Top 10 Assassins Sondheim Quotes

#1. And Oscar would tell the old man his only regret: that he was living the unremarkable life his parents had always expected from him.

Benjamin Wood

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #102655
#2. I think one of my favorite productions ever was Sondheim's 'Assassins' at the Roundabout in 2004. Beyond brilliant.

Robert Lopez

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #252771
#3. I don't think you should ever run from history. You should learn from it and embrace it.

Doc Rivers

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #698057
#4. Being reminded about the incredible power of God's love, and living as He intended, is the most powerful motivation to change.

Rick Warren

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #932108
#5. It takes courage to realize that you are greater than your moods, greater than your thoughts, and that you can control your moods and thoughts.

Stephen Covey

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #1298638
#6. I would never let a white boy beat me. You can print that. I would never lose to a white person.

Bernard Hopkins

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #1298877
#7. You have to see fate as a design, a pattern, and the will as the knife, the blade, the thing slicing through the fabric...

Denis Johnson

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #1411655
#8. Dante to Abby: My God you are going to kill me. Again

Alexandra Ivy

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #1504015
#9. That did not go well," LaValle said when Entreri had left. "It went splendidly!" Pook disagreed.

R.A. Salvatore

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #1573955
#10. If you don't kill all of us all at once, those who remain will not be the weak.
It's the strong who remain, the bent but unbroken, like the iron rods that used to give this concrete its strength.

Rick Yancey

Assassins Sondheim Quotes #1709494

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