Top 67 Author Inspiration Quotes

#1. Good ideas come from everywhere. It's more important to recognize a good idea than to author it.

Jeanne Gang

Author Inspiration Quotes #1175876
#2. Pacing around my apartment overwhelmed with thought. Inspiration can be a bitter-sweet combination of fantastic insanity.
12:08am - May 14, 2013

Ryan Tyler Palmer

Author Inspiration Quotes #1357721
#3. I do not write poetry; I take words and dip them in feelings.

Arti Honrao

Author Inspiration Quotes #1352384
#4. You have the power to turn your negatives into positives. - Author Mahogany Law

Mahogany Law

Author Inspiration Quotes #1325294
#5. These rough sketches, which are born in an instant in the heat of inspiration, express the idea of their author in a few strokes, while on the other hand too much effort and diligence sometimes saps the vitality and powers of those who never know when to leave off.

Giorgio Vasari

Author Inspiration Quotes #1301702
#6. Inspiration is not a thing, its every thing, open your eyes and inspiration is everywhere.

L.L. Caulton

Author Inspiration Quotes #1301568
#7. We choose our favourite author as we do our friend, from a conformity of humour and disposition. Mirth or passion, sentiment or reflection; whichever of these most predominates in our temper, it gives us a peculiar sympathy with the writer who resembles us.

David Hume

Author Inspiration Quotes #1238387
#8. Writing The Breastplate was a labor of love and inspiration. Hopefully Ican get inspired for a sequel that readers are asking for. Shirley McCracken author of The Breastplate

Shirley McCracken

Author Inspiration Quotes #1224496
#9. Don't strive for perfection, just do your best. Everything in life is ever revolving to be perfect.

Ann Marie Frohoff

Author Inspiration Quotes #1202444
#10. Love yourself unconditionally.Do what you love to do.Be grateful for what you do have.Happiness is an attitude of gratitude.Love all of life.

Jan Porter

Author Inspiration Quotes #1358427
#11. Stop waiting for creative inspiration. Start creating and inspire yourself along the way.

Ryan Lilly

Author Inspiration Quotes #1146856
#12. Your life is a screenplay, you must be the author; direct and make it a success.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Author Inspiration Quotes #1110956
#13. I'm pretty much looking for beauty all the time. It just seems like some days the light is better to see it.

Melodie Ramone

Author Inspiration Quotes #1065544
#14. He without inspiration and motivation exists no more in a world full of innovations and inventions!

Darnaya Darice

Author Inspiration Quotes #1031623
#15. Inferiority complex begins when you agree that you are nothing. No one is responsible or author of it except yourself.

Paul Gitwaza

Author Inspiration Quotes #996556
#16. As a writer, I see the saga of your life in a single glimpse. It may be inaccurate, but my version doesn't lack for creativity.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Author Inspiration Quotes #935255
#17. Be persistent and have faith and you can achieve anything.

Martha Hamlett

Author Inspiration Quotes #930130
#18. The author deduces the best way James Baker serve Reagan as Chief of Staff was to continually remind him why he wanted to be president.

Chris Matthews

Author Inspiration Quotes #1663312
#19. Spread sunshine and inspiration.

Juliet M. Sampson

Author Inspiration Quotes #1869750
#20. Chronicling the mid-1970s up session with Gerald Ford's clumsiness, the author quotes a medieval maxim that the king has two bodies. The head of state has a physical body like everyone else, but he also represents the body politic, either reflecting its majesty or its weakness.

Rick Perlstein

Author Inspiration Quotes #1849476
#21. Only your children's grandchildren may remember our stories, but the stories are not what makes a life. It's living with a smile and a free spirit that will ripple throughout the stars.

T.S. Wieland

Author Inspiration Quotes #1830160
#22. If you like pray like a praying mantis or fast like a faxing machine, if you have no faith, you are just wasting your time and energy.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Author Inspiration Quotes #1829396
#23. Dreams are there for those who dare to dream them.

R.K. King

Author Inspiration Quotes #1810169
#24. The greatest writers are the ones not afraid to share their heartbreak and pain for the world to read.
They are fearless and freely in sharing their heart to heal other wounds with their story.

Tamyara Brown

Author Inspiration Quotes #1776645
#25. Let you light shine from the inside out.

Juliet M. Sampson

Author Inspiration Quotes #1775714
#26. The structure of a 'writing schedule' is only there as a frame. You provide the image, the emotion, and the sentiment in your own time.

Margaret Aranda

Author Inspiration Quotes #1709174
#27. I base a deuteragonist on the best friend I never had. A lot of good ideas come from what I never had and cause my imagination to light up.

B.A. Gabrielle

Author Inspiration Quotes #904518
#28. I know nothing of writing books properly. I write in the same manner I live life: one feeling at a time. If this makes me a bad writer, then I might hope to author several bad books.

Cara Rosalie Olsen

Author Inspiration Quotes #1623570
#29. Don't think about the writing process too much. Just do one thing: tell the motherfucking story.

Don Roff

Author Inspiration Quotes #1546783
#30. Dance bravely into your own heart, and you will find the love of all.

Tehya Sky

Author Inspiration Quotes #1541373
#31. There seemed no reason why she shouldn't try writing something in between, but she was discovering once again that reading and writing were not the same - you couldn't just soak it up and then squeeze it out again.

David Nicholls

Author Inspiration Quotes #1533392
#32. True authors don't write for fame or to make a name or money, they write to make impact

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Author Inspiration Quotes #1460343
#33. Poetry and art nourish the soul of the world with the flavor-filled substances of beauty, wisdom and truth.


