Top 28 Augustine The City Quotes

#1. Just as truly as the Confessions are the autobiography of St. Augustine, The City of God is the autobiography of the Church written by the most Catholic of her great saints.

Augustine Of Hippo

Augustine The City Quotes #345314
#2. Here was St. Augustine, the oldest city in the United States. How to build a hotel to meet the requirements of nineteenth century America and have it in keeping with the character of the place ? that was my hardest problem.

Henry Flagler

Augustine The City Quotes #1021806
#3. She was so real here. [ ... ] There, the distance between us was an impossible void; I felt all the reasons to stay away. Here, in the bookstore, with me, she seemed breathtakingly close in a way she hadn't before.

Maggie Stiefvater

Augustine The City Quotes #1854805
#4. This City is what it is because our citizens are what they are.


Augustine The City Quotes #1826314
#5. Knowing how contented, free, and joyful is life in the world of science, one fervently wishes that many would enter its portals.

Dmitri Mendeleev

Augustine The City Quotes #1793934
#6. Every city is a living body.

Saint Augustine

Augustine The City Quotes #1691685
#7. I like the outdoors.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster

Augustine The City Quotes #1646445
#8. Our city must remember that in the ranks of its enemies, lie hid fellow citizens to be, and that it is well to bear with them until we can reach them in their profession of faith.

Augustine Of Hippo

Augustine The City Quotes #1622868
#9. The things we love individually not only determine our character, but what a society loves collectively shapes its culture. This latter idea was the heart of Augustine's great work City of God. He believed societies are the mutual associations of individuals united by what they love in common.

Timothy J. Keller

Augustine The City Quotes #1526037
#10. The whole of history since the ascension of Jesus into heaven is concerned with one work only: the building and perfecting of this City of God.

Augustine Of Hippo

Augustine The City Quotes #1422789
#11. We've been working now with computers and education for 30 years, computers in developing countries for 20 years, and trying to make low-cost machines for 10 years. This is not a sudden turn down the road.

Nicholas Negroponte

Augustine The City Quotes #1392420
#12. That which man builds man destroys, but the city of God is built by God and cannot be destroyed by man. AUGUSTINE

Charles W. Colson

Augustine The City Quotes #1283544
#13. For this reason no intelligent student of history could doubt that Cain could have founded not only some sort of a city but even a large one, at a time when the lives of mortals were prolonged to so great an age. But

Augustine Of Hippo

Augustine The City Quotes #1232098
#14. no man is the slave either of another man or of sin": Augustine, City of God 19.15, ed. and trans. R. W. Dyson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 943.

Andy Crouch

Augustine The City Quotes #1138103
#15. The Heavenly City outshines Rome beyond comparison. There, instead of victory, is truth; instead of high rank, holiness; instead of peace, felicity; instead of life, eternity,

Saint Augustine

Augustine The City Quotes #1079605
#16. An artist must be very careful not to look for models. As soon as one artist takes another as model, he is lost. There is no other point of departure than reality.

Pablo Picasso

Augustine The City Quotes #992618
#17. I like life. It's something to do.

Ronnie Shakes

Augustine The City Quotes #947175
#18. The peace of the celestial city is the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God, and of one another in God. (City of God, Book 19)

Augustine Of Hippo

Augustine The City Quotes #884946
#19. To spare the conquered, and beat down the proud.

Augustine Of Hippo

Augustine The City Quotes #818980
#20. I don't remember what it's like to care enough about life that the thought of death could destroy me

Colleen Hoover

Augustine The City Quotes #600175
#21. The earthly city glories in itself, the Heavenly City glories in the Lord.

Augustine Of Hippo

Augustine The City Quotes #477936
#22. Led Zeppelin was pretty much what made me pick up drum sticks.

Jon Fishman

Augustine The City Quotes #451530
#23. Keep one thing in your mind; your school & friends can never teach you properly ,how to be a good husband & father.

Srinivas Shenoy

Augustine The City Quotes #382871
#24. In The City of God Augustine says: "The will, therefore, is then truly free, when it is not the slave of vices and sins. Such was it given us by God; and this being lost by its own fault, can only be restored by Him who was able at first to give it.

R.C. Sproul

Augustine The City Quotes #272964
#25. Thus the quarrel that arose between Remus and Romulus demonstrated the division of the earthly city against itself; while the conflict between Cain and Abel displayed the hostility between the two cities themselves, the City of God and the city of men. Thus

Augustine Of Hippo

Augustine The City Quotes #262356
#26. Augustine in City of God pictures a resurrection in which the bodily systems we no longer need to protect ourselves can use energy to praise God.

Matt Chandler

Augustine The City Quotes #197315
#27. Two loves have made two different cities: self-love hath made a terrestrial city, which rises in contempt of God; and Divine Love hath made a celestial one, which rises in contempt of self. The former glories in itself - the latter in God.

Saint Augustine

Augustine The City Quotes #132895
#28. she prays to feel as powerful
as she might if God sang silent
words into her ear and answered
all the rattling questions

Beth Morey

Augustine The City Quotes #97779

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