Top 100 Ann Love Quotes
#1. Love is reckless because true emotions are immune to logic. The most beautiful love stories are often the most tragic.
Jewel E. Ann
#2. Because I love you.' It was easy to say it this time now that I understood what it meant. Then I quoted his own words back to him. 'Not just when it's easy. All the time.
Ann Aguirre
#3. Part of what I love about novels and dogs is that they are so beautifully oblivious to economic concerns. We serve them, and in return they thrive. It's not their responsibility to figure out where the rent is coming from.
Ann Patchett
#4. Tom Cruise isn't that big of a guy," my mom always says. I love how she tries to avoid using the word "short."
Yeah," I tell her in return, "but he compensates by being Tom Cruise."
Not that anyone really wants to BE Tom Cruise anymore now that he's a crazy couch jumper. But whatever.
Ann Edwards Cannon
#5. See yourself as a small child, fragile and vulnerable, and breathe in. Smile with love to this small child within yourself, and breathe out.
Barbara Ann Kipfer
#6. The true Love Dare. To move into His presence and listen to His love unending and know the grace uncontainable. This is the vault of the miracles. The only thing that can change us, the world, is this- all His love.
Ann Voskamp
#7. Maybe, sometimes, it's easier to be mad at the people you trust because you know they'll always love you, no matter what.
Ann Brashares
#8. Carmen: I want you to leave me alone, but not ignore me. I want you to miss me when I go away to college, but not be sad. I want you to stay exactly the same, but not be lonely or alone. I want to do the leaving, and not have you ever leave me.
Ann Brashares
#9. I don't think there are enough stars in the sky to count how many times a day I fall in love with you all over again.
Jewel E. Ann
#10. But liberals love to drape themselves in decades-old glories they had nothing to do with.
Ann Coulter
#11. I want to go where you're going. I'm not scared of dying. I want to stay together and come back together. You said that souls cohere. I want to stay with you.
Ann Brashares
#12. Because I had already resolved that if you're afraid of love, your heart will break anyway, only in not half so nice a fashion as it does when you let somebody love you.
Ann Rinaldi
#13. Slay the idol of the seen, break the idols of performance, and believe the state of my house doesn't reflect the state of my soul...it's the priorities unseen - the prayers, the relationships, the love while doing the work - that hold the meaning, the merit.
Ann Voskamp
#14. Think of it! We could have gone on longing for one another and pretending not to notice forever. This obsession with dignity can ruin your life if you let it.
Mary Ann Shaffer
#15. There was no time for kissing but she wanted him to know that in the future there would be. A kiss in so much loneliness was like a hand pulling you up out of the water, scooping you up from a place of drowning and into the reckless abundance of air. A kiss, another kiss.
Ann Patchett
#16. Hugs usually mean more than just a hug.
Becca Ann
#17. Some writers hate to go to trials, but I love trials.
Ann Rule
#18. I thought you had forgotten me."
"I have spent my life remembering you.
Meredith Ann Pierce
#19. this is all you have, I pity you. Your ploys may have hurt the man I love, but that is not all that I have. Even if you succeed in placing these ballrooms beyond my reach, you will never ruin
Kristi Ann Hunter
#20. There is an unspoken feminist layer to Katana. She's an aggressive modern woman with traditional Japanese roots. She was in love with her sword because she believed it contained her husband.
Ann Nocenti
#21. It was probably good you couldn't flip the love switch because sometimes it was what you needed even if you didn't want it.
Ann Brashares
#22. For the hundredth time, the little voice in my head asked, "What makes you think a woman like you deserves love?" I didn't. But the fact remained, I wanted it. Since
Lora Ann
#23. Sometimes giving up something shows more love than trying to hold onto it.
Ann H. Gabhart
#24. I love the fact that there are also women out there that don't have a choice and they must go to work and they still have to raise the kids. Thank goodness that we value those people too.
Ann Romney
#25. I can feel you, Willows whispered. Tears fell to down her cheeks, and he kissed her softly on the lips, pouring all his love into that one kiss.
Carrie Ann Ryan
#26. I did best when I had least truth for my subjects.
John Donne
#27. In the vastness of space and the immensity of time, it is my joy to share a planet and an epoch with Annie.
[Dedication to Sagan's wife, Ann Druyan, in Cosmos]
Carl Sagan
#28. Sex could be a blissful communion,. But it could also be a weapon, and its absence, sometimes, was required for the establishment of peace.
Ann Brashares
#29. Such is the inconsistency of real love, that it is always awake to suspicion, however unreasonable; always requiring new assurances from the object of its interest.
Ann Radcliffe
#30. Liberals Love America Like O.J. Loved Nicole
Ann Coulter
#31. I love that blurry place where life's transitions are made without you even knowing it.
Ann Brashares
#32. I did love her. I've loved her from the first time I saw her.
Ann Brashares
#33. All fear is but the notion that God's love ends.
Ann Voskamp
#34. I'm an idiot, she's trouble, and together we're ... deranged!
Jewel E. Ann
#35. I liked the air I was breathing, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my head," I assured him with a giggle. "Will you kiss me again?" I flirted sweetly.