Author Inspiration Quotes #1455438
#34. As an inspiration to the author, I do not think the cat can be over-estimated. He suggests so much grace, power, beauty, motion, mysticism. I do not wonder that many writers love cats; I am only surprised that all do not.

Carl Van Vechten

Author Inspiration Quotes #1407968
#35. Ernest Hemingway was the author I drew inspiration from.

Nelson DeMille

Author Inspiration Quotes #114719
#36. An author's job isn't to just write books, but to give hope and inspiration to the lost.

Rowan K. Lake Jr.

Author Inspiration Quotes #369273
#37. Be the author of your life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Author Inspiration Quotes #311842
#38. If we are to continue to have the freedoms that came of the inspiration of the Almighty to our Founding Fathers, we must return to the God who is their true Author.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Author Inspiration Quotes #244759
#39. Take what is good from the past
and carve a new path.

Jan Porter

Author Inspiration Quotes #234903
#40. Poem in other words may or may not result from inspiration but must (in reader and author alike) produce it

Franz Wright

Author Inspiration Quotes #220610
#41. Never Be Still unless you're resting. If you're not at rest, you should be taking action.

Brian A. Brown

Author Inspiration Quotes #204419
#42. ...about a spiritual path, seeing the validity in all paths, and knowing that religion can help or hamper the path. The teachings in every religion are valuable. It is humanity that has bogged down in dogma and rules. Loving and practicing the teachings that ring true is the key.

Lynne Cockrum-Murphy

Author Inspiration Quotes #202912
#43. Writing is the voice of the heart' Julia Suzuki

Julia Suzuki

Author Inspiration Quotes #183566
#44. God keeps me grounded as well as my husband, Keith Douglas, who is such an inspiration to me. He's an author, speaker, and businessman. He's just a great husband and blessing.

Tasha Smith

Author Inspiration Quotes #374090
#45. Trying to live up to yourself is the most trying thing.

Ren Garcia

Author Inspiration Quotes #103560
#46. It was a flight, a kind of fleeing, a kind of falling, falling higher and higher, spinning off the edge of the earth and beyond the sun and through the vast silent vacuum where there were no burdens and where everything weighed exactly nothing.

Tim O'Brien

Author Inspiration Quotes #80546
#47. What a lover's heart knows let no man's brain dispute.


Author Inspiration Quotes #61189
#48. A pen name is a nickname.

A.D. Posey

Author Inspiration Quotes #57890
#49. I am a writer because I write, an author because I create, a poet because the words are in my soul.

Wesley D. Gray

Author Inspiration Quotes #57390
#50. Words both written and read are my passion.

Leslie Austin

Author Inspiration Quotes #20753
#51. I wrote a book. It sucked. I wrote nine more books. They sucked, too. Meanwhile, I read every single thing I could find on publishing and writing, went to conferences, joined professional organizations, hooked up with fellow writers in critique groups, and didn't give up. Then I wrote one more book.

Beth Revis

Author Inspiration Quotes #8680
#52. You are the author of your lives book. While there may be fixed chapters ahead, you choose how to fill the pages within each one.

Ricky Mathieson

Author Inspiration Quotes #5830
#53. Today is the day that you create worlds, you change lives, you make a something, a someone, out of nothing.
Today is the day you become a writer.

Alessandra Torre

Author Inspiration Quotes #425277
#54. If you are reading this, you will get what you want. Believe in yourself and that's inspiration.

Chandan Sharma

Author Inspiration Quotes #478757
#55. I'm often asked which author I am most inspired by, but I'm inspired by all authors. It takes a great deal of courage to pour your onto paper and watch silently as the world judges it loudly.

Charity Parkerson

Author Inspiration Quotes #499339
#56. It isn't the subjects we write about but the seriousness and subtlety of our expression that determines the worth of or effort.

Joyce Carol Oates

Author Inspiration Quotes #503146
#57. When writing, I uncage KAT: Keep Adding Tension. Even if I don't know where the story's going, petting the KAT keeps it purring.

Don Roff

Author Inspiration Quotes #516456
#58. Fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge. Only Fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Proverbs 1:7 NLT

Eddie Johnson

Author Inspiration Quotes #619558
#59. To reach the pinnacle of your writings potential; productivity becomes obsolete.

Marston James

Author Inspiration Quotes #658392
#60. I've long considered becoming a writer to be the death of nightmares. For me at least, since I started writing I hadn't had any. Something really terrible or awful happens in a dream and you wake up and think, awesome, and reach for a pen and paper.

Logan Kain

Author Inspiration Quotes #680359
#61. Inspiration doesn't always come in chronological order.

Gina Marinello-Sweeney

Author Inspiration Quotes #683350
#62. I am the best author of my life.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Author Inspiration Quotes #691767
#63. Blank pages are like monsters that haunt my dreams until I feed them words.

V.M. Sawh

Author Inspiration Quotes #711236
#64. The author characterizes Hamilton's tone in the Federalist papers by saying that he never spoke of problems but of being at the last stage in the crisis.

John Ferling

Author Inspiration Quotes #752919
#65. Don't forget Who you are writing for. It's easy to get discouraged when people don't like your writing, but that's just it. They're people. You don't want to serve people, you want to serve God. Write for Him, and ignore what other people say. It just doesn't matter.

Ivy Rose

Author Inspiration Quotes #762665
#66. People make interesting assumptions about the profession. The writer is a mysterious figure, wandering lonely as a cloud, fired by inspiration, or perhaps a cocktail or two.

Sara Sheridan

Author Inspiration Quotes #857003
#67. The day will always have some bit of weirdness in it like a piece of fruit with one bad spot. Spit it out as fast as u can and eat the rest!

Raven Moore

Author Inspiration Quotes #897831

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