autumn, but inside the Waverley house it still smelled of summer. It was lemon verbena day, so the house was filled with a sweet-tart that conjured images of picnic blankets and white clouds like true-love hearts.

Sarah Addison Allen

Autumn Love Quotes #1696609
#35. Though you wear your fingers to the bone with service, weep your eyes out with repentance, make your knees hard with kneeling, and dry your throat with shouting, if your heart does not beat with love, your religion falls to the ground like a withered leaf in autumn.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Autumn Love Quotes #1689621
#36. My sorrow, when she's here with me,
Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
Are beautiful as days can be.

Robert Frost

Autumn Love Quotes #1659265
#37. The mountain trees that grew between the pines were a brilliant blaze of fall colors, like fire against the emerald green of the pines, firs and pruces. And it was, as I'd told myself long ago, the year's last passionate love affair before it grew old and died from the frosty bite of winter.

V.C. Andrews

Autumn Love Quotes #711908
#38. I would love to do a big-budget movie musical - I feel like there is one big musical movie a year. And I'm always there at the theater to see them - I love them.

Autumn Reeser

Autumn Love Quotes #1528184
#39. If this was happiness, I know that I wanted to hold it like one wants in vain to hold running water in joined hands. But I was already feeling alongside this happiness something other than happiness which was covering my love like the coloring of autumn.

Andre Gide

Autumn Love Quotes #1497312
#40. that I thought of you - of the air that slipped
between the strands of your hair, and blue stones
in my hand, before the autumn damasks

bloom their last, before these blue stones are lain
forgotten as the blossoms of plum trees
I could not render in my artless hands

John Daniel Thieme

Autumn Love Quotes #1466746
#41. I love the start of autumn when the trees in my garden change the colour of their leaves in one last dazzling display.

Michael Caine

Autumn Love Quotes #1440006
#42. We should wait six-seven months. Maybe, upon spring's arrival, our love would blossom. As of now, dry-lifeless-forlorn, it resembles the fall foliage. Beautiful, nonetheless!

Saru Singhal

Autumn Love Quotes #1439959
#43. I can barely breathe but I think that his lips might be better than oxygen at the moment.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #1429286
#44. It's never too late to have a fling
For autumn is just as nice as spring
And it's never too late to fall in love.

Sandy Wilson

Autumn Love Quotes #1423442
#45. Truly, Autumn is my season," the scarlet beast chorted. "Spring and Summer and Winter all begin with such late letters! But Autumn and Fall, I have loved best, because they are best to love.

Catherynne M Valente

Autumn Love Quotes #1401142
#46. What I know is nothing but that we are a spring path of autumn light carved into a river of ancient singing.

Heather K. O'Hara

Autumn Love Quotes #1383261
#47. If that happens again someone's gonna get shot ... with an arrow of love!

Emilie Autumn

Autumn Love Quotes #1344781
#48. Embrace the gift of autumn; where every flower radiates its splendor.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Autumn Love Quotes #1344295
#49. Remember after every autumn, the flora senses the rapturous kiss of cheerful spring.
(Book-Love Vs Destiny)

Atul Purohit

Autumn Love Quotes #165176
#50. Every time I look at you autumn leaves come in between - does it matter they're the color of your hair - or they still fall in my memory? ...

John Geddes

Autumn Love Quotes #326253
#51. Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and they're falling like
they're falling in love with the ground.

Andrea Gibson

Autumn Love Quotes #304122
#52. Sad, slow music in the small hours of the morning isn't just sad and slow music. It's a narration. And through the myriad of morning dew, we are the twinkling stars that fade with the rising sun.

Dave Matthes

Autumn Love Quotes #296602
#53. After all of it ... the good, the bad, the in-between ... If I told you that I love you, what would you say?

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #262319
#54. All in November's soaking mist We stand and prune the naked tree, While all our love and interest Seem quenched in the blue-nosed misery.

Ruth Pitter

Autumn Love Quotes #244276
#55. Even though I knew this might end in heartbreak, that he might make my life scary and complicated and unpredictable, I knew I couldn't let him walk away. Because I knew he'd also make my life happy and comforting and full.

Kasie West

Autumn Love Quotes #242421
#56. For love is a flower that grows in any soil, works its sweet miracles undaunted by autumn frost or winter snow, blooming fair and fragrant all the year, and blessing those who give and those who receive. The

Louisa May Alcott

Autumn Love Quotes #225009
#57. Love isn't an accident or something that just happens when you're not looking. Love is a choice, not a chance.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #210745
#58. But I broke your heart," she whispers. I shrug and kiss her again. "You break it, you buy it.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #209825
#59. You cannot tell love to come and stay forever. You can only welcome it when it comes, like the summer or the autumn, and when its time is up and it's gone, then it's gone. The

Nina George

Autumn Love Quotes #185574
#60. My life will never be extravagant; it will be simple, but I promise it will be filled with love, laughter, and stars released from jars, when I catch enough fireflies. ~Elijah Dirk "Epitaphs from the Afterlife

Autumn Rosen

Autumn Love Quotes #175269
#61. The garden of love is green without limit and yields many fruits other than sorrow or joy. Love is beyond either condition: without spring, without autumn, it is always fresh.


Autumn Love Quotes #335469
#62. I love the fall. I love it because of the smells that you speak of; and also because things are dying, things that you don't have to take care of anymore, and the grass stops growing.

Mark Van Doren

Autumn Love Quotes #155955
#63. A new song begins, and in the dark, we listen, letting lyrics about love and suffering and hope fall over us.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #144188
#64. The mystery of God touches us - or does not - in the smallest details: giving a strawberry, with love; receiving a touch, with love; sharing the snapdragon red of an autumn sunset, with love.