Deborah Ann
#36. He was in love, and never had he felt such kindness towards another person.
Ann Patchett
#37. Child, think not of those things, those dark possibilities. Your father and brothers are here with you today. Lavain will tug at your braids, Tirry will sing you songs, and your father will see his wife's beauty in you. Savor their love today. And it will never leave you.
Lisa Ann Sandell
#38. Love demands everything, they say, but my love demands only this: that no matter what happens or how long it takes, you'll keep faith in me, you'll remember who we are, and you'll never feel despair.
Ann Brashares
#39. Everything about the man screamed danger, so, of course, I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Confidence radiated off of him in waves. I was immediately reminded of how you could tell a man made love by the way he danced.
Lora Ann
#40. In the future, he will try to say her name enough, but he never can.
Ann Patchett
#41. And for the past 10 years I've been in a real commercial setting where people are all about numbers, they're all about that bottom line. So it's nice to step out of that and hang out with a bunch of people who play music just because they love it, as you can imagine.
Lee Ann Womack
#42. His smile is too beautiful for his world, and I am dying of love.
Ann Aguirre
#43. Even when everything hurts, even when other cities are exploding and people we love are disappearing, there's still space for sweet things.
Corey Ann Haydu
#44. The only language she could speak was grief. How could he not know that?
Instead, she said, "I love you." She did. She loved him. But even that didn't feel like anything anymore.
Ann Hood
#45. If I can't love you, then I'm just going to love everything about you.
Jewel E. Ann
#46. He tricked himself into thinking that she would look into his eyes and remember, that love would conquer all.
Ann Brashares
#47. This is, of course, the privilege of love, to bear witness to a strong man's grief over the little sister he could never save, as much as he has tried to, with every moment of life.
Mary Ann Rivers
#48. I understood how we long to believe in goodness, especially in the person we promised to love and honor. It isn't just about them, it is how we want to see ourselves. It says that we are good people, patient and kind.
Ann Patchett
#49. I. Love. You. Period. It's a goddamn soul-shattering love that will never ever be matched. My love for you is unapologetic and forever.
Jewel E. Ann
#50. They agreed, however, that they could wish them only as much joy as they had together, refusing to be dislodged from their position as the happiest couple in the world, by anyone.
Rebecca Ann Collins
#51. The accidents of life separate us from our dearest friends, but let us not despair. God is like a looking glass in which souls see each other. The more we are united to Him by love, the nearer we are to those who belong to Him.
Elizabeth Ann Seton
#52. Hit ain't sacrilege. Miss Effie Belle says when she cain't think what to have for dinner, she asts God and right off He gives her an idea. To my thinkin', thet's sacrilege."
Miss Love really laughed. "There's not a woman in the world who hasn't prayed what to cook for dinner, Rucker!
Olive Ann Burns
#53. I know you are always finding ways to love me in spite of how horrible I am, I hope I haven't run out of chances.
Ann Brashares
#54. I thought I was in love (that's the pathetic part - my idea of being in love).
Mary Ann Shaffer
#55. His power over her was limited, because she didn't love him.
Ann Brashares
#57. I'm uncontrollably in love with Vivian. In such a short amount of time she's infiltrated my thoughts, cast a spell over my body, and wormed her way into the deepest part of my heart. A day without her would feel like a lifetime without breath, an eternity without light.
Jewel E. Ann
#58. Love comes softly, it cannot be forced ... cannot bear the weight of our expectations. Love always comes in the surrender - in the falling.
Ann Voskamp
#59. So, what's up with you and Damian?" Helena asks.
"What do you mean?" I can feel the hear of a blush coloring on my cheeks. I can't ever seem to not show how I feel. It's becoming pretty annoying.
Lisa Ann Sandell
#60. Finally, sweet finally, he was inside her to the hilt.
"I need a second," he ground out, his body pulsing.
"You're really freaking big, Quinn," she panted. "Move. Please, for the love of the goddess, move."
He grinned before kissing her. "You say such sweet things.
Carrie Ann Ryan
#61. You just have to let people love you in the way they can
Ann Brashares
#62. The romance genre is the only genre where readers are guaranteed novels that place the heroine at the heart of the story. These are books that celebrate women's heroic virtues and values: courage, honor, determination and a belief in the healing power of love.
Jayne Ann Krentz
#63. However, he never understood why anyone would want to separate science, which is just a way of searching for what is true, from what we hold sacred, which are those truths that inspire love and awe.
Ann Druyan
#64. Everything you ever had, everything you ever lost. It's all there in the trumpet
pain and hate and trouble and peace and quiet and love.
Ann Petry
#65. When you feel someone else's pain and joy as powerfully as if it were your own, then you know you really loved them.
Ann Brashares
#66. Let the power come. Let ecstasy erupt. Allow your heart to expand and overflow with adoration for this magnificent creation and for the love, wisdom and power that birthed it all. Rapture is needed now - rapture, reverence and grace.
