Top 100 Amit Quotes
#1. You are the Golden Witnessing Screen. Meditation is the effortless effort to keep that screen clean, clear and perfect. - Sri Amit Ray
Amit Ray
#2. History was what had happened; class was something you read about in a book.
Amit Chaudhuri
#3. A seed cannot grow in stone. It requires fertile soil, air, water, and sunlight. Compassion is like the fertile soil where life grows.
Amit Ray
#4. You are a cosmic flower. Om chanting is the process of opening the psychic petals of that flower.
Amit Ray
#5. People who kill time are themselves not alive.
Amit Abraham
#6. First time success is not the assurance for second time success.
Amit Kalantri
#7. The formula of life is simple. It is the formula of giving - giving courage, attention, peace, love and comfort to yourself and the society.
Amit Ray
#8. Spirituality exist in testing and experiencing the depth of inner peace consistently.
Amit Ray
#9. The two great movers of the human mind are the desire of good and the fear of evil.
Amit Abraham
#10. Brahman is the ultimate reality; it is simultaneously Saguna and Nirguna; divisions are due to ignorance. Mind and intellect can never catch hold of it; they have only one option and that is to merge with it.
Amit Ray
#12. You may delay your ambition, but never forget your ambition.
Amit Kalantri
#13. When it comes to fighting for your rights don't fold hands but turn them into fists.
Amit Abraham
#14. For me, my targets are more important than my happiness and that is the secret of my happiness.
Amit Kalantri
#15. How little we knew each other, though for centuries our homes had shared walls. How little we will learn, now that all we share is a border.
Amit Majmudar
#16. Earth rejoices our words, breathing and peaceful steps. Let every breath, every word and every step make the mother earth proud of us.
Amit Ray
#18. Dear billion dollar eyes they are a paupers dream
Amit Abraham
#20. In a bull market, everyone becomes an expert! In a bear market, everyone becomes wise!
Amit Trivedi
#21. The secret of concentration is to shut down the other windows.
Amit Ray
#23. Joy is found when you focus your energy on improving human dignity, human capacity and human values.
Amit Ray
#24. Random acts of kindness, however small it may be can transform the world.
Amit Ray
#25. Write it on your heart you are the most beautiful soul of the Universe. Realize it, honor it and celebrate the life.
Amit Ray
#26. Fill the canvas of life with the colors of peace bliss beauty and love.
Amit Ray
#27. Leaders are passionate about the Purpose, while Managers need to be passionate about the Results!
Amit Chatterjee
#28. We generally look around for what is not there fretting over it and thus letting go of what is there.
Amit Abraham
#30. Don't be carried away by the current of the situation. Focus on the essentials, take action on the best alternative are the ways of shifting from reactive to proactive mindset.
Amit Ray
#31. Man is smart - If money would have grown on trees, we would have used green leaves as money.
Amit Kalantri
#32. Science is observing truth in the light of head. Religion is observing truth in the light of heart. Humanity is using both the lights. And education is developing that humanity.
Amit Ray
#33. One never fails until they fail at trying to succeed.
Amit Abraham
#34. Stay on the ground because ultimately every one goes up.
Amit Abraham
#35. There is more competition to achieve a job, but very less competition to achieve the glory.
Amit Kalantri
#36. You are the perfect creation of God. Don't allow you to be down. God is experiencing through you.
Amit Ray
#37. sometimes strengers put a cute smile on our face
Amit Kumar
#38. After I die if I am buried I will rot. If I am burnt I will become ash but if my body is donated I will live to give life and happiness to many."
"Live life after death - pledge to donate your body.
Amit Abraham
#39. Divinity is accident of nature, magic is the work of an art.
Amit Kalantri
#40. Mostly humanity lives with its consciousness asleep blowing like a leaf in the winds of unawareness.
Amit Ray
#41. Unless and until you give happiness to others you truly cannot be happy.
Amit Abraham
#42. Understanding comes with compassion and compassion comes with truthfulness
Amit Abraham
#43. Just trusting the soul cannot lead you to higher consciousness. You have to pay attention for the beautification of your heart.
Amit Ray
#44. People desire for spices in their life I want some sugar.
Amit Abraham
#45. If you can, dance on the edge play with the chaos, uncertainty, and new possibilities.
Amit Ray
#46. The most difficult thing about writing; is writing the first line.
Amit Kalantri
#47. Most of the people don't see a big success in life, because small successes ignites ego issues in them.
Amit Kalantri
#48. Love is the theme of all religions but making it commercial is satanic.
Amit Abraham
#51. I write poems like some people sing in the bathroom.
Amit Bhatia
#52. In India, it's hard not to have Gandhi as a hero. To give up everything - including power and money - and to live for his countrymen, that beats everything else. He's a role model of selflessness.