Marion Woodman

Autumn Love Quotes #144108
#65. I'm so far gone that I almost lift her face and kiss her on the mouth. I almost admit to her that I'm losing myself. I almost tell her I love her. Insane, I know.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #133846
#66. He'd fill every moment with the seasons he'd found in his heart: hopes like birds on a spring branch; happiness like a warm summer sun; magic like the rising mists of autumn. And best of all, love; love enough for a thousand Christmases.

Clive Barker

Autumn Love Quotes #133612
#67. I only sleep with people I love, which is why I have insomnia.

Emilie Autumn

Autumn Love Quotes #114757
#68. Oh my gosh, I would love to guest star on 'Entourage.'

Autumn Reeser

Autumn Love Quotes #111880
#69. I cut myself because you wouldn't let me cry.
I cried because you wouldn't let me speak.
I spoke because you wouldn't let me shine.
I shone because I thought you loved me ...

Emilie Autumn

Autumn Love Quotes #97382
#70. I love Toronto's long autumns, warm with windy swirls of golden spores, redolent with giant, sun-roasted leaves flapping up and down the streets, and horrible winter always seeming far, far off!

Guy Maddin

Autumn Love Quotes #81857
#71. I loved you when love was Spring, and May, Loved you when summer deepened into June, and now when autumn yellows all the leaves ...

Vita Sackville-West

Autumn Love Quotes #78943
#72. When he touches me, the sky and the earth switch places.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #40815
#73. Strong jealousy in a beautiful love is the autumn in the middle of a hot summer!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Autumn Love Quotes #427561
#74. We will paste upon the curled pages words
Like charming and romantic and sentimental
Forgetting that charming is witchcraft
Romantic is love
And sentiment is what makes us human

Emilie Autumn

Autumn Love Quotes #706417
#75. Someone asks me, What is love?
Do not look for an explanation.
Dissolve into me, and you will know
when it calls. Respond.
Walk out as a lion, as a rose.
Inhale autumn, long for spring.


Autumn Love Quotes #704680
#76. Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.

Nora Ephron

Autumn Love Quotes #701944
#77. I love to act because I love trying on other people's skin.

Autumn Reeser

Autumn Love Quotes #655886
#78. An autumn leaf is the corpse of that leaf and what a crazy thing that we love these corpses!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Autumn Love Quotes #606722
#79. When you fall in love with a work of art, you'd die to meet the artist. I am a student of the galleries of Pacific sunsets, full moon rises on the ocean, the clouds from an airplane, autumn forests in Raleigh, first fallen snows.
And I'm dying to meet the artist.

Yasmin Mogahed

Autumn Love Quotes #574823
#80. No one made sense of the love they shared. They didn't get the hang of it either. But together, the clocks of winter stopped.. And autumn's fallen leaves turned, swiftly, scarlet.

Malak El Halabi

Autumn Love Quotes #574281
#81. Shakespeare; the only man I'd ever love...

Emilie Autumn

Autumn Love Quotes #501523
#82. Mastered To Be Mastered : A Master!
Autumn of my life and love :
Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans
September 21, 2016

Petra Hermans

Autumn Love Quotes #459830
#83. Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year.

Chad Sugg

Autumn Love Quotes #454279
#84. I am my heart's undertaker. Daily I go and retrieve its tattered remains, place them delicately into its little coffin, and bury it in the depths of my memory, only to have to do it all again tomorrow.

Emilie Autumn

Autumn Love Quotes #434080
#85. I love to simplify and edit the contents of just about anything, but women's closets hold particular appeal to me. I edit mine about four times a year and hold a yearly 'clothing swap' to encourage my girlfriends to do the same.

Autumn Reeser

Autumn Love Quotes #32746
#86. Once taken by her, you glowed
And you drank her poisons, content.
Because all the stars seemed to grow,
And fields had a different scent,
Autumn fields.

Anna Akhmatova

Autumn Love Quotes #427043
#87. I love corduroys, because they are really comfy and they're cozier than jeans. They come in nice autumn hues - colors that you can have fun with.

Rachel Bilson

Autumn Love Quotes #417859
#88. Naturally, it gave rise to a round of tears like an autumn shower that soon evaporates in the sunshine of love, leaving behind only a glow of moisture. When

Rabindranath Tagore

Autumn Love Quotes #406549
#89. And this is the room One afternoon I knew that I could love you And from above you I sank into your soul Into that secret place where no one dares to go. ~Neutral Milk Hotel "King of Carrot Flowers, Pt. 1

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #397331
#90. Or maybe spring is the season of love and fall the season of mad lust. Spring for flirting but fall for the untamed delicious wild thing.

Elizabeth Cohen

Autumn Love Quotes #389477
#91. If I could write words
Like leaves on an autumn forest floor,
What a bonfire my letters would make.
If I could speak words of water,
You would drown when I said
I love you.

Spike Milligan

Autumn Love Quotes #379293
#92. When Autumn was born, it was as if she recognized her, as if she'd always known that it would be her, this little person who had come to live with her and reside permanently in her heart. It was a love unlike any other: fierce and powerful.

Sanjida Kay

Autumn Love Quotes #357073
#93. Loving her is strange and confusing and damn risky. And if I had the chance I'd choose it all over again.

Autumn Doughton

Autumn Love Quotes #356034
#94. Some people fall head over heels. Other people begin to fall without even knowing it - love grows like a spring flower beneath last autumn's leaves and catches them by surprise.

Elizabeth Chandler

Autumn Love Quotes #349329
#95. Summer was felt a little more;
in autumn I began to fall.
When winter came with all its white,
you were mine to kiss good night.

Lang Leav

Autumn Love Quotes #344152

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