Top 8 Anniston Quotes

#1. I'll look through 'Us Weekly' and I'll see a picture of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston. And I'm like, 'Wow, they just ... they look so good. Even if they're like just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, they still look great.'


Anniston Quotes #328290
#2. Some Day Someone is going to pick up this book (The Bible) and believe it, and put us all to shame.

Leonard Ravenhill

Anniston Quotes #89063
#3. Fantasy and science fiction can be literal as well as allegorical and there's nothing wrong with enjoying a monster like a giant squid for what it is, as well as searching for metaphor.

China Mieville

Anniston Quotes #161699
#4. We are supposed to do our fallible, failing best to perceive the other bad people as kin.

Francis Spufford

Anniston Quotes #455978
#5. I'm a lazy, lazy girl.

Christina Ricci

Anniston Quotes #535453
#6. Whatever you think rightly concerning will go well. Whatever you think wrongly concerning, will go ill.

Emmet Fox

Anniston Quotes #670303
#7. Restraint offers a space between intention and action and the opportunity to protect others from actions or reactions that should exist only in your imagination

Stephanie Dowrick

Anniston Quotes #1716813
#8. Disappear, she says. I love that word.

Will Christopher Baer

Anniston Quotes #1858192

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