Amit Bhatia
#53. Internationalism' is a way of reading, and not a demography of readership.
Amit Chaudhuri
#54. Line of control should be a garden, a place of art and cultural festival.
Amit Ray
#55. To realize the truth, you have to cross the boundaries of all religions and prophets.
Amit Ray
#56. The blinking of eyes is an involuntary reflex action, provided they eyes are not watching your beauty.
Amit Kalantri
#57. The job of the united nations is to grow more flowers on the earth.
Amit Ray
#58. Honesty has become the second best policy with your spouse ... discretions apply elsewhere
Amit Abraham
#59. Nonviolence aims at doing no harm to living being. Compassion aims at doing good to all being.
Amit Ray
#60. Consciousness comes first; it is the ground of all being. Everything else, including matter, is a possibility of consciousness. And consciousness chooses out of these possibilities all the events we experience.
Amit Goswami
#61. Drop the fear. What you fear most, can be a repeated theme in your life.
Amit Ray
#62. Formal education teaches how to stand, but to see the rainbow you must come out and walk many steps on your own.
Amit Ray
#63. Don't believe in anyone other than yourself - every other will start believing in you.
Amit Abraham
#64. A magician with decreasing practice sessions will give defective performances.
Amit Kalantri
#65. Do anything that you want to do other than what you are required to do ... success will surely go to others.
Amit Abraham
#66. Everything is going to be fine now because heroes are here.
Amit Kalantri
#67. There is nothing more secure in a relationship than a sense of insecurity.
Amit Abraham
#68. Mathematics and poetry are the two ways to drink the beauty of truth.
Amit Ray
#69. The Child is the Alpha and the Omega of a parent's happiness.
Amit Abraham
#70. Yoga is an exact science in the form of poetry when we measure the flow of neurotransmitters in the brain.
Amit Ray
#71. Listening is the key. The whole objective of a howl is to be heard.
Amit Pandey
#72. In essence, leadership is the sense of calling to a higher purpose.
Amit Ray
#73. My father-in-law and I always had great interest in Indian sport. At the Athens Olympics, watching the wrestling event, we started discussing the state of Indian sport - inadequate representation, lack of satisfactory results etc. We thought we should do something about it.
Amit Bhatia
#74. Sign board outside my office - NO ADMISSION FOR ADMISSION
Amit Abraham
#76. I am a mathematician and I can confidently say that the best figure ever produced is your phone number.
Amit Kalantri
#77. The last love is the most lasting of loves
Amit Abraham
#78. Mindfulness removes the emotional fogs of negative thoughts with the light of awareness.
Amit Ray
#79. Mystical bliss, joy and rapture arises when you realize the inner Sun.
Amit Ray
#80. The value of an artist is more because of his originality than his skill.
Amit Kalantri
#81. Long distance relationships through mobile communication generally becomes poor because of the weak signals and ends up due to jammed networks
Amit Abraham
#82. Breath is the finest gift of nature. Be grateful for this wonderful gift.
Amit Ray
#83. Love yourself and that is all the love you need.
Amit Abraham
#84. There is a God part in you. The consciousness. The pure Self. Learn to listen the voice of that Power.
Amit Ray
#85. We get so caught up weeding the yard that we completely miss the tulips that nature gives us for a few precious weeks. We postpone joy.
Amit Sood
#86. Heroes are higher than their vulnerability that is why they are heroes.
Amit Kalantri
#87. There is a rose in every heart. Enlightenment is recognizing that rose.
Amit Ray
#89. Meditation works in many layers. It works in our genes, in our DNA
Amit Ray
#90. Every day is a good day and every moment is an auspicious moment.
Amit Ray
#91. Om (AUM) is the truth of all truths, the light of all lights and the destroyer of all illusions.
Amit Ray
#92. Not what hatches out is the face to the world.
Amit Abraham
#93. Magic is the stunning art of surprising your audience, so that nothing else surprises them.
Amit Kalantri
#94. Unhappiness is the resultant of what you desire and happiness of what you don't.
Amit Abraham
#95. I ... take a selfie with him; two, to be safe. My lips are parted, as if I'm poking a dead thing to see if it'll come to life; it's the phone I'm attempting to keep at a distance. He's smiling faintly, as if amuse by some exotic piece of wildlife.
Amit Chaudhuri
#96. Shared Happiness gives real Happiness
Amit Gupta
#97. Mindfulness gives us the power to understand our deep connection with the trees, flowers, stars, sun and the moon.
Amit Ray
#98. Heroism of your father doesn't make you a hero, heroism of you doesn't make your son a hero.
Amit Kalantri
#99. Peace is the music of every soul. Our glory lies in understanding, listening and honoring that music
Amit Ray
#100. Someone needs to fight,someone needs to sacrifice, someone needs to inspire, someone needs to be a hero.
Amit Kalantri
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