Top 23 Annals Of History Quotes

#1. May the friends of America rejoice! May her enemies be humbled and her censors silenced at the news of her noble exertions in continuance of those principles which have placed her so high in the annals of history and among the nations of the earth.

Marquis De Lafayette

Annals Of History Quotes #765755
#2. Nowhere inthe annals of history does the record show a people delivered from bondage bypatience alone.

Robert F. Williams

Annals Of History Quotes #1347143
#3. In the annals of history, few men have left a more positive imprint on the world than Pope John Paul II.

Vito Fossella

Annals Of History Quotes #1550752
#4. My men have suffered greatly (from boredom), much blood has been shed (by mosquitoes), and I have swung my ax mightily (chopping firewood). Surely we have earned our place in the annals of history - for never has there been so little war in a war.

Seth Grahame-Smith

Annals Of History Quotes #1642694
#5. You must remember what you are and what you have chosen to become, and the significance of what you are doing. There are wars and defeats and victories of the human race that are not military and that are not recorded in the annals of history. Remember that while you're trying to decide what to do.

John Edward Williams

Annals Of History Quotes #3519
#6. I will do everything in my power to ensure that our United Nations can live up to its name, and be truly united; so that we can live up to the hopes that so many people around the world place in this institution, which is unique in the annals of human history.

Ban Ki-moon

Annals Of History Quotes #1819582
#7. We suffer to get well. We surrender to win. We die to live. We give it away to keep it.

Richard Rohr

Annals Of History Quotes #1810078
#8. I listen to NPR and baseball games when I'm in my car. I mean, exclusively NPR and baseball games, and that's it, as far as the radio.

Juliana Hatfield

Annals Of History Quotes #1670947
#9. All the events which make the annals of the nations are but the shadows of our private experiences.

Henry David Thoreau

Annals Of History Quotes #1606184
#10. I don't even think when I'm walking down the runway. I don't really breathe either.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Annals Of History Quotes #1538825
#11. If the history of England be ever written by one who has the knowledge and the courage,-and both qualities are equally requisite for the undertaking, - the world will be more astonished than when reading the Roman annals by Niebuhr.

Benjamin Disraeli

Annals Of History Quotes #1489748
#12. History does not record in its annals any lasting domination exercised by one people over another, of different race, of diverse usages and customs, of opposite and divergent ideals. One of the two had to yield and succumb.

Jose Rizal

Annals Of History Quotes #1469626
#13. The two words 'information' and 'communication' are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through.

Sydney J. Harris

Annals Of History Quotes #1375298
#14. I always had this idea that you should never give up a happy middle in the hopes of a happy ending, because there is no such thing as a happy ending. Do you know what I mean? There is so much to lose.

John Green

Annals Of History Quotes #1195101
#15. Making every allowance for the errors of the most extreme fallibility, the history of Catholicism would on this hypothesis represent an amount of imposture probably unequaled in the annals of the human race.

William Edward Hartpole Lecky

Annals Of History Quotes #1049091
#16. When I graduated from high school, it was during the Depression and we had no money.

Ray Bradbury

Annals Of History Quotes #1025670
#17. It will take an unprecedented act of courage, on a grand scale. You may have to do something virtually unknown in the annals of human history ... You may have to give up some of your most sacred beliefs ... let me make something clear.

Neale Donald Walsch

Annals Of History Quotes #967697
#18. The study of tavern history often brings to light much evidence of sad domestic changes. Many a cherished and beautiful home, rich in annals of family prosperity and private hospitality, ended its days as a tavern.

Alice Morse Earle

Annals Of History Quotes #916222
#19. Sidious bowed his head in deference. "In the annals of Sith history, you will be known as Plagueis the Wise." Plagueis quirked a cunning smile. "You flatter me.

James Luceno

Annals Of History Quotes #900153
#20. Happy the people whose annals are blank in history books.

Thomas Carlyle

Annals Of History Quotes #861376
#21. I have behind me not only the splendid traditions and the annals of more than a thousand years but the living strength and majesty of the Commonwealth and Empire; of societies old and new; of lands and races different in history and origins but all, by God's Will, united in spirit and in aim.

Queen Elizabeth II

Annals Of History Quotes #815203
#22. History is not the annals; it's what happens around us when we're unaware it's history.

Amit Chaudhuri

Annals Of History Quotes #341486
#23. The secret of success is doing things not merely because they are popular, but because you deeply believe in them.

Goswami Kriyananda

Annals Of History Quotes #73082

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