Top 15 Aubier Editions Quotes

#1. I prefer writing for myself to perform, I guess. But if I had to choose, I'd rather perform in someone's movie than write a movie for someone else.

Kristen Schaal

Aubier Editions Quotes #32571
#2. You could make some great sounds with technology. That's what recording is all about. What happens in the studio is very magical, and should be, in my opinion.

Tony Visconti

Aubier Editions Quotes #144409
#3. To survive is to win.

Zhang Yimou

Aubier Editions Quotes #190507
#4. If I have any insight at all to contribute it is this: find out what you are really good at and stick to it.

Stephen Jay Gould

Aubier Editions Quotes #496865
#5. In every song I write, whether it's a love song or a political song or a song about family, the one thing that I find is feeling lost and trying to find your way.

Billie Joe Armstrong

Aubier Editions Quotes #498136
#6. Fall in love with someone who truly deserves your heart. Not with someone who plays with it.

Sarah Dessen

Aubier Editions Quotes #729619
#7. There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm

Stella Gibbons

Aubier Editions Quotes #729749
#8. In Western Australia they don't even know how to make that vital piece of sailboating equipment, the gin and tonic.

P. J. O'Rourke

Aubier Editions Quotes #758324
#9. O God, You know me to be set in the midst of great peril. Grant me such strength of mind and body, that those evils which I suffer for my sins I may overcome through Thy assistance. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

S.M. Stirling

Aubier Editions Quotes #778821
#10. You have to fight the green monster with your mind, not your fists.

Matthew Broderick

Aubier Editions Quotes #890638
#11. To purify the heart is the one and only purpose that God has created this human life.

Radhanath Swami

Aubier Editions Quotes #966194
#12. I'm not the kind of guy who's taking advantage of my position.

Paul Walker

Aubier Editions Quotes #1206533
#13. The profit of the one is the profit of the other.

Frederic Bastiat

Aubier Editions Quotes #1318881
#14. New Wave art was the rage of the eighties. Now it's exhibited in oldies-but-goodies museums, usually in black-and-pink frames.

Brad Holland

Aubier Editions Quotes #1403006
#15. I don't like the theatre. I like plays in which the audience is addressed by the actors. I don't like seeing people talking to each other on stage as if there isn't an audience.

Jonathan Meades

Aubier Editions Quotes #1590349

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