Ann Mortifee
#67. I told him, though, that he better be good to you. When you came along, I said I'd share you, but I told him to remember that you're my sister. I loved you first. (Riley to her sister Alice about Paul)
Ann Brashares
#68. This face. I could love this face. And everything about the guy that goes along with it." - Nadia, Chapter Eight
Ann Aguirre
#69. Love is like light and there are two kinds, the bursting fireworks of the moment and the solid, fixed stars that sometimes become obscured in the heavens, but are always there, year after year, for a lifetime.
Ann Rinaldi
#70. He knew her, and she knew him. He had no idea if the images he saw came from past or future, or both, but he knew her. Their souls were bound, had always been bound, and always would be. They were two with one soul between them, perfectly joined, perfectly fitted.
Ann Marston
#71. You don't have to love somebody to miss them. You get used to having them around, like a cat or a bird.
Ann Rinaldi
#72. The two sisters were connected by neither love nor mutual affinity but by a very small bathroom that could be entered from the bedroom on either side.
Ann Patchett
#73. Marina Singh: "You went to Radcliffe."
Annick Swenson: "I didn't love it.
Ann Patchett
#74. The two of us praying like this to the Black Madonna Sudenly washes over me, and I'm filled with love for my mother. The best gift she has give me is the constancy of her belief. Whatever I become, she loves me. To her, I am enough.
Ann Kidd Taylor
#75. But over time people break apart, no matter how enormous the love they feel for one another is, and it is through the breaking and the reconciliation, the love and the doubting of love, the judgment and then the coming together again, that we find our own identity and define our relationships.
Ann Patchett
#76. Sometimes love does not have the most honorable beginnings, and the endings, the endings will break you in half. It's everything in between we live for. - Ann Patchett, from the essay The Sense of an Ending
Megan Hart
#77. She was sad about what happened to Kostos. And someplace under that, she was sad that people like Bee and Kostos, who had lost everything, were still open to love, and she, who'd lost nothing, was not.
Ann Brashares
#78. Live, laugh, love.
When you can feel someone else's pain and joy as if it's your own, thats when you know you really love them - Tina Lowell
Ann Brashares
#79. I think that she is everything I have ever loved about our religion distilled down to fit into one person, everything about the faith that is both selfless and responsible.
Ann Patchett
#80. The love of talk distracts all the powers of our soul from God, and fills them with earthly objects and impressions, like a vessel of water that cannot be settled while you are continualy stirring the earthly particles from the bottom.
Elizabeth Ann Seton
#81. Whenever did love have anything to do with deserving?
Ann Herendeen
#82. I thought you were adorable. So full of love for books, head bursting with knowledge. It was quite endearing, really.
Julie Ann Walker
#84. I think that what influences us in literature comes less from what we love and more from what we happen to pick up in moments when we are especially open.
Ann Patchett
#85. But the truth is, the longer you love the same person, the more mysterious they become.
Ann Aguirre
#86. The kind of love that offers its life so easily, so stupidly, is always the love that is not returned.
Ann Patchett
#87. At the time I thought this was my big chance for love, that I was going something very romantic and important, but looking back on it now, it all seems part of a very simple equation: I left the house where I lived with someone who loved me to go to the house of someone who did not love me at all.
Ann Patchett
#88. Be you and only you, which means be you and all the people you have loved ...
Dean Koontz
#89. If love means that one person absorbs the other, then no real relationship exists any more. Love evaporates; there is nothing left to love. The integrity of self is gone.
Ann Oakley
#90. When love and anger collide, it rains down a flood of heartache.
Jewel E. Ann
#91. I would need ... daisy love, you know, pretty love, sweet love that nonetheless was ubiquitous in roadside ditches in the summertime, and instead I would get orchid love. Love that needed misting and replanting and pruning and fertilizing and died anyway.
Mary Ann Rivers
#92. There are different kinds of love, Sarah. I feel one kind of love for your father. A special kind. Another kind for Warren. And still a different kind for you children.' She smiled at me. 'Heaven rue the day we can't feel love for one another. I wouldn't want to live in such a world, would you?
Ann Rinaldi
#93. I've loved you all along. I just changed my about admitting it to myself and letting you love me.
Julie Ann Walker
#94. There are some people who fall in love over and over.
Ann Brashares
#95. I think this man realized how important it is for you to love yourself, to find your self-worth. Those who truly love you don't just stop when you hurt them." Keeley's
Lora Ann
#96. I resolved, then, deep in my soul never to let him go. I'd be the one never to leave him. I'd prove to him that some things could be for always- that we could be.
Ann Aguirre
#97. Austin cupped her face then sighed. "I'm so glad you came into the shop that morning."
"You were an asshole, but I love you anyway."
"Legs, I'm still an asshole, but I love you too.
Carrie Ann Ryan
#98. Romantic love is over-rated but that's what we want in life, someone who love us in a romantic way.
Ann Marie Aguilar
#99. If you don't hate Clinton and the people who labored to keep him in office, you don't love your country.
Ann Coulter
#100. I can tell you and promise you that I've had struggles in my life. And I would love to have people understand that Mitt and I have compassion for people that are struggling.
Ann Romney
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