Top 37 Ana Grey Quotes

#1. You can fuck me seven shades of sunday this evening. - Ana Grey

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1783145
#2. It's a little blip. There's a tiny little blip in my belly. Tiny. Wow. I forget my discomfort as I stare dumbfounded at the blip ... The little blip is a baby. A real honest to goodness baby. Christian's baby. My baby. Holy cow. A baby! - Ana Grey

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #746510
#3. To: Christian Grey
You've made me cry again.
I love the iPad.
I love the songs.
I love the British Library App.
I love you.
Ana xx

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1033367
#4. Of course I do. I love you touching me, Ana. I'm like a starving man at a banquet when it comes to your touch.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1806778
#5. Don't cry, Ana, please," he murmurs against my mouth. "It was long ago. I am aching for you to touch me, but I just can't bear it. It's too much. Please, please don't cry.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1070345
#6. We didn't-?" I whisper, my mouth drying in mortified horror as I can't complete the question. I stare at my hands.
"Anastasia, you were comatose. Necrophilia is not my thing. I like my women sentient and receptive," he says dryly.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1096986
#7. Where else would I be? I want to be wherever you are, Ana. Being here makes me think of how far we've come. And the night that was. I watched you fro hours. You were just ... yar, he breathes. I smile against his chest.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1211296
#8. Completely committed to adapting 'Fifty Shades of Grey'. This is not a joke. Christian Grey and Ana: potentially great cinematic characters.

Bret Easton Ellis

Ana Grey Quotes #1236598
#9. This is all I know, too. Perhaps together we can chart a new course.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1284891
#10. Do you trust me Ana?"
Ana! "Yes,I do."I respond spontaneously, not thinking ... because it's true-I do trust him.
"Well,then"he looks relieved. "The rest of this stuff is just details"
"important details

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1350745
#11. Ana, honey, you've always had a tendency to overanalyse everything. Go with your gut.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1372958
#12. Sometimes there is no budging the distance between what we imagine we are prepared for and what we must discover on our own.

Inara Verzemnieks

Ana Grey Quotes #1380222
#13. And the baby?" The words are anguished, breathless.
"The baby's fine, Mr. Grey."
"Oh, thank God." The words are litany ... a prayer, "Oh, thank God.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1387177
#14. The notes are right, but if I listened they would be wrong.

Eugene Ormandy

Ana Grey Quotes #1572748
#15. Peter didn't want to change the world: he wanted to fully comprehend it.

David James Duncan

Ana Grey Quotes #1599135
#16. You are one brave woman," he whispers, "I am in awe of you.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1612577
#17. Coveralls," I reply, and I know I'm no longer screening what's coming out of my mouth.
He raises a eyebrow, amused yet again.
"You wouldn't want to ruin your clothing." I gesture vaguely in the direction of his jeans.
"I could always take them off." He smirks.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1645634
#18. From: Christian Grey
Subject: &*%$&*&*
Date: August 23 2011 11:23
To: Anastasia Grey
Believe me when I say there are a great many things he'd like to do to your ass right now. Firing you is not one of them.
Christian Grey
CEO & Ass man, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #1707805
#19. Why is it anytime somethin's different, it's automatically wrong? That single principle has caused more suffering and tragedy than any other in the history of the world. Our actions make is good or evil, Ana. Nothin more. Nothin' less. (Grey Eyes, Forever Trilogy Part One)

Brandon Alston

Ana Grey Quotes #1750988
#20. His skin like grey bark, his eyes pale as a winter pool, time and age had worn my father to the bone. In our youth, he'd been a strict master lording over my lessons while tender with the flower of his heart, my sister Anabine. Ana, the lovely, blooming jewel. Zyndel, she of clever wit.

Jamie Wyman

Ana Grey Quotes #236687
#21. You've brushed your teeth," He says, staring at me.
"I used your toothbrush."
His lips quirk up in a half smile. "Oh Anastasia Steele, what am I going to do with you?

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #15796
#22. How much farther does anguish penetrate in psychology than psychology itself!

Marcel Proust

Ana Grey Quotes #85769
#23. You're not celibate, then?" I breathe.
Amusement lights up his eyes.
"No, Anastasia, I'm not celibate.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #95617
#24. If he touches me, I will succumb. I know the power he wields over me and my traitorous body. I know.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #128955
#25. It's because I'm pregnant, Christian."
He snorts, and his mouth twists into an ironic smile. "If I knew getting you knocked up was going to make you eat, I might have done it earlier.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #153644
#26. I feel the color in my cheeks rising again. I must be the color of The Communist Manifesto.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #188310
#27. Bravery and Stupidity are the same thing, the outcome determines your label.

Hayden Sixx

Ana Grey Quotes #220432
#28. This would be a perfect day if Ray were here with us, but he's not far away. He's doing well, and I know he'd like to enjoy yourself, Ana. To all of you, thank you for coming to share my beautiful wife's birthday, the first of many to come. Happy birthday, my love. - Christian Grey

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #225961
#29. Be glad that I'm not a horror writer, some people write about it, other make images... but third just create it??? As for me, I have create it from horror up to nightmares!

Deyth Banger

Ana Grey Quotes #990637
#30. We knew, and to see her there like that with you-and armed. I think I died a thousand deaths, Ana.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #291645
#31. No ... Ana. Don't go.
"Good-bye, Christian."
"Ana ... good-bye."
The doors close, and she's gone.
I sink slowly to the floor and put my head in my hands. The void is now cavernous and aching, overwhelming me.
Grey, what the hell have you done?!

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #441707
#32. Paul's wanting does not hinge on anything other than the fact of me. This is an excellent trait in a man.

Elisa Albert

Ana Grey Quotes #444276
#33. Every flower blooms in its own time.

Ken Petti

Ana Grey Quotes #488481
#34. You see, Ana men think that anything that comes out of a woman's mouth is a problem to be solved. Not some vague idea that we'd like to kick around and talk about for a while and then forget. Men prefer action.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #500069
#35. The fuller your bladder, the more intense your orgasm, Ana.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #652325
#36. I hate fighting with you," he whispers.
"Well, stop being such an arse."
He chuckles and the captivating sound reverberates through his chest. He tightens his hold on me. "Arse?"
"I prefer arse."
"You should. It suits you.

E.L. James

Ana Grey Quotes #728257
#37. Never having been in love, this is going to be a real trick. I think of my parents. The way my father never failed to bring her gifts from the woods. The way my mother's face would light up at the sound of his boots at the door. The way she almost stopped living when he died.

Suzanne Collins

Ana Grey Quotes #821172

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