Top 15 Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes

#1. Godfrey's wife Charmian sat with her eyes closed, attempting to put her thoughts into alphabetical order which Godfrey had told her was better than no order at all, since she now had grasp of neither logic nor chronology.

Muriel Spark

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #146926
#2. I'm standing in the desert, waiting for my ship to come in.

Sheryl Crow

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #272259
#3. He was realist enough to know he might never find the life partner he longed for, and dreamer enough not to quit looking

Eden Winters

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #391928
#4. I'm lucky to find a person to share my life, and the best friend I'll ever have.

Reese Witherspoon

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #454469
#5. What I realized was how difficult an hour show is and how miserable you can be if you're not happy doing it.

Victor Garber

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #820879
#6. Fuzzy thinking is, after all, just one step above not thinking at all. But to take the ideas of serious transformational thinkers and philosophers and throw the "new age" label at them is also abhorrent.

Marianne Williamson

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #973193
#7. It didn't take tragedy or war to derail a man. It took only a memory.

Ali Shaw

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #1018867
#8. If he was to be treated no better than an animal, he would at least learn the limits of his cage.

Shira Anthony

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #1159472
#9. The moment you betray your heart is the moment you lose everything.

J.A. Redmerski

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #1233893
#10. A creative writer is one for whom writing is a problem.

Roland Barthes

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #1358958
#11. There are journalists I share a whole history with, so I tend to be generous to these guys, but those days are over ...

Guus Hiddink

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #1567978
#12. I don't believe environment has the slightest bit to do with anything - I only believe in ancestral influence. It would have made no difference whether I'd been brought up in a reform school, or on the island of Lesbos.

Preston Sturges

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #1687829
#13. Never judge someone
By the way he looks
Or a book by the way it's covered;
For inside those tattered pages,
There's a lot to be discovered

Stephen Cosgrove

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #1712838
#14. No one is happy unless he respects himself.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #1723971
#15. I'm very fast on teaching guys. Like, when I came over here, I only had two rehearsals with the band. I wondered when I first got here ... but it sure came up great.

Ike Turner

Auto Increment In Mongodb Quotes #1853295

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