Top 10 Amissa Metcalf Quotes

#1. Nowadays, there's a lot more that comes before music, that I need to take care of before I can sit down and play, and be a contributing member of a band or society. I have to take care of myself and my recovery, and then my family, and then my music.

Patty Schemel

Amissa Metcalf Quotes #42521
#2. It is the hero alone, not the coward, who has liberation within his easy reach.

Swami Vivekananda

Amissa Metcalf Quotes #202268
#3. The ability to fight isn't a one-size fits all; everybody is different.

Melissa McBride

Amissa Metcalf Quotes #283699
#4. To lose your temper is only useful once a year.

Colin R. Davis

Amissa Metcalf Quotes #716679
#5. I think just knowing you're married and having that in the back of your mind all the time - it sounds official, but it doesn't really feel any different. We don't do anything differently than we did before.

Blake Shelton

Amissa Metcalf Quotes #748737
#6. He launched into the color-tsunami of Prokofiev's fourth piano sonata. It soon carried him onto a distant shore where the only thing broken was the silence.

B.V. Lawson

Amissa Metcalf Quotes #804603
#7. Just keep her away from bookstores, if you can."
Thanks, Grayson. That helps.
Apparently whoever said, "no harm ever came from reading a book," hadn't met this girl.

Jena Leigh

Amissa Metcalf Quotes #1253635
#8. Innocence is the one thing you can't re-create, can only parody.

Andrew Smith

Amissa Metcalf Quotes #1382548
#9. Music gave me something that was not only good for me - it gave me something to work on, something to be proud of and something that I really loved and have a love for - but also music was good for other people because you put joy into the world.


Amissa Metcalf Quotes #1512767
#10. What an absurd torture for the artist to know that an audience identifies him with a work that, within himself, he has moved beyond and that was merely a game played with something in which he does not believe.

Thomas Mann

Amissa Metcalf Quotes #1803649